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The new Hubert D’Rosario Missionary Aspirantate (Don Bosco Centre), Sirajuli has just completed three years of its existence. It was inaugurated in November 2011 by the then Mission Councilor, Rev. Fr. Klement Vaclav, in the presence of Fr. Maria Kanaga, the Regional Superior for India and Sri Lanka. Since its inception, it has seen gradual phase of development. However, with the help of our friends and benefactors, the works continue to progress. Though we do not have all the infrastructure in place, nonetheless, we forge ahead with the work of formation of these Aspirants and Pre-novices, the future of our congregation.

Playgrounds play an important role in the all round development of youngsters. Much more so in the lives of these Aspirants and Pre-novices who are desiring to be Salesians and go to the missions as Salesian missionaries. One of the urgent needs of the community was to have a good football playground. We had turned a low-lying paddy field into a football playground. However, during the rainy season, the entire playground gets flooded. When the boys play in the water (often they do), they get ringworms and other skin-diseases! There are also no outlets for the water to be drained out. Hence, the urgent need to earth-fill the playground. With this, we will have a good football playground for the community.

The playground also serves our neighbourhood. We have boys and girls coming for tuition classes during the course of the year and coaching classes before the state examinations. These youngsters also make use of our grounds. In the future, we will have multiple use of the ground for the community, for the neighbourhood and occasionally for our neighbouring schools. Besides the normal games, all sports’-related activities can be had in the new ground. In the final count, it is going to benefit all the youngsters of the area.

We would like to place on record our heartfelt gratitude to our friends and benefactors for their generous assistance in earth filling whereby the level of the playground is raised higher. We pray for them and for their families.

Fr. Joseph Almeida, SDB
