

REGION: East Asia Oceania (established in 2002) updated April 2020
Website Est Asia Oceania www.bosco.link
Number of Countries 23
Number of Provinces 8 Provinces
4 Vice-Provinces
5 Delegations
Number of Confreres 1450
Number of Novices 52 (December 2019)
Number of Bishops 13 (2 retired)
Regional Councillor Fr. Nguyen Thinh Phuoc Joseph
Telephone: +84 98787 1872 (WhatsApp)
E-Mail: cansinhphuoc@gmail.com

EAO 2017 January.jpg

EAO 2018

EAO 2018 stats.jpg

AUL: Australia, Fiji, New Zealand, Samoa (4 Countries) 
Name of the Province Mary Help of Christians
Since 1958
Address of Provincial See

Salesians of Don Bosco, Province Centre
Ascot Vale Vic 3032,


Telephone (+61) 3 9377 6000
E-Mail sdbaul@salesians.org.au
Web Site www.salesians.org.au
Number of Confreres 11 (temp), 84 (perp), 95 (tot)
Number of Novices 5
Number of Bishops 1
Number of Houses 16

Provincial Superior

Fr. William Matthews

Pacific Delegation (Superior)

Fr. Petelo Vito Pau

CIN: China-Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan (3 Countries) 
Name of the Province Mary Help of Christians
Since 1926
Address of Provincial See Salesian Provincial Office
69-B Pokfulan Road
Hongkong, China
Telephone (+852) 2546 1154, (+852) 2547 5838 prov.
Fax (+852) 2559 5734
E-Mail sdbcina@netvigator.com
Web Site www.sdb.org.hk
Number of Confreres 12 (temp), 97 (perp), 109 (tot)
Number of Novices -
Number of Bishops 2
Number of Houses 15
Provincial Superior Fr. NG Joseph


FIN: Philippines North, Malaysia) 
Name of the Province St. John Bosco
Since 1963
Address of Provincial See Salesians of Fr. Bosco Provincial Office
P.O. Box 2420 MCPO
1264   Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Telephone (+63) 2 893 82 27, (+63) 2 893 8916 prov.
Fax (+63) 2-893.89.18
E-Mail sdbfin@donbosco.net
Web Site


Number of Confreres 30 (temp), 179 (perp), 209 (tot)
Number of Novices 1
Number of Bishops 1
Number of Houses 34
Provincial Superior Fr. MARTIN Gerry (Gerardo)


FIS: Philippines South, Pakistan (2 Countries) 
Name of the Province  Mary Help of Christians
Since 1992
Address of Provincial See Fr. Bosco Provincialate
P.O. Box 267
6000   Cebu City, Philippines
Telephone 63-917 720 9006
Fax (+63) 32-346.29.44
E-Mail godofredosdb1108@gmail.com
Web Site http://dbfis.org/
Number of Confreres 30 (temp), 82 (perp), 112 (tot)
Number of Novices 3
Number of Bishops  2
Number of Houses 17
Provincial Superior Fr. ATIENZA Godofredo
Pakistan Delegation Superior Fr. MAGLASANG Eugene


GIA: Japan (1 Country) 
Name of the Province St. Francis Xavier
Since 1935 (1926)
Address of Provincial See Salesian Provincial House
Shijinjuku-ku Wakaba 1-22-12
Tokyo, Japan
Telephone 81-80 3452 2680
Fax (+81)3 3353 7190
E-Mail segrgia@donboscojp.org 
Web Site salesians.jp
Number of Confreres 9 (temp), 83 (perp), 92 (tot)
Number of Novices -
Number of Bishops -
Number of Houses 14
Provincial Superior Fr. HAMAGUCHI Jacob


INA: Indonesia (1 Country) 
Name of the Province St. Aloysius Versiglia
Since 2018
Address of Provincial See Vice Province Office
Wisma Salesian Don Bosco
Jl. Mandor Iren N.5 Sunter Jaya
Telephone (+62) 812 1108 5601
E-Mail awongsdb@gmail.com
Web Site http://sdb.or.id
Number of Confreres 41 temp (31 perp) - tot 72 SDB
Number of Novices -
Number of Bishops 1
Number of Houses 7
Provincial Superior Fr. WONG Andrew

KOR: Korea (1 Country) 
Name of the Province Saint Korean Martyrs
Since 1984 (1972)
Address of Provincial See Salesian Provincial Office
Shin Kil 6 Dong 4491, Young Deung Po Ku
150-860   Seoul, South Korea
Telephone (+82) 2 828 3500
E-Mail korea@sdb.kr
Web Site http://www.ibosco.net
Number of Confreres 23 (temp), 95 (perp), 118 (tot)
Number of Novices 3 (2019. January)
Number of Bishops 0
Number of Houses 13
Provincial Superior Fr. Timothy CHOI Won Cheol


MYM: Myanmar (1 Country) 
Name of the Province Mary Help of Christians
Since 2004
Address of Provincial See

Provincial House,

Salesians of Don Bosco, Anisakan

Telephone (095) 
Fax (095) 1-527.198
E-Mail sdb.sawcharles@gmail.com
Web Site http://www.sdbmym.org
Number of Confreres 42 (temp), 42 (perp), 84 (tot)
Number of Novices -
Number of Bishops 1
Number of Houses 8
Provincial Superior Fr. SAW THI HAN LWIN Charles


PGS: Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands (2 Countries) 
Name of the Province  Blessed Philip Rinaldi
Since  2016
Address of Provincial See  East Boroko, Port Moresby, PNG
E-Mail pgs.provsec@gmail.com
Web Site http://dbpgs.org 
Number of Confreres 39
Number of Novices 2
Number of Bishops                                    3
Number of Houses 10
Provincial Superior Fr Gregorio BICOMONG, Jr


THA: Thailand, Cambodia, Laos (3 Countries) 
Name of the Province St. Paul
Since 1937
Address of Provincial See

Salesian Provincial Office
32 Krungthep Kritha Rd., Hua Mark
10240   Huamark Bangkok 10240,


Telephone (+66) 2731 7100 prov. (+66) 2731 71 17
Fax (+66) 2-731.71.16
E-Mail jkriengsak@gmail.com

Web Site https://www.facebook.com/SalesianThailand/
Number of Confreres 13 (temp), 82 (perp), 95 (tot)
Number of Novices 2
Number of Bishops 1
Number of Houses 25
Provincial Superior Fr. THEPARAT Pitisant John Bosco
Cambodia Delegation Superior Fr. SOTO Roel

TLS: Timor Est (1 Country) 
Name of the Province St. Callistus Caravario
Since 1998
Address of Provincial See Vice Province Office
Don Bosco Comoro, DILI
Dili Post Office, East Timor
Telephone (+670) 390 321 520
Web Site http://www.dbtimorleste.org/
Number of Confreres 104 (temp), 107 (perp), 150 (tot)
Number of Novices 25
Number of Bishops 1
Number of Houses 11
Provincial Superior Fr. NETO Apolinário Maria Ornai

VIE: Vietnam, Mongolia (2 Countries) 
Name of the Province St. John Bosco
Since (1974) 1999
Address of Provincial See 33/9A Khu Pho 4, Linh Xuan - Thu Duc
P.O. Box 767
Tp. Ho Chi Minh - Vietnam
Telephone 84-913-757982
Fax (+84-8) 37.240.647
E-Mail josnguyen48@gmail.com
Web Site http://donboscoviet.info/
Number of Confreres 105 (temp), 208 (perp), 313 (tot)
Number of Novices 18
Number of Bishops 1
Number of Houses 35
Provincial Superior Fr. NGUYEN VAN QUANG Joseph

Delegate North Vietnam

Delegate Mongolia

Fr. TRAN QUOC TUAN Thomas Acquin.

Fr. LEUNG Paul