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By Br. Anthony Rodriguez, SDB

Mandaluyong, Philippines, 5 October 2023 -- Last September 30, 2023, marked the first face-to-face gathering of the Salesian Youth Animators and Leaders Assembly (SYALA) in the Philippine North Province (FIN) since the pandemic. The Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) in the FIN, with the institutional support of Don Bosco Technical College – Mandaluyong (DBTC), organized this youth gathering with the theme, “Together, We Step Up”. SYALA 2023 aimed to relate to the participants the PRIMER and the responsibilities of a Salesian youth animator in each Don Bosco setting. The SYALA also presented an opportunity for the various members of the youth groups to interact with those from other settings.

At the beginning of the day, the participants gathered at the Gesu Adolescente Gymnasium, where, as they got settled down, an animation dance was performed to set the jovial mood for everyone. It was followed by the opening prayer with the participants singing along to Live the Dream.

The rector of DBTC, Fr. Ronilo Javines SDB, gave the opening remarks and welcomed the participants to the event. He was soon followed by Fr. Ramil Maranan SDB, the provincial SYM delegate, who gave a talk on the Primer of the Salesian Youth Movement. He also discussed the PRIME, a set of values and attitudes needed for a renewed Salesian youth movement in the FIN. They are: a. Popular and Ecological, b. Rooted in Christ, c. Integral and Synodal, d. Missionary and Vocational, and e. Empowering and Participatory. Mr. Andre Launio followed Fr. Ramil’s talk with an explanation of the One SYM National Assembly Days Manifesto made by those who attended the One SYM National Assembly Days gathering held in Cebu last June 28 to July 2.

The provincial of the FIN province, Fr. Gerardo Martin SDB, also graced SYALA 2023 and gave a short message to the participants as part of the morning’s program. The highlight of the morning came with a talk was by Rev. Paul Dungca SDB on Artificial Intelligence and Salesian Values, integrating it in the context of the young leaders and animators.

In between these talks were some fun activities like “the boat is sinking” to energize the participants and served as a way for the members of each youth group to gather, bridging the gap between the settings. This opened an avenue for those attending to get to know other young people from the same youth group as them but from a different from theirs. SYALA 2023 also saw the introduction of a new youth group as part of the SYM, the Bosconians Young Farmers Club.

The afternoon saw each youth group gather to conduct an evaluation of their experiences in their own contexts. Elections were also held for the province wide officers for each youth group. Those who attended the SYALA but do not belong to particular youth groups attended a talk by Ms. Lee-an Rosal and Janine Quinto on the Spirituality of Service.

As the activities wound down, the participants gathered once more in the Gesu Adolescente Gymnasium where video greetings for the Rector Major and the Pope were recorded. There were also special awards given to selected individuals, awards for being the friendliest and similar awards.

SYALA 2023 was concluded with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist presided over by Fr. Provincial. After the homily, the newly elected officers of each youth group were inducted and took oaths of service. After the post-communion prayer, the gathering also prayed a prayer for the Synod on Synodality to be held in Rome this October.

At the conclusion of the mass, the SYM-FIN greeted Fr. Provincial with an advance happy birthday with a birthday song. His birthday falls on October 3.









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