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  21 September 2014

GIA Province:
Salesian Pilgrimages
to France and Italy

TOKYO: September 20, 2014 – The third group of Japanese pilgrims has ended today. It was an enriching experience to see the places where Don Bosco had once lived and they also visited the places in France, connected with St Francis de Sales, the patron of the Salesians of Don Bosco.

The top picture is the group of Fr Kojima, Salesians, teachers and friends from the Salesian Politechnic.

The middle picture is this third group led by Fr Loro Piana taken at the chapel near the rooms of Don Bosco in Valdocco.

The bottom picture was taken when the third group was at the lakeside in Annecy, France.

Thanks to Eriko Sato, Salesian Cooperator, who provided the pictures and some details.

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Pope's mission intention August: "That Christians in Oceania may joyfully announce the faith to all the people of that region."

EAO Prayer Intentions: 21st of month: Pray for Vietnam, 22nd of month: Pray for Mongolia,
23rd of month: Pray for Salesian Brothers vocation
The other groups of Japanese Pilgrims to the Salesian Places

TOKYO: September 20, 2014 – The third group of Japanese pilgrims has ended today. It was an enriching experience to see the places where Don Bosco had once lived and they also visited the places in France, connected with St Francis de Sales, the patron of the Salesians of Don Bosco.

The first group was led by Fr Mario Yamanouchi, which we read in the #3502 issue of the austraLasia. The second group was led by Fr Kojima, the principal of the Salesian Politechnic -who with other Salesians and teachers, made their pilgrimage too.

The group that just finished recently is the one led by Fr Achille Loro Piana. The 12 Salesian cooperators planned this tour, but not all the participants belong to the Salesian Cooperators. Two FMA nuns were part of this group and also 7 non-Catholics friends who were interested to see the places related to Don Bosco.

Just like the other groups, since they were already in Italy, they took time to visit Assisi and also the city of Faenza, the hometown of the holy Salesian, Fr Vincenzo Cimatti -the first Salesian missionary to Japan.

For this group, another memorable highlight was their visit to Rome and attendance at the Wednesday General Audience with Pope Francis. They were so lucky to have the first rows and see the Holy Father at a closer distance.