3 November 2014
Farewell to Fr. Aldo Cipriani, SDB
It is interesting to note that the previous issue of the austraLasia was last month; it was related to the Province of Japan also: the pilgrimages made by members of GIA Salesian Family to Turin.
We are sorry for the month-long silence. It was due to changes in the server settings of all those based in della Pisana, Rome. There were also difficulties in internet connection from various places in East Asia where Br Ephrem was travelling.
We will make up for for this by publishing the Did you know ... series, where the various EAO events of September and October will be featured. In this way, the reader can still be updated of what happened in these parts of East Asia, Australia and Oceania region.
Send us your contributions too.
Majority of pictures at the right were taken during the GC27 in Rome.
Help Twitter hashtags #db2015 #happybirthdaydonbosco go viral!
Mission intention of November: "For Salesians in the South Asia Region."
EAO Prayer Intentions- 4th of month: pray for Samoa, 5th of month: pray for China- Hong Kong. 6th of month: pray for China -Macau
Farewell, Fr. Aldo Cipriani, SDB
TOKYO: November 4, 2014 – AustraLasia conveys its condolences and sympathy to the relatives of Fr Aldo in Italy and to the Salesian Family in Japan. The funeral rites will be on the 5th of November 2014.
Significant dates in the Salesian life of Fr. Aldo Cipriani:
1949 August 7th - Date of birth (Casalecchio, Arezzo)
1966 August 16th - First Profession (Chieri)
1977 March 12th - Ordination (Tokyo)
1977 ~ 1985 - High school teacher in Kawasaki
1985 ~ 1989 - Provincial Secretary
1989 ~ 2006 - Administrator: Press / Social Communications
1998 ~ 2007 - Provincial Economer
2007 ~ 2009 - Rector - Tokyo Meguro
2008 - Participated in the GC26
2009 ~ 2014 - Provincial
2014 - Participated in the GC27
2014 October 31st - Returned to the Father's House