3862(III)_Epiphany celebration in Tainan
By Fr. Thomas Hsueh, SDB Tainan, Taiwan, 6 January 2016 - To celebrate the Epiphany (Revelation of the Lord to the Nations) in any Catholic community is one of the important Feast-days, but in Taiwan where is Catholics are just 0.3-0.4% of ...Date2016.01.08 CategoryCIN Reply0 Views2456 -
3862(II)_A tribute to Fr. Adolf Faroni
By Fr. David Buenaventura, SDB Manila, Philippines, 5 January 2016 - The old man is gone to heaven. The confession box at the back of St. John Bosco Parish (Manila – Makati) will no longer be the same. As is best friend, Mr. Pacheco texted ...Date2016.01.08 CategoryFIN Reply3 Views4024 -
3862(I)_Some history of St. Caravario in Turin
By Cl. Anthony Pun, SDB Turin , Italy, 8 January - At the age of five, Callisto Caravario moved from Courgne, his birthplace, to Turin with his family. When he was seven years old, he studied in a nearby school Raineri. He spent the first t...Date2016.01.08 CategoryWorld Reply0 Views2274 -
3861_Don Bosco is more known and loved
By Fr. Egidio Deiana, SDB the rector of Don Bosco's Basilica at Colle Don Bosco Colle Don Bosco - Chieri - Valdocco, Italy - The 2015 crowds of the Don Bosco Bicentenary Pilgrims in the Holy places of Don Bosco in Italy are already over. We...Date2016.01.06 CategoryWorld Reply0 Views1934 -
3860_99 years young fan of St. Callistus Caravario!
By Don Bosco Past Pupils of Cuorgné Piedmont, Italy, 5 January 2016 - One of the two Salesian protomartyrs, Saint Callistus Caravario (1903-1930) was born in a small town of Cuorgné near Turin. He lived 21 years in Italy and 6 years in the ...Date2016.01.05 CategoryWorld Reply0 Views2316 -
3859_Give your heart completely to Jesus
By FMA novices in second year Kwangju, Korea, 4 January 2015 - On the Epiphany Feastday (January 6, 2016) are making their first religious profession three FMA sisters in Seoul Provincial House after two years of novitiate in the Mae Weol D...Date2016.01.04 CategoryFMA Reply0 Views3625 -
3858(II)_Coming soon! 110 years of Fr. Versigilia arrival to Macau
By Cl. Anthony Pun, SDB Oliva Gessi, Italy - On February 13, 2016 the whole China province and probably also the EAO region will remember the arrival of the first 6 Salesian missionaries to Macau and also as foundation of the first SDB comm...Date2016.01.03 CategoryCIN Reply0 Views2496 -
3858(I)_A Body Broken for a Broken People
By Fr. Joel Camaya, SDB Don Bosco Center of Studies, Parañaque FIN Parañaque, Philippines - The book of Fr. Francis Moloney, 'A Body Broken for a Broken People': divorce, Remarriage and the Eucharist, could not have come to Philippine soil ...Date2016.01.03 CategoryFIN Reply0 Views1997 -
3857_Salesian experiences in Australia
By Cl. Matthew Saisawang 'Jack', SDB Theology student Don Bosco House - Clifton Hill Melbourne, Australia, 2 Ajnuary 2016 - It is almost a year that I have been away from my country, Thailand: from March 31, 2015 until now. I would like to ...Date2016.01.02 CategoryAUL Reply1 Views1887 -
3856(II)_Happy new year 2016 with migrants in Japan
By Fr. Mario Yamanouchi, SDB Yokohama, Japan, 1 January 2016 - In the Salesian parish of Hamamatsu (Yokohama diocese, Eastern zone) the last Eucharist of 2015 in Japanese was celebrated by the Rector – Parish priest Fr. Ángel Yamanouchi. He...Date2016.01.01 CategoryGIA Reply0 Views2223