RMG, 28 June 2018 -- After the recent consultation for the new Provincial the Rector Major with the consent of his council appointed on 28th June 2018 Fr Jacob Hideaki HAMAGUCHI as the 14th Provincial of Japan for the period of 6 years (2018-2024) when the Province of St. Francis Xavier is preparing to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Salesian presence in the country.
Fr HAMAGUCHI was born in Sasebo (Nagasaki) on May 1, 1958 and joined the Salesian Novitiate 1981-1982 in Chofu (Tokyo), made his first profession on March 25,1982 and the perpetual profession on March 19, 1988 in Chofu. After his ordination in 1990 he dedicate most of his ministry in youth social work, Boys Home in Kodaira (Tokyo) for 14 years. Then he was assigned to assist our Bishop Osamu Mizobe in his challenging assignment in Takamatsu diocese with other Salesians (2005-2009) and since 2010 was committed to formation in Chofu (2010-2018). Since last April 1 is assigned as Rector of Meguro community in Tokyo (parish, kindegarten and youth center).
Since 2015 Fr. Hamaguchi served as the Vice-provincial and Delegate for Formation, so he participated in many EAO meetings (Myanmar, Vietnam, Korea, Thailand, Philippines) accompanied by Fr. Michael Lap (present Formation Delegate). Since last April 2018 Fr. Jacob started his new role as Youth Ministry delegate.
Under the former provincial Fr. Jacob was also as a Coordinator of the PROJECT TEAM, ad hoc commission in charge to animate the ongoing reshaping process at the province level. Main focus is to become a Japan province for the poor young people and to empower our lay mission partners with Salesian formation.
Within the EAO Region we congratulate the 90 Salesians and one novice (Arakawa!) of Japan to their new Provincial and promise our prayers in this special moment of history. The province has 14 canonical communities, 5 schools, 2 social works, 7 parishes and 11 Kindegartens serving about 5200 youth daily in our education institutions and 14.000 Catholics in our parishes.
In the same time we express our gratitude for the enthusiastic, faithful and total dedication to the animating service of the previous Provincial - Bishop Elect of Saitama, Fr. Mario Yamanouchi. Arigatou Gosaimasu!
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Via Marsala 42 - 00185 Roma
General Councilor for the East Asia-Oceania Region
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In Don Bosco, fraternally
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東アジア‐オセアニア地域顧問 ヴァツラフ・クレメンテ神父