North Vietnam, 31 October 2023 - On 29 October 2023, the Feast of Blessed Michael Rua, the Nong Vu community in Hanoi, opened its new school year for Aspirants. Father Martin Mai Quyet Thang, Councillor for Youth Ministry, was present to preside over the Eucharistic celebration with Father Dominic Pham Van Chi, head of the community. In the homily, Father Dominic gave them some thoughts about the Salesian saints. He stressed that as children of God, we have to be saints while we help young people to be holy Christians and upright citizens. This year, there are four aspirants in the North of Vietnam. One of them is in preparation for the next stage in Pre-novitiate in Cau Bong Community.
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2023.10.31 12:00
6164_Aspirants start the New School Year 2023-2024
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