the kind attention of the members of the SDB XXVII General Chapter
the FMA XXIII General Chapter
in connection with the
preservation of our cultural heritage
First and foremost we wish to thank the Superiors and
Provincials for the interest they have shown in the participation of SDB and
FMA in the activities of the Cultural Association for Salesian History (ACSSA
Associazione Cultori di Storia Salesiana). This association was formed in 1996
on the initiative of the Salesian Historical Institute (ISS) and approved by
the Rector Major, Fr. J.E. Vecchi, with the on-going support of the FMA
Superior General.
Between 2011 and 2013 there have been
five international seminars on the History of the Salesian Work organized in
collaboration with the Salesian Historical Institute (ISS); these have taken
place in Karen-Nairobi, Kenya; Belo Horizonte, Brazil; Benediktbeuern, Germany;
Cebu, Philippines; and Bangalore, India. The theme of each was The state of Salesian historiography in the
region. Preservation and utilization of cultural heritage. This gave the
opportunity to reflect on the production, conservation and use of the SDB and
FMA Salesian memory and that of other groups within the Salesian Family. From
the sense of responsibility towards our Congregations, some considerations have
emerged which we now submit to your attention. They reflect the point of view
of anyone concerned with history who, of necessity, needs to make use of the
documentation preserved in the archives.
We like to remember that we are the
heirs of a ‘Historian Father’, and therefore we have to do our best not only to
preserve but, above all, to make use of the patrimony of our past memory and to
make it known in an interesting way to today’s world. It firmly belongs in the New Evangelization. We hope to be inspired by Don Bosco’s attitude; he knew
how to foster this dimension in his own formation and was committed to writing
history to promote the good of the young. We are sons and daughters of a father
who loved the family memories in order to nourish the sense of belonging to the
congregation and trust in life, always under the guidance of a provident
In order to mould, consolidate and renew Salesian identity a
knowledge of its history is indispensable, beginning with the first tentative
stages to the full grown mission. Bearing this in mind, it is important to
strengthen in the formation programmes of the various years, the study of the
history of Don Bosco’s Work and that of his sons and daughters so as to
understand also the history of the province in which those in formation are
called, in their turn, to be active members once they have absorbed this
history in a correct way so that it becomes ‘their’ history.
The close link between history and spirituality is fundamental to our religious life
and must be always borne in mind. The study of history allows us to understand
how the Salesian charism has developed in a specific way in each context. It
also shows us what contribution it has
brought to a tradition and culture, through both its merits and its
limitations. When these are recognized they can aid reflection on today’s
choices and strategies.
Conducting research into Salesian
history also means offering a service to
the local church and to civil society, because it shows how the
Congregation (the Provinces) has contributed to the growth of the local church
and the country (even while enduring its conditioning factors). The well known Burkinabé
historian, Joseph Ki-Zerbo, wrote that ‘despite
all the ambiguity surrounding the missionary era, coinciding as it did with
colonialism, no one can deny that the Christian missions have been one of the
main stimuli in the social, intellectual and moral evolution of the African
countries.’ This holds good for all
contexts although in different ways. The study of this past is therefore
required, reaching beyond the phase of oral reminiscences, subject as they
often are to bias and lack of precision. An accurate reconstruction cannot be
overlooked; among other things it helps to clarify the deep motives of unity
among the members who are increasingly international but gathered together by a
shared spirit.
But no history can be written without
recourse to the sources. At a certain point in the life of religious
institutions (such as a Province) there arises the need to investigate their
own origins in order to look to the future with a long term view and strategic
choices, faithful to one’s identity and not just intent on responding to emergencies.
The present and the future are rooted in the past. During winter times, it is
precisely these roots that prepare a new springtime. The archives, therefore,
inasmuch as they preserve the sources, are of fundamental importance. Every
Province (pre-province, delegation) should carry out an evaluation of the state
of the archive in the area for which it is responsible. Big improvements can be
made without excessive expenditure. Future generations of our congregations
will be grateful for the way in which we have preserved the memories of the
past (which for them will mean what is present for us).
From the exchange of experiences
among the members of ACSSA some problems have emerged which we point out,
trying also to indicate some solutions, well aware that they demand concrete
and different decisions according to
one’s institutional responsibilities.
At provincial level:
Despite repeated pressing requests on the part of the
Salesian Historical Institute, with few exceptions, much needs to be done in
the care of the provincial Archives, both in relation to the personnel
responsible for them and to the structures which are necessary for suitable
conservation of the heritage. On the whole, urgent action is required to
awaken consciences to the need of
treating the provincial archives as a precious treasure for the present and for
the future. An uncalled for clearing up, can cause irreparable harm because
what is destroyed is lost for ever.
historical archive is within the remit of the provincial secretary (according
to our regulations and official norms), but rarely does one of them attend a
course in archival practice; there is often a rapid change of office. More
often than not, committed as he is in other tasks, he fails to find time for
this aspect of his work. Consequently, many are not fully aware of their
responsibility for the historical Archive and, sometimes, they have no clear
idea of what it is and the duties of an archivist, nor do they distinguish
between the historical archive and the current one. Without other specific
moments of on-going formation where they can exchange among themselves, the
course offered to new provincial secretaries is generally insufficient. What
has proved very positive in some provinces, for example, is the periodic
gathering of those responsible for the local Chronicles.
In the vast
majority of cases it is impossible and, nor even really necessary, to employ a
full time archivist (even if this is a
proven solution and the best one, at least for the necessary period required
for putting a basic order in the fonds).
attention is hardly ever given to the archives in provincial planning and so,
in the meantime, they are neglected; they do not appear in lists of ‘things to
do’ on the agendas nor discussed during chapters or other important meetings.
At local level.
In the individual houses the
awareness of having to take care of this aspect of our activity, which is of
public, never just private, importance, has not taken root. In fact, on the
whole, the archive does not exist. If anything, there is some sort of storage
space for documentation without any order in it. So, it will be impossible to
write the history of a work. A significant past history is at risk of disappearing,
to the detriment of the country and the congregation.
It is
noticeable that the few archives that do exist (both provincial and local) -
with some praiseworthy exceptions – have no catalogue
or inventory so that no one knows
what documentation is deposited. Moreover, the space allocated to the
documentation does not have the indispensable equipment to prevent
deterioration or destruction. Frequently the papers are placed in pigeon-holes,
exposed to dust, with no other measures for their protection. In general,
special files capable to protecting the papers and documents from dust and
insects and other climate dangers are not used.
In addition, they require an adequate type of paper.
Single documents are not suitably dealt
with. Some of the simplest things: metal staples and paper clips joining pages
together are not removed and, therefore, begin to rust, ruining the paper. The conservation
of documents in various countries involves other problems due to humidity, mildew, termites,
ants and silver-fish.
as well, the place and position of the room in the building are little adapted
to the purpose.
preservation of electronic sources is even more difficult and problematic and
for some time has required authoritative
The concept
of time. The cyclical, rather than linear, concept among many peoples could
represent an obstacle to the right evaluation of historical processes and their
documentation. The oral tradition of information which is found among many
cultures, is not suitable for writing a documented and critical history, which
is useful for everyone, also for those who, coming from other houses or countries,
cannot know what is known for generations by those who live in the same village
or city. The mobility of personnel is an objective reason for taking care of
written documentation.
We have to admit that there are no easy solutions for the
problems inherent in archives. However, with well thought out programming which
is regularly evaluated, the situation can be improved. Some suggestions:
a part-time archivist with other roles is appointed, it would be advisable for
him, at the outset, to follow a course in archival practice. Should this be
impossible, it should be arranged for him to acquire some experience by
spending time (the holidays?) in the principal archives of the congregation,
where a competent archivist could teach him the basics of archival work.
various archives (documentary, photographic, financial, scholastic…) should be
housed in a room separated from the Provincial’s office and that of the
provincial secretary, and kept locked.
archival acid-free containers must be acquired for the papers and other
documents. The containers should
preferably be placed in metal pigeon-holes to protect them from dust, insects
and mildew.
the purpose of preserving the content of the archival sources for the future,
they have to be digitized.
problems presented by humidity can only be solved by regulating the atmosphere
within the archival environment. Certainly, this involves heavy expense. If the
value of the material is really essential and one cannot have an
air-conditioned archival environment, then thought should be given to sending
it to the central archives of the congregation where it can be correctly
preserved. This would obviously require the general archives to be ready to accept
it or to obtain suitable places and environments for it.
problems of acidification and ink corrosion can only be solved by specialists.
Documents affected by these problems should preferably be passed to the central
archives of the congregation for suitable treatment.
order to provide more access and facilitate the work of researchers, an
inventory and a catalogue of the historic sources deposited in the archive has
to be prepared.
guidelines have to be drawn up for the consultation and use of the archives by
visitors’ register must be kept. No documents may be taken outside the archive.
It would be
desirable for the Provincials to pay more attention to this often neglected
sector of the life of the province: not only archives but libraries as well,
works of art, museums…and eventually, the systematic study of the province’s
In the current phase of restructuring and unifying provinces
in some geographical areas (Europe, Latin America…) maximum attention must
be given to the conservation (and not dispersal) of the original provincial
archives, even if deposited in new locations. The same holds good for the
archives (and libraries) of houses that have been closed.
Let them,
therefore, provide for ‘personnel’ (even lay persons), and ‘means’(logistical
and financial) and foster among the provincial secretaries and community
rectors the concern to file, preserve and catalogue the documentation.
During the
canonical visitation, the superiors should look more carefully at how the
chronicle of the individual houses is kept. They should question what can be
done and provide for the conservation of all the documents regarding the
community and its activities.
It is recommended
that the personal archives of individual Salesians be put to advantage. Things
like personal written documents (letters received, copy of letters sent out,
photos and documents of all kinds) which usually on the death of a confrere
should be classified in the provincial archives. The personal archives are
particularly important in the case of a confrere who has exercised important
roles in the province (in a house or a work) or who has taken care to gather
and preserve some documents for personal interest but which are relevant to our
history. Clearing out the room/office of a deceased confrere is the task of the
rector who must safeguard whatever the confrere had gathered that could be of
interest to the congregation.
One great problem
is the conservation of electronic documents (the abundance of e-mails, short
messages on Skype, Messenger, SMS…) which hastily disappear. Whole layers of
history are completely slipping away from future historians and they can never
be reconstructed. Concrete and precise directives need to be given to
provincial secretaries for archiving electronic documents and a form of
evaluation drawn up so that it is not left just to the good will of individuals
who are often overwhelmed with immediate pressing concerns.
Writing Salesian
history has yet to begin in various countries. It is important that everything
is done so that it can be researched and written up by the local members
themselves, without delegating it to others, who may be at a distance or
externs, while yet collaborating with those directly involved.
It is noticeable
that love for the history of the Salesian Family has somewhat diminished among
the members themselves over the last decades, even though the efforts of ACSSA
have created a certain movement of interest which has always to be sustained.
We should reflect on this state of things which is conditioned by our culture.
The study of our history has certainly to be promoted in initial formation and
in the courses of on-going formation but also by raising sensitivity to the
importance of the conservation of documents right from the first phases of
The evaluation of
the management of historical archives, libraries and works of art of the Salesian Family has to be subjected to a
rigorous examination. Don Bosco’s early idea of appointing an archivist seems
very appropriate for our own times which demand competent persons in order to
really provide expert conservation for the heritage of our historical memory.
There are many concerns that require attention, so how, then, can we
make sure that this appeal does not remain a dead letter? We think it demands a
decision at institutional level, one which is concrete and can be verified.
Perhaps the Chapter could decide to appoint a commission to look into the
archival sector of Salesian activity. Such a commission would have the remit to
tackle this and other questions and to draw up a programme for the organization
of the provincial archive and that of the individual houses. The programme
would also have to co-ordinate the guidelines as to which documents should be
safeguarded and deposited in the archive and which not, and at what point they
should be archived. The programme should also deal with the urgent problem of
digitizing the cultural heritage of the
congregation, the care of libraries, museums and works of art.
We dare to hope that in the bi-centenary of the birth of our common
Founder we may take greater care of the memory of what has developed beginning
with him because we believe it is the seed of creative fidelity according to
our common identity and mission.
In the name of the ACSSA
Presidency and with the
support of the members of the ISS,
up by Sr. Grazia Loparco FMA (President of ACSSA) and Stanisƚaw Zimniak SDB (Secretary
of ACSSA) and in the name of the 148 members of ACSSA (84 SDB, 54 FMA, 10 lay
Rome, 31
January 2014