4928(III)_This is the opportune time!
Annual meeting of EAO Missions Animators in Cambodia By Fr Ding Cortez Provincial delegate for Missions Animation FIN Sihanoukville, Cambodia, 23 November 2018 -- The gathering of EAO Provincial Delegates for Mission Animation (PDMA) here i...Date2018.11.24 CategoryEAO Reply0 Views1166 -
4928(II)_Great leap forward in Youth Ministry
Effective listening to the youth (FIN province) By Our Own Correspondent Manila, the Philippines, 22 November 2018 -- Truly effective listening to young people brings many fruits. The Philippines North - Malaysia province (FIN) took a signi...Date2018.11.24 CategoryFIN Reply0 Views1024 -
4928(I)_Graduation Ceremony
Don Bosco Youth Vocational Training Center in Laos By THA SC Vientiane, Laos, 21 November 2018 -- The graduation ceremony for 99 students took place on 21 November at the Don Bosco Youth Vocational Training Centre in Vientiane, Laos PDR. Th...Date2018.11.24 CategoryTHA Reply0 Views1795 -
4927(II)_EAO Formation of Formators
39 participants from all the EAO provinces By Bro Raymond Callo, SDB Yamanaka, Japan, 23 November 2018 -- This year's formation of formators for our EAO region was held at the FMA retreat house at Yamanaka, Japan hosted by GIA Province thru...Date2018.11.23 CategoryEAO Reply0 Views1538 -
4927(I)_Charismatic journey brings many fruits
Three day animation visit of FIS province By Regional Councillor EAO Cebu, the Philippines, 21 November 2018 -- Two months before the 2019 January-April extraordinary visitation of Philippines South - Pakistan province the Regional Councill...Date2018.11.23 CategoryFIS Reply0 Views1224 -
4926_"We saw Don Bosco alive!"
Japan visit of the Rector Major By Mr. Mitch Tateishi, GIA SC team, EXDB Tokyo, Japan, 22 November 2018 -- The visit of the Rector Major to Japan has become an unforgettable moment for the members of the Salesian Family in their various voc...Date2018.11.22 CategoryGIA Reply0 Views2025 -
4925(II)_Short Term Course for Out-of-School
By Mr. Vincent Numbos, DBTS Science teacher Port Moresby, PNG, 19 November 2018 -- The Educative Pastoral Community of Don Bosco Technical School, together with the parents, guardians, and friends of the 160 graduating students of the Emplo...Date2018.11.21 CategoryPGS Reply0 Views851 -
4925(I)_Indonesian Salesian missionary ordained deacon in Uruguay
By Uruguay SDB SC team Montevideo, Uruguay, 18 November 2018 -- Cardinal Daniel Sturla, SDB, Archbishop of Montevideo, presided over the diaconal ordination of Salesians Agustinus Jou Poma, originally from Indonesia Viceprovince (INA), and ...Date2018.11.21 CategoryWorld Reply0 Views1639 -
4924(II)_Laos - Visit from Fr Guillermo Basañes
By THA SC Vientiane, Laos, 19 November 2018 -- Fr Guillermo Basañes, the General Councillor for the Missions, paid a short visit to Don Bosco Youth Vocational Centre in Vientiane, Laos, from November 17-19, 2018. After his arrival, he gave ...Date2018.11.20 CategoryTHA Reply0 Views1763 -
4924(I)_"Under the common flag of 'Salesian'"
Don Bosco Past Pupils Japan Annual Board Meeting in Miyazaki By Mr. Chihiro OKAWA, EXDB Miyazaki, Japan, 17 November 2018 -- The Federation of Don Bosco Alumni, chaired by President Mr Hiroshi Yoshida (the Honorary Advisor of the Osaka Seik...Date2018.11.20 CategoryGIA Reply1 Views1536