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2015.08.14 18:30
Myanmar Flood-appeal
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source | Madrid Mission Office |
Timor Leste 500 years
INTERVIEW (ITALIANO on the VATICAN RADIO - LINK http://it.radiovaticana.va/news/2015/08/15/card_parolin_a_timor_est_evangelizzare_con_fede_e_azione_/1165248Date2015.08.27 Views777 -
Migrants make the chair for Francis - USA
Building a Chair Simple Enough for a Pope - NYT 2015 Aug 19.docx SALESIAN BROTHER making chair for Pope FRANCIS 2015 Brother Sal Sammarco, left, and Hector Rojas in the workshop in Port Chester, N.Y., where a chair for the pope to use at a...Date2015.08.27 Views610 -
Cebu-DB200 celebrations
2 3 4 OTHER NEWS FOR DOWNLOAD FIS-Cebu DB200 eleonora news.docx FIS-CEBU DB200 Philippines Star news.docx FIS-DB200-Devotees celebrate Don Bosco-Philippines Star.docxDate2015.08.16 Views530 -
Catholics helps the flood victims in Myanmar
WHAT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IS DOING TO HELP THE FLOOD VICTIMS IN MYANMAR Fr. Leo Mang, SDB - Social Communication office of MYM bishops conference http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/what-the-church-is-doing-to-help-flood-victims-in-myanmar...Date2015.08.15 Views794 -
Myanmar Flood-appeal
Si no puede ver correctamente este email pinche aquí Casas destruidas por los deslizamientos de tierra, puentes destrozados, carreteras cortadas... agua y barro por todas partes¡Myanmar nos necesita! Las lluvias monzónicas en el sudeste asiá...Date2015.08.14 Views3507 -
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Four arrested for vandalizing Don Bosco statue
Days ahead of the incident, the BJP’s student wing had protested the installation of the statue. Guwahati: Police have arrested four people in connection with vandalizing a statue of Don Bosco and dumping it the Bharalu river, near Guwahati ...Date2015.08.12 Views493 -
Assam: Don Bosco statute vandalized and thrown into river (asianews)
by Nirmala Carvalho Four members of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP, the Hindu ultra-nationalist party) arrested. Bishop of the Archdiocese of Guwahati: "regrettable accident. The contribution of the Salesian apostolate to education is well ...Date2015.08.10 Views790 -
Vocation sharing - Savio Hon
Christian perfection is not the privilege of a few Pope Francis invites us to re-read our own personal story to make God credible. Posted 2015.8.3 By Archbishop Savio Hon Tai-Fai Vatican City: To read one’s own personal history in f...Date2015.08.05 Views645 -
Hong Kong - Carlos Cheung ordination
Ordination of Fr. Carlos Cheung, Hong Kong Sunday Examiner, 2015- June 28 (front page)Date2015.07.08 Views1264 -
Don Bosco and Francis
15/6/2015 - Italy - Pope Francis and Don Bosco FOR DOWNLOAD in ENGLISH: Francis and Salesians-ENG final version.doc (English version of the book in attachment) Related documents Argentina - Presentation of the book "Francis and Don Bosco"...Date2015.06.16 Views14849 -
Manila Footbal team
The Philippines Star, May 26 South Africa keeps U-11 title in Ambassadors Cup (The Philippine Star) | Updated May 26, 2015 - 12:00am Members and officials of two-time U-11 champion San Ildefonso Parish pose with Ambassadors Cup Task For...Date2015.05.28 Views841 -
Melbourne archbishop & RM
http://www.cam.org.au/News-and-Events/News-and-Events/Melbourne-News/Article/19209/Archbishop-Hart-meets-Rector-Major-of-the-Salesians#.VVXapPmqqkq Published Friday 15 May 2015 By Catherine Sheehan, Media and Communications Office THIS morn...Date2015.05.15 Views700 -
Don Bosco New Zealand
NZ Catholic - May 3-16, 2015Date2015.05.12 Views862 -
PM praises the Preventive System
First historical visit of the Rector major in the SOLOMON STAR newspapter (May 5, 2015) "PRIME MINISTER praises the preventive system of Don Bosco"Date2015.05.06 Views926 -
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ASIA/NEPAL - Jesuits and Salesians engaged in disaster relief and assistance
Kathmandu (Agenzia Fides) - On Saturday, April 25, a massive earthquake struck Nepal. The epicenter of the quake was approximately halfway between Kathmandu and the town of Pokhara in central Nepal. Deaths and destruction have been reported ...Date2015.04.28 Views1008 -
Macau Bosco Youth Service
16/4/2015 - China - The Bosco Youth Service Network Related documents China – Don Bosco at MacaoPHOTOS (ANS – Macau) – Since the establishment of Bosco Youth Service Network, 22 years ago, in 1993, the BYS has supported the Salesian Mother ...Date2015.04.17 Views765 -
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Salesian Center in Istanbul
http://www.cbcpnews.com/cbcpnews/?p=54337 Salesian center offers haven for Iraqi, Syrian children in Istanbul ISTANBUL - Turkey , April 10, 2015 Basima Toma teaches English to about 40 children at the Don Bosco youth center. A young Iraqi bo...Date2015.04.15 Views723 -
Israel's top court blocks extension of separation wall through Cremisan valley
Israel’s top court has blocked the controversial planned extension of Israel’s separation wall through the historic Cremisan valley – home to two Salesian monasteries and a convent school – ending a high-profile nine-year campaign. Palestin...Date2015.04.08 Views693 -
Australia-Perth Easter Message 2015
By Archbishop Tim Costelloe SDB The giving of gifts, as everyone knows, is associated with Christmas. And yet it has increasingly become a feature of our Easter celebrations. More often than not, Easter gifts take the form of chocolate, and ...Date2015.04.07 Views701 -
TURIN - capital of faith 2015
Turin Becomes A "Capital of Faith"Archbishop Cesare Nosiglia Speaks on the Holy Shroud, Bicentennial Celebrations for Don Bosco and Pope Francis' Upcoming Visit Rome, March 30, 2015 (Zenit.org) Luca Marcolivio | 472 hits According to Archbi...Date2015.04.01 Views1083