Rome, 34th Salesian Family Spirituality Days
January 14-17,2016
FOR DOWNLOAD probably the best talk of 2016: Fr. Rosanno Sala, SDB - TORINO
With Jesus, let's go together
the adventure of the Holy Spirit!
From left to right: Fr. Casti (Delegate Salesian Cooperators), Fr. Pastor (Delegate DB Past Pupils), RM, Fr. Munoz (Secretariat for the Salesian Family), Fr. Playa (Assistant VDB-CDB) and Fr. Cameroni (ADMA)
Strenna 2016 (ENGLISH)
STRENNA 2016_Italian_English.docx (video text ITA_ENG)
RM-strenna 2016 commentary ENG.docx (commentary of the Rector Major)
Materials (ENGLISH) - Talks shared
GFS_2016_DiNatale_en.pdf - Introduction - pilgrimage
GFS_2016_Cereda_en.pdf - Strenna Poster
GFS_2016_MariaKo_en.pdf - Scripture sharing Sr. Maria Ko, FMA
GFS_2016_Zanet_en.pdf - Servant of God Fr. Quadrio SDB