Congress of the ACCSA 2015
Philippines - Perception of Don Bosco in 20th century (Nestor Impelido)
Thailand - Heart of a Father - Testimonials of Don Bosco Friends (Anna Maria Grassi)
6th International Congress on the History of the Salesian Work
TURIN 28 October - 1 November 2015
Wednesday afternoon – 28 October
1st Session THE IMAGE OF DON BOSCO IN THE EARLY LITERATURE 15.00 Opening, greetings from the various authorities. Grazia LOPARCO fma, President of ACCSSA Francesco CEREDA sdb Rector Major’s Vicar Piera CAVAGLIÀ fma General secretary of the FMA Institute Enrico STASI sdb Superior of the Mary Help of Christians Province ICP Elide DEGIOVANNI fma Superior of the Mary Help of Christians Province IPI
Moderator Piera Cavaglià
16.00 Grazia LOPARCO Introduction to the work of the Congress 16.20 Stanisław ZIMNIAK The aims and literary genre of works by non-Salesian writers on don Bosco and his educational work (1879-1884). 16.50 Interval 17.10 Bogdan KOLAR The saint for our times. The image of don Bosco among Slovenians up to 1934. 17.40 Omer BOSSUYT Don Bosco from ‘zealous priest’ to ‘pioneer of Catholic action’. The Wim PROVOOST The image of don Bosco in Belgium (1879-1934) 18.10 Jarosław WASOWCZ The image of don Bosco in Polish letters: multi-faceted apostle with strong personal charm. 18.40 Discussion in the assembly. 19.10 Evening prayer (Vespers) 19.30 Evening meal 20.30 Pictures of don Bosco. The illustrators of the Libreria Editrice Salesiana (Salesian Publishing House) and the representations of the life of don Bosco in the SEI archives- Pompeo VAGLIANI, president of the Tancredi di Barolo Foundation’ S. Zimniak imparts information about the ACSSA Assembly on 1st November and its preparation.
Thursday morning-29 October
2nd Session
7.30 Morning prayer (Lauds) Thelian CORONA 7.45 Breakfast
Moderator Francesco Motto
8.30 Giorgio CHIOSSO The figure of don Bosco in the Italian primary teachers’ periodicals between the 1920s – ‘30s. 9.00 Maria Cristina MORANDIN The figure of don Bosco in the educational policies of the Fascist regime: with reference to the manuals of pedagogy. 9.30 Franz SCHMID The German-speaking Catholic teachers’ interest in don Bosco from 1885 to1933. 10.00 Ivone GOULART-LOPES The perception of don Bosco and his charism among the Maria Immaculda DA SILVA Brazilian trainee teachers. 10.30 Discussion in the assembly 10.50 Interval 11.10 Maria C. Ventura The image of don Bosco in the non-Salesian Italian press, 1888, 1929, 1934. 11.40 Mara BORSI The image of don Bosco in the magazine ‘Unione’ 1921-1965 12.10 Discussion in assembly 12.30 Lunch
Thursday Afternoon 29 October
First group Moderator Nestor IMPELIDO
14.30 Bernard LEWEK The figure of don Bosco the educator in the Polish national press at the time of the beatification (1929), canonization (1934) and fiftieth anniversary of his death (1938). 15.00 Johannes WELGOSS Publications on don Bosco in German on the occasion of the beatification and canonization (1929, 1934). 15.30 Antonietta CLERICI The perception of don Bosco in the pastoral work of the Milanese oratories during the period of the publication ‘Echo of the Milanese Oratories’ 1907-1968. 16.00 Discussion in the group 16.20 Interval 16.40 Michele NOVELLI Setting the scene with don Bosco. Theatrical works by non-Salesians in he period between the beatification and canonization (1929-34). 17.10 Sergio TODESCHINI A great friend. Don Bosco’s story told to children and young people through non-Salesian publishing houses from 1920 to the 1950s . 17.40 Discussion in the group
Second group Moderator Thelian CORONA
14.30 Fabrizio FABRIZI Meeting don Bosco in the writings and reminiscences of Luigi Guanella. 15.00 Rodolfo BOGOTTO Don Bosco considered as a source of inspiration for new presences and services in the Italian church 15.30 Anne Marie BAUD The figure of don Bosco in the French secular and Catholic press at the time of his death and canonization.
16.00 Discussion in the group 16.20 Interval 16.40 Angelo MANCA Sardinia’s fascination with St. John Bosco. 17.10 Silvano ONI The spread of the cult and devotion to don Bosco in Piedmont. 17.40 Discussion in the group 18.30 Eucharist Memoria of Bl. Michael Rua Main celebrant: Fr. Francesco CEREDA, Vicar of the Rector Major. 19.30 Evening meal 20.45 Concept Orchestra conducted by the Maestro Gianfranco LEONE.
Friday 30 October
7.00 Breakfast 7.30 Departure 9.00 Pilgrimage to Becchi-Colle Don Bosco 11.30 Eucharist Main celebrant: Fr. Giorgio ROSSI celebrating 50 years of priestly ordination 12.30 Lunch 15.00 Nizza Monferrato Visit to the historical archive and mother house of the FMA. 19.10 Evening prayer (Vespers) Alberto KABUGE 19.30 Evening meal 21.00 Social evening,- Compline and ‘Goodnight’.
Saturday Morning 31 October
3rd session
7.00 Eucharist Main celebrant: Fr. Thomas ANCHUKANDAM Director of the Salesian Historical Institute. 7.45 Breakfast
Moderator: Maria Immaculada DA SILVA
8.30 Anna FRESA- Mapping the devotion and social repercussions of the beatification Maria A. NICOLETTI process(1929) and the canonization (1934) of don Bosco in Argentina. 9.00 Thomas ANCHUKANDAM Perception of don Bosco in north-east India 9.30 Carlo SOCOL Don Bosco in China. A study of the reports of the Shun Bao (Shanghai News) 1929-1949. 10.00 Joaquin TORRES Iconographic buildings in Spain related to don Bosco . 10.30 Discussion in the assembly 11.00 Interval 11.20 Bruna CALGARO The perception of the figure of don Bosco as recalled by the ordinary people. people. Survey of a sample of 1200 adults. 11.50 Tolisa ROSARIO Don Bosco and the Dominican Congress. The law 20-93 of 5 December 1993. 12.10 Discussion in the assembly 12.30 Lunch
Saturday Afternoon 31 October First group Moderator: Maria Concetta VENTURA
14.30 Geraldo Adair DA SILVA Between the 15th and 20th parallels: don Bosco’s influence in the building of Brasilia. 15.00 Claudia DARETTI Perception of the figure of don Bosco in the Lazio region (1879- 1965 and beyond). 15.30 Philomena D’SOUZA The presence of don Bosco in the undivided diocese of Mangalore before the arrival of the Salesians. 16.00 Giuseppina PESCARINI The diffusion of don Bosco’s educational method in Mandjakul parish and in the archdiocese of Bamako (Mali) 16.30 Discussion in the group 16.50 Interval 17.10 Gladys DIAZ and Monica JIMENEZ The figure of don Bosco in Colombia 17.40 Patricia AGUILAR Don Bosco in Honduras: beyond the Salesian houses (1956-2003). 18.00 Discussion in the group
Second group Moderator: Maria MAUL
14.30 Nestor IMPELIDO Perception of St. John Bosco in the Philippines during 20th century. 15.00 Anna GRASSI The figure of don Bosco among the people and youth in Thailand : ‘A Father’s heart’. 15.30 Santo RUSSO Sicily and don Bosco: monuments, parishes, churches, squares, Paolo TERRANA roads, schools and other. 16.00 William John DICKSON Don Bosco, patron of a trade union in Scotland:choice of the Association of Catholic Teachers in Scotland. 16.30 Discussion in the group 16.50 Interval 17.10 Paola CUCCIOU Along the roads of Piedmont and the Val d’Aosta with don Bosco 17.30 Juan BOTTASSO The presence of don Bosco beyond the Salesian works in Ecuador 18.00 Discussion in the group 19.10 Evening Prayer (Vespers)Francesco CASELLA 19.30 Evening meal 20.30 Musical Don Bosco sing along with us through life
Sunday Morning 1 November
7.00 Eucharist Main celebrant: Fr. Francesco MOTTO, founding member of the Salesian Historical Institute 8.00 Breakfast
Moderator: Bogdan KOLAR
9.30 Francesco MOTTO The perception of don Bosco compared with the historical don Bosco 10.00 Grazia LOPARCO Six yearly report on the activities of ACSSA Stanisław ZIMNIAK 10.30 ACSSA ASSEMBY Election of the Committee 2015-2020 12.00 Grazia LOPARCO Conclusions, outcomes, thanks Stanisław ZIMNIAK 12.30 Lunch