Convocation Letter - October 15, 2017
171012_Charter to Responsibles_En.doc
171012_Lettera ai Responsabili_It.doc
171012_Carta a Responsables _Cs.doc
Participants: gfs2018_alfabetico.doc
Rome, October 15, 2017
To the Superiors, Provincials, Coordinators,
and Heads of the Salesian Family Groups
Topic: The Presentation of the 2018 Spirituality Days
Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Salesian Family:
I send you, first of all, a fraternal greeting in the name of the Rector Major, Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime, and of the members of the Secretariat for the Salesian Family. At this time, I wish to share with you the news that the 2018 Salesian Family Spirituality Days are already almost all prepared.
1. Information about the Days
The Spirituality Days will be held at the VALDOCCO, Turin, from January 18th (at 4 PM) to 21st (after lunch), 2018, and will focus on the theme of studying the Strenna of the Rector Major for next year:
“Lord, give me this water” (John 4: 15)
Following the thread of this Gospel passage, we will reflect together, within the framework of the next Synod of Bishops on "Youth, the Faith, and Vocation Discernment", the importance for the mission of our entire Salesian Family to cultivate the precious art of listening and accompaniment, with the conditions they require and the service they bring to the journey of personal, Christian, and vocational growth of the person.
2. Participants
¾ Those responsible for animation in the Salesian Family of the different groups of the same general or local levels.
¾ Those responsible for formation of distinct groups of the SF and members of their teams, especially those who work in the youth pastoral sector and those who are preparing to do so.
¾ Please also indicate that each group, according to the number of available places, designates a significant number of young people, engaged in the accompanying teams, who can contribute to reflection on the subject, helping them economically, if necessary.
3. To Register
At the end of this letter you will find a table on which is listed the number of participants permitted to attend from each Group of the Salesian Family, as well as the contact person for each Group. The directions for compiling the registration form are:
a) Go to or and click on “Spirituality Days (Giornate di Spiritualità). Registration form".
b) Type in the “code” (the initials or acronym) pertaining to your particular Salesian Family Group and click on “Enter to register” (Entra per registrar)
c) Fill in the entire form: "personal info", "info for the days", "info for hospitality".
d) Once you have completed the form, click on "Register".
e) To register in continuation with another person, click “New Registration” (Nuova iscrizione).
f) Above on the right appears the list of "already" registered ("green" font) and, if necessary, the waiting list ("red" font).
g) When you have finished the registration process, click on the line “Send the email to the Secretariat.” (“Invia e-mail a Secretaria”). Those responsible for the registrations of the Group, will send the e-mail of their confirmation to the interested parties.
Important: Hospitality will be in Valdocco and other nearby residences. For this reason, registrations must be made as soon as possible, and in any case before December 1, 2017. Any clarification can be requested at the following e-mail address: .
4. Participation Fee
The cost per person to participate in the Spirituality Days is:
¾ Registration and Room and Board in a single: 350.00 €.
¾ Registration and Room and Board in a double: 280.00 €.
¾ Registration and Room and Board in a triple or a quadruple: 250.00 €.
¾ Participants residing elsewhere (registration, room and board): 160.00 €.
Important: The number of single rooms is limited. You are strongly advised to choose double or triple rooms as much as possible. It is a way to reduce expenses and to facilitate participation.
A group of SSCC and ADMA families from Turin offer their homes to welcome participants from distant places or with fewer resources or young people. Interested parties, in addition to the registration form, should request this in writing to motivating their request. Applications will be attended to according to the order of registration. These persons will be considered as external participants.
5. Payment Method: one of the following ways
a) By bank-to-bank transfer to this account:
IBAN: IT54 O 05696 03202 000004655X77 (euro)
For bank-to-bank transfer, you MUST specify:
¾ The Name of the Group and place of origin (Ex. SSCC from Portugal)
¾ Indicate that it is for the 2018 Spirituality Days.
You are also asked to:
¾ send an e-mail to stating that "x euros" have been paid and the names of the beneficiaries.
¾ make a single payment with all the participation quotas of the same group to avoid extra costs. (Add € 7.50 if done from outside Italy).
¾ In case there is some difference between the payment made and the actual expenses, this will be handled during the Conference in the Secretariat.
b) Through an authorization from the SDB Provincial or Provincial Economer sent by an email to asking to take the payment out of the existing Province Account in the Economer General’s Office, indicating the number of participants and the total amount to withdraw from the account.
c) If you are unable to make the payment using one of the ways listed above, then it can be made on-site to the Secretariat of the Spirituality Days when they begin.
6. To reach Valdocco