RM-dear confreres DB200 DON BOSCO IS ALIVE.docx (For download)
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Don Bosco has been alive this year
And is alive today.
I say that John Bosco is alive!
Do not think that such a Father can abandon us!
The Father is alive, he was always there and he is still there,
taking care of abandoned youth and orphans,
of street children, of the lonely, whom he helped to change...
an angel who walked in our streets.
I realized that if the young people …
found a benevolent,
caring hand …
they would devote themselves to an honourable life,
forget their past,
and become good Christians and honest citizens
I say that John Bosco is alive
and has undertaken thousands of initiatives.
Do you not see his fatherly care
now at work throughout the world?
Don’t you hear him singing his song to so many daughters and sons
who are the reflection of his fatherly love?
We all have a reason for great hope
precisely knowing this:
there, where they need us,
where are heard the cries
the call of boys who are the poorest,
the humble, of abandoned girls,
of young people in search who call us
and invite us,
that sooner or later they may meet us.
One day my father sold me
I do not have anything,
not even my future
I have been rejected by every school
And yet I feel this void between my stomach and my throat
an unbridgeable abyss,
fear of the future, anger and bitterness
A Salesian is one who synchronizes his heartbeat
with the life of so many impoverished young people,
one who sees the young in Christ and Christ in them.
Dear members of the Salesian Family
this is a wonderful reality
really our true great response
to the celebration
of the Bicentenary of Don Bosco’s birth.
I said it at the beginning and repeat it now
it has been a year of profound grace
for everything we have experienced
and for everything we will be able to achieve
now and in the years to come.
Don Bosco never keeps still
You are like Don Bosco,
if you love with this clear love:
with trusting courage...
with love,
like when you were a child...
with freshness and without wrinkles...
He is alive when his Salesians are like this.
These sons and daughters
are the followers of pure love and faith,
and sacrifice:
All devoted to the young, all devoted to Christ...
like their Father Don Bosco, they are moved
and commit themselves when they see the grief of young people
who find themselves in difficult situations.
Don Bosco puts his trust fully in us. He told us:
I drew the sketch,
you will fill in the colours
I conclude with this comparison:
As Don Bosco in his dream
was not afraid of the sea,
neither are we afraid of the sea that awaits us.
A great fraternal and paternal embrace to all of you,
my beloved Salesian Family,
friends of Don Bosco,
my beloved young people
Do not think that such a Father can abandon us.
I say that don Bosco is alive!
Two hundred years: we have just begun!
A friend… a father.
A teacher… a father
Don Bosco has been and will always be my father
Without Don Bosco my life would be meaningless.