Laga, Timor Lestre, 26 September 2016 -- From 24th until 26th of September, there was a Bible Camp for the teachers in St. John Bosco’s Parish of Laga. There were 60 young teachers from Laga parish schools and one teacher from public school. They gathered in Samalari, Laga for their faith formation. The opening and closing Mass was celebrated by Fr. Manuel Ximenes, the parish priest. This was the first Bible Camp done in the parish.
Fr. Andre Belo has animated the Bible Camp and trying to cultivate in the hearts of the young teachers a deep love of the Word of God. The aim of the Bible Camp was strengthen the faith through the example of St. Mark Evangelist. In this Camp, we were trained to answer the two fundamental questions raised in the Mark Gospel: Who is Jesus for me? and Who is a true disciple of Jesus?
There were conferences, sharing, dialogues and Lectio Divina, as well time for adoration and confession. In these days the teachers were guided to know Jesus through His humanity and miracles, and to have faith in Jesus by professing with Peter “You are the Christ”. After knowing Jesus, the animator of the Bible Camp tried also to guide the teachers to answer how to be His true disciples. We reflected on the command of Jesus to His disciples: Go into all whole world and preach the gospel to every creature!
During the conclusion of the Bible Camp, the participants were lead to learn from the blind Bartimaeus, cured and followed Jesus. In the closing Eucharist, parish priest expressed his hope that the teachers will put in practice what they have learned: know and have faith in Jesus and be His witnesses as one True Teacher.