By Fr Mathew Tri, SDB
Tainan, Taiwan, 4 June 2016 -- There were 506 students graduated from Salesian Technical School, Tainan, Taiwan last June 4. The graduation ceremony was held in typical family spirit, with a strong sense of gratitude to the teachers (many of them are also Alumni - Bosconians) wih a short prayer moment, appreciation of the best students and thanksgiving to their teachers.
The breakdown according specific departments:
汽車 Automobile: 78 students
資訊 Informatics: 44 students
電子 Electronic: 36 students
電機 Electro-mechanic: 47 students
商務 Commerce: 17 students
烘焙 Bakery: 48 students
實汽 Practical Automobile: 46 students
實烘 Practical Bakery: 48 students
實機 Practical electro-mechanic: 27 students
綜高學程:79 students
食品烘焙-禮 Food & Bakery: 43 students
汽車技術 Practical automobile technology: 36 students
The Salesian Technical School in Tainan (the only Salesian school in Taiwan) celebrated already 50 years of history. Since September 2014 is under the leadership of the first lay principal, Mr. XIE Guang Zhou and Br. Savio WONG, SDB continues as supervisor. General atmosphere is good both in discipline and in family spirit. Especially the six years old bakery department is much appreciated by many and does attract also new students every year.
Our STS has every year about 1700 students (1550 in the day courses and 150 in the evening school) with 124 teachers and instructors. At present offers 3 year technical courses for the youth of Tainan. There is a strong Salesian community living within the complex of the school, that is asking your prayers: "We still need your prayers and support to continue this wonderful work of educating young people in the Salesian spirit. In fact many schools in Taiwan are closing because of lack of students".