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Formation of Parish Priests or Pastors of Parishes
"Your latest project of compiling our personal reflections and experiences into one book to help, encourage and enrich our younger confreres who are newly-assigned, or to be assigned soon to a parish, is indeed a very laudable one. May the H... -
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Intellectual Formation Accompaniment by Fr Chrys Saldanha
The document presents intellectual accompaniment: 1. the meaning of intellectual formation 2. need and importance 3. suggested methodologies for intellectual formation 4. creating an environment conducive for intellectual formation Proposals... -
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Formation Scrutiny by Fr. Gerry Martin
Formation Scrutiny notes Formation Scrutiny.docx Formation Scrutiny ppt formation scrutiny.pptx Sample Assessment/Scrutiny/Evaluation tools from FIN Formation Plan Prenovitiate Evaluation Template.docx postnovitiate evaluation tool.doc Revis... -
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Intellectual Formation: PreNovitiate and Novitiate By Fr Van Am
Intellectual Formation for PreNovitiate and Novitiate Intellectual Formation -Lecture to EAO meeting(1).docx Intellectual Formation 1.docx -
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Pedagogical Framework of Salesian Formation by Bro Mon
Pedagogocial Framework of Salesian Formation (Explanatory notes) Schema/Diagram of Pedagogocial Framework of Salesian Formation Transference and Countertransference notes Spiritual accompaniment notes Pedagogical Framework of Salesian Format... -
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Salesians and Lay People by Fr Eli Cruz
I: Salesians and Laity: The identity, role & mission of lay people in the Church and in the world (Christifideles Laici) II: Salesians and lay people, according to GC24 III: Formation of Salesians with regard to lay people - the joint f... -
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GC27 from the perspective of formation
Forming SDB's to be Mystics of the Spirit, Prophets of Fraternity, Servants of the Young from Seoul 2014 Formation of Formators meeting Mystics in the Spirit, Seoul 2014.pptx Prophets of Fraternity Seoul 2014.pptx Servants of the young - sim... -
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Salesians and Lay People by Fr Chrys Saldanha
Salesians and Lay People by Fr Chrys Saldanha SALESIANS AND LAY PEOPLE.docx -
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Youth Pastoral Formation (RMG)
Youth Pastoral Formation (DOC) ORIENTAMENTI - inglese.doc ORIENTAMENTI - lettera - inglese.doc Ratio - Formation for youth ministry.docx -
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Youth Ministry and Formation
Reflections from 3 documents: 1. Exploring Salesian Life Today by Fr. Chrys Saldanha, SDB 2. Salesian Youth Ministry – Frame of Reference by our Salesian Youth Ministry Department 3. Youth Ministry in Asia: Reliving the Emm... -
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Pastoral Care in the Global Village - Timothy Radcliffe
Pastoral Care in the Global Village - Timothy Radcliffe (DOC) Radcliffe -
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Life as Prayer by Fr. Ivo Coelho
Life as Prayer by Fr. Ivo Coelho, SDB - General Councilor for Formation (Doc) and PPT (Bro Mon) 05 LIFE AS PRAYER.docx LIFE AS PRAYER.pptx -
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EAO Prenovitate Report
The EAO Prenovitiate report is a summary (40 pages long) of the situation in our different prenovitiates. EAO Prenovitiates - Report.docx -
EAO Salesian Formation 2015
EAO FORMATION DELEGATES 2015 Documents shared - Life as Prayer (cf. Constitutions 95) ACG421, LIFE AS PRAYER-ENG.pdf - Salesian Brother (Criteria 2012-Ratio) Salesian Brother FSDB 2012.01.18 - Revision Ratio ENG.doc - Personal Accompaniment ... -
Salesian Vocation Stories (Australia-Pacific)
The best contribution to the Salesian vocation culture is the own personal vocation story telling. We hope to share as many different Vocation stories from the 22 EAO countries about Salesian Family Vocation journey today: Samoa Novice Elia... -
Formation for the Salesian priests and Brothers - Paranaque
Formation programs Paranaque (FIN) interprovincial house for the specific formation of Salesian priests 3. CUR15 - EVALUATION ON THE FOUR PILLARS - SEMINARIAN VERSION 2.docx 2. CUR15 - CURATORIUM REPORT - 2015 OCT 1.docx 4. CUR15 - SnDB SEMI... -
Fit for Salesian prayer
Salesian Prayer resources - collection for download 1. Salesian community at prayer (AUL version 2015) THE SALESIAN COMMUNITY AT PRAYER - Version 2.doc 2. Salesian Youth Prayer Book vol I (AUL province - Fiji novices) Salesian Youth Prayer ... -
Vocations newsletter - AUL
One of the good and effective ways how to promote the vocation culture among the Salesian communities is the VOCATIONS NEWSLETTER AUL (Australia - Pacific) High quality VOCATIONS NEWSLETTER for download: Vocations Newsletter No 2 December ... -
EAO Salesian Brothers Congress 2013
EAO Salesian Brothers Congress 2013, Thailand - Hua Hin For download the ACTS: EAO Salesian Brothers' Congress.pdf For link to previous EAO Salesian Brothers Congress (2006 Cambodia) http://www.bosco.link/bosconet/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Formati... -
EAO Salesian Bishops sharing DB 200
DB 200 ENCOUNTER of SALESIAN BISHOPS in TORINO, VALDOCCO Sharing the heart and mind of our SDB EAO salesian bishops May 2015 SHARING 11 CARD. CHARLES BO - Omelia al Colle Don Bosco.docx 07 MONS. VAN LOY - Vita religiosa in Europa.doc...