Way of the Cross (2020 - Christus Vivit - Pope Francis)
Way of the Cross (FIN production) VIA CRUCIS-Christus Vivit 2020.pptx -
Formation - Awakening Climate Change
Formation of young Salesians for environment care 1. India - Yercaud postnovitiate community (2019) 2 Scheme -
The Roots of Don Bosco's Spirituality - Bucellato 2019
English version (by Don Bosco Publication, UK, 2019) Fr Giuseppe Bucellato (Italy - Sicily province, ISI) Spiritual influence on Don Bosco 1. St Ignatius (1491-1556) 2. St Philip Neri (1515-1595) 3. St Francis de Sale... -
Formation Delegates 2019 meeting - shared materials
Formation Delegates 2019 meeting (HK, Nov 15-18) Input materials for download: Formation statistics EAO: Statistics COMPREHENSIVE TOT 7 REG & EAO @ 30 X 19.docx Spiritual accompaniment Lectio Divina: SSA Lectio Divina ENG.docx Self... -
Practical trainees - accompaniment (Coelho-Cereda) 2019
Practical trainees accompaniment Fr Ivo Coelho (2019) and Fr Francesco Cereda (2010) For download ENG: COELHO, Letter on Practical Training, 15.10.2019 ENG.pdf ITA COELHO, Lettera sul tirocinio, 15.10.2019 ITA.pdf 'What helps you in your... -
Salesian Obedience - Timor Leste (Thesis-ICLA 2019)
Fr. Jose Ximenes, SDB TLS viceprovince ICLA - Quezon City, Philippines May 2019 Thesis for download Obedience-Salesian TLS 2019.docx Obedience-Jose Ximenes TLS-ICLA index.docx -
Salesian Spiritual Retreat
Salesian Spiritual Retreat EAO resources 2019 Retreat: Taiwan Annual-Retreat-2019-Taiwan-Booklet-English.docx -
The Salesian Rector (Manual ed. 2020)
'The Salesian Rector' (2020 - final version) Animating and governing the community is finally completely available now and in the hands of EAO translators for publishing in the main SDB world languages. ENGLISH: SDB Rector handbook 2020.... -
Holy Land Experience - Pilgrimage
Holy Land Experience & Holy Land Pilgrimage Possible Pilgrimage Route (2019): PROGRAMMA IN BREVE.pdf (1st) FORMATIVE EXPERIENCE IN THE HOLY LAND 20-29 AUGUST 2018 ENCOUNTERING JESUS IN HIS LAND THROUGH HIS WORD (2nd) 2019 - Es... -
Religious Discipline - Guidelines and Protection of Minors
Protection of minors - preventive system in action (2021-2022) Vatican: Vademecum 2.0 (2022) Vatican Vademecum 2.0 Child abuse 2022 ENG.doc Australia Child Safe Code: AUL-SalesiansChildSafeCode.pdf Czech SDB: January 24 - interview... -
Sicut - Fr. Henry Bonetti
Sicut - Building the Oratory in your Heart by Fr. Henry Mark Bonetti Manila, April 2019 For download: Sicut Book_C 6a_ins3519.pdf Index 3 4 5 -
Don Bosco and Preventive System manga (GIA)
Japan Province Social Communication Office Tokyo PANELS '2015 Life of Don Bosco The 6 Panels about Don Bosco (Life story, Education and Spirituality), were produced in 2015 for the DB200 anniversary by Ms. Eiko Kuriu, the illustrator... -
Salesian Spiritual Accompaniment 2019
Salesian Spiritual Accompaniment 2019 - April FOR DOWNLOAD ITALIAN: 15 APS Orientamenti ITA.docx FOR DOWNLOAD ENGLISH: 15 APS Orientations ENG.docx -
EAO Salesian Brothers Congress 2018 - K'Long, Vietnam
Seventh EAO Salesian Brothers; Congress, K'Long - Vietnam August 9-12, 2018 Published by Don Bosco Press, Inc (Manila) - July 31, 2019 For download Acts of the EAO_ins073019+ print version.pdf -
EAO Salesian History Conference 2019 (Thailand)
Fr. Giacomin Fortunato (Myanmar, 1920-2000) 4th EAO Salesian History Confrerence 'Relevant Salesian Figures of 20th century' (Thailand, Sampran, February 10-15, 2019) Program: Program.doc Participants: EAO2019ParticipantsSumm... -
Saint Francis de Sales 400th Anniversary (1622-2022)
Saint Francis de Sales (1567-1622) Towards the 400th Death Anniversary 2022 Apostolic Letter of the Pope Pius XI: 300th Death Anniversary of St. Francis De Sales (1923) 400-Saint Francis de Sales Pius XI.docx Paul VI: 400th Birth a... -
Salesian Brother - Europe Meeting 2019
Barcelona-Spain EUROPE SALESIAN BROTHERS MEETING 2019 Salesian Brothers of Europe with Fr. Chavez (RM emeritus and Fr. Ivo Coelho) Talks of Fr. Pascual Chavez to the Salesian Brothers of Europe Fraternal life space for human maturity: 10-fr... -
Valdocco - home of many saints
A short Valdocco Pilgrimage 2019 following the Saints who have been growing here GUIDE: Valdocco-Saint pilgrimage ITA.pdf (Italian) Valdocco-Saint pilgrimage ITA.docx GUIDE: -
Salesian Brother Congress 2019-South Asia
South Asia - 8th Salesian Brother Regional Congress Bangalore, Dec 30-January 3, 2019 Resources: Keynote talks 1: Talk 1 - Abraham.docx (Br. Abraham) 2: Talk 2 - Edison.docx (Fr. Edison) 3: Talk 3 - Adolph.pptx (Br. Adolph) 4. Fr. Ivo: Coelh... -
EAO New Rectors Formation Course 2018
EAO New Rectors Course 2018 Hong Kong, Cheung Chau DB Retreat House November 25-29,2018 Formation inputs: Rector Handbook, ed 1986 Index - Content: HK - DAY 0 SESSION 0 - RECTORS SEMINAR - ITER LABORIS.docx HK - DAY 0 SESSION 0 - RECTOR_S M...