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It-en.U History

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:'''Ufficio anagrafico e statistico''':''Registry and statistics office''
Does all the work of gathering and preserving documentation regarding confreres, houses and Provinces in the Congregation
:'''Ufficio Giuridico''':''Juridical Office''
Dependent on the superiors and in connection also with the Procurator Generalwho sees to those matters which have to be forwarded to the Apostolic See
The term is relatively recent in Salesian writing - after Vat. II and in GC 23 (1990) especially where it speaks of a new humanism
:'''umanizzazione''':''becoming human, human development''
''Renditi forte, umile, robusto'': so says DB in MO describing what the Woman said to him in his first dream at 9 years of age. 'Be strong, humble and brave'. What are we to make of the fact that in the very first version DB had written ''sano, forte e robusto'' then crossed out ''sano'' and put ''umile''? Cerrato (''Vi Presento Don Bosco'' LDC 2005) says that DB would have 'heard' these words in Piedmontese as ''san, fort e robust'', the first meaning well-behaved, of good conduct, the second, strong, the third courageous. His choice in Italian of ''umile'' then, seems more a making clear of how a 9 year old could be good
:'''unione con Dio''':''union with God''
:'''Università Pontificia Salesiana UPS''':''Salesian Pontifical University, UPS''
The abbreviated form remains UPS in each case, Italian, English...
In Salesian discourse this term would immediately point to the glass container, effectively a reliquary, containing the body (wax, but with some relics, bone fragments) of a Salesian Saint such as John Bosco, Dominic Savio, Mary Mazzarello....It is also a 'false friend' in the sense that it it is translated as 'urn' it is not in keeping with the meaning of the English word 'urn' which is a kind of vase, a receptacle which may hold the ashes of the dead (or of a certain cricket series!), or liquids such as water or tea
:'''uscite''':''(1) outflows (accounting) (2) those leaving the Congregation''
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Page last modified on March 18, 2012, at 08:58 PM