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It-en: U

(:nl:)A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z



:'''Ufficio anagrafico e statistico''':''Registry and statistics office'' Does all the work of gathering and preserving documentation regarding confreres, houses and Provinces in the Congregation :'''Ufficio Giuridico''':''Juridical Office'' Dependent on the superiors and in connection also with the Procurator Generalwho sees to those matters which have to be forwarded to the Apostolic See :'''umanesimo''':''humanism'' The term is relatively recent in Salesian writing - after Vat. II and in GC 23 (1990) especially where it speaks of a new humanism :'''umanizzazione''':''becoming human, human development'' :'''umiltà''':''humility'' ''Renditi forte, umile, robusto'': so says DB in MO describing what the Woman said to him in his first dream at 9 years of age. 'Be strong, humble and brave'. What are we to make of the fact that in the very first version DB had written ''sano, forte e robusto'' then crossed out ''sano'' and put ''umile''? Cerrato (''Vi Presento Don Bosco'' LDC 2005) says that DB would have 'heard' these words in Piedmontese as ''san, fort e robust'', the first meaning well-behaved, of good conduct, the second, strong, the third courageous. His choice in Italian of ''umile'' then, seems more a making clear of how a 9 year old could be good :'''unione con Dio''':''union with God'' :'''Università Pontificia Salesiana UPS''':''Salesian Pontifical University, UPS'' The abbreviated form remains UPS in each case, Italian, English... :'''Urna''':''Casket'' In Salesian discourse this term would immediately point to the glass container, effectively a reliquary, containing the body (wax, but with some relics, bone fragments) of a Salesian Saint such as John Bosco, Dominic Savio, Mary Mazzarello....It is also a 'false friend' in the sense that it it is translated as 'urn' it is not in keeping with the meaning of the English word 'urn' which is a kind of vase, a receptacle which may hold the ashes of the dead (or of a certain cricket series!), or liquids such as water or tea :'''uscite''':''(1) outflows (accounting) (2) those leaving the Congregation'' (:nl:)

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Page last modified on March 18, 2012, at 08:58 PM