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u8hodt1 1l6e3rcn4 <a href="">maglie calcio poco prezzo</a> zw8hd0bag 4wlapzc5x\n 1o8xnzej aklmrgf <a href="">billige fodboldtr&oslash;jer</a> wu0onr c5pw24\n uzcfo7p louvx0nfkr <a href="">maglie calcio bambino</a> 6p81a49ju0 4knlajd6h\n

(:Summary:Contains the 'action' links (like Browse, Edit, History, etc.), placed at the top of the page, see site page actions:) (:comment This page can be somewhat complex to figure out the first time you see it. Its contents are documented at PmWiki.SitePageActions if you need help. :) * View * Edit * History * Print

 (:comment delete if and ifend to enable backlinks:)

* Backlinks


(:Summary: PmWiki group header. Includes styles and trail.:) (:comment please leave the multiple style definitions concatenated as a single line. Linebreaks do appear in the output when the wiki is configured with linebreaks enabled -- thanks!:) (:comment included in PmWiki localisation headers and footers :)

(:nl:)(:Summary: All PmWiki page actions (?action=) and other query parameters:)

Page actions are applied to wiki pages, as a query string appended to the URL. Security can be applied to all default actions, and script actions with one exception, but not diag actions, through the use of passwords.

Also documented are all other URL queries.

'''NOTE:''' All actions will be disabled if the following is set:

    $EnableActions = 0;

This will initialize PmWiki (along with any configuration/customizations that are being made, e.g. from local/config.php), but won't actually perform any actions. The caller can then call the desired action or other functions as desired. This is available from Version 2.2.0-beta22 on up.

PmWiki Actions

See also site page actions.

:?action='''attr''': displays dialog for setting/changing password of the specified page or group of pages, see passwords, see also $EnablePostAttrClearSession if you do not want to have the session cleared after validating change General use of passwords and login

:?action='''browse''': display the specified page (default action if no ?action= is present)

:?action='''crypt''': displays a form for generating hashed passwords out of clear text for usage in your config.php

:?action='''diff''': show a change history of the specified page, see page history History of previous edits to a page

:?action='''download'''&upname=''file.ext'': retrieve the page's attachment named ''file.ext'', see $EnableDirectDownload

:?action='''edit''': edit the specified page, see basic editing

:?action='''login''': prompt visitor for username/password, by default using Site.AuthForm

:?action='''logout''': remove author, password, and login information

:?action='''print''': display the specified page using the skin specified by $ActionSkin['print']

:?action='''refcount''': bring up the reference count form, which allows the user to generate a list of links (all, missing, existing or orphaned) in or from specified groups. See Ref Count Link references counts on pages . Part of the core distribution but must be enabled by the administrator.

:?action='''search''': displays searchbox on current page, see search Targeting and customising search results :?action='''search'''&q=''searchterm'': performs search with ''searchterm'' and displays results on current page :?action='''search'''&q=link=''pagename'': performs backlinks search with ''pagename'' and displays results on current page

:?action='''source''': show page source

:?action='''atom''': :?action='''rdf''': :?action='''rss''': :?action='''dc''': If web feeds are enabled, returns a syndication feed based on the contents of the page or other options provided by the url, see web feeds Web feed notification of changes

:?action='''upload''': display a form to upload an attachment for the current group, see uploads ----

Query string parameters

:?'''from'''=''page name'': use when a page is redirected

:?'''n'''=''page name'': display page

:?'''setprefs'''=''SomeGroup.CustomPreferences'': sets cookie to custom preferences page. See site preferences Customisable browser setting preferences: Access keys, edit form ----

Actions enabled by $EnableDiag

The following actions are available only if you set @@$EnableDiag = 1;@@ in your configuration file. They can be used for debugging and should not be set in a production environment.

:?action='''ruleset''': displays a list of all markups in 4 columns: ** column 1 = markup-name (1. parameter of markup() ) ** column 2 = when will rule apply (2. parameter of markup() ) ** column 3 = PmWiki's internal sort key (derived from #2) ** column 4 = Debug backtrace information for potentially incompatible rules (filename, line number, pattern) ->(see Custom Markup Using the Markup() function for custom wiki syntax ). ->To see more than what ?action=ruleset gives you, apply the Cookbook:MarkupRulesetDebugging recipe: it can also show the pattern and the replacement strings. ** doesn't make use of PmWiki's authorization mechanisms.

:?action='''phpinfo''': displays the output of phpinfo() and exits. No page will be processed ** doesn't make use of PmWiki's authorization mechanisms.

:?action='''diag''': displays a dump of all global vars and exits. No page will be processed ** doesn't make use of PmWiki's authorization mechanisms.


Actions enabled by PmWiki Scripts

:?action='''analyze''': see Site Analyzer and Analyze Results

:?action='''approvesites''': see Url approvals Require approval of Url links ** doesn't make use of PmWiki's authorization mechanisms.


Actions enabled by Cookbook recipes

(more information about Custom Actions)

:?action='''admin''': see Cookbook:UserAuth2

:?action='''backup''': see Cookbook:BackupPages

:?action='''clearsky''': see Cookbook:SearchCloud

:?action='''comment''': see Cookbook:CommentBox

:?action='''comments''': see Cookbook:Comments

:?action='''comment-rss''': see Cookbook:CommentDb

:?action='''convert''': see Cookbook:ROEPatterns

:?action='''converttable''': Cookbook:ConvertTable

:?action='''copy''': see Cookbook:MovePage

:?action='''csv''': see CSVAction?

:?action='''downloaddeleted''': :?action='''delattach''': :?action='''delattach''': :?action='''deldelattach''': :?action='''fileinfo''': :?action='''thumbnail''': :?action='''undelattach''': Cookbook:Attachtable

:?action='''delete''': see Cookbook:DeleteAction

:?action='''discuss''': see Cookbook:DiscussionTab

:?action='''downloadman''': see Cookbook:DownloadManager

:?action='''expirediff''': see Cookbook:ExpireDiff

:?action='''import''': see Cookbook:ImportText

:?action='''move''': see Cookbook:MovePage

:?action='''PageUrl''': see Cookbook:CommentBoxPlus

:?action='''pageindex''': see Cookbook:ListCategories

:?action='''pdf''': see Cookbook:GeneratePDF or Cookbook:PmWiki2PDF

:?action='''postupload2''': see Cookbook:UploadForm

:?action='''publish''': see Cookbook:PublishPDF

:?action='''purgeqns''': see Cookbook:ASCIIMath

:?action='''pwchange''': see Cookbook:UserAuth2

:?action='''imgtpl''': (the ''imgtpl'' action is called automatically and should not be called by a link in a wiki page) :?action='''createthumb''': (the ''createthumb'' action is called automatically and should not be called by a link in a wiki page) :?action='''mini''': (this action is called automatically and should not be called by a link in a wiki page) :?action='''purgethumbs''': see Cookbook:ThumbList
see Cookbook:Mini

:?action='''recipecheck''': see Cookbook:RecipeCheck

:?action='''regen''': see Cookbook:PageRegenerate

:?action='''rename''': :?action='''links''': see Cookbook:RenamePage

:?action='''share''': :?action='''unshare''': see Cookbook:SharedPages

:?action='''sitemapaddgroups''': :?action='''sitemapupdate''': see Cookbook:Sitemapper

:?action='''totalcounter''': see Cookbook:TotalCounter

:?action='''trash''': :?action='''untrash''': see Cookbook:Trash

:?action='''webadmin''': see Cookbook:WebAdmin

:?action='''zap''': see Cookbook:ZAP ----

Query string parameters enabled by Cookbook recipes

:?'''color'''=''colorscheme'': :?'''setcolor'''=''colorscheme'' :?'''skintheme'''=''theme'': :?'''setskintheme'''=''theme'': see Cookbook:ChoiceColorChanger {Cookbook/ChoiceColorChanger $:Summary}

:?'''skin'''=''skinname'': :?'''setskin'''=''skinname'': see SkinChange

Custom actions

*See CustomActions.(:nl:)(:Summary:Trail and talk page links:) (:comment included in PmWiki localisation headers and footers :) <<? >>bgcolor=#ffe border-top="1px solid black" font-size=.8em<< This page may have a more recent version on PmWiki:AvailableActions, and a talk page: PmWiki:AvailableActions-Talk. >><<

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Page last modified on March 10, 2015, at 08:49 PM