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(:Summary:Contains the 'action' links (like Browse, Edit, History, etc.), placed at the top of the page, see site page actions:) (:comment This page can be somewhat complex to figure out the first time you see it. Its contents are documented at PmWiki.SitePageActions if you need help. :) * View * Edit * History * Print

charter of identity

Termbase.CharterOfIdentity History

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June 16, 2011, at 03:46 PM by -
Changed lines 196-198 from:
(:context: :)
(:context: The Charter of Identity for our Family, which I intend to present to you, will stimulate and guide us along this path. (from the presentation to the document, 24 may 2011).

[and for the more complete term]: On 24 May 2011, the Solemnity of Mary Help of Christians, as the ninth successor of Don Bosco I give you the Charter of Identity of the Salesian Family of Don Bosco (from the same presentation)
June 04, 2011, at 02:51 AM by -
Changed line 184 from:
(:syn: :)
(:syn: Charter of charismatic and spiritual identity:)
June 04, 2011, at 02:51 AM by -
Changed lines 185-195 from:
(:des: :)
(:des: The Salesian Family is a vast movement comprising congregations, institutes and associations, both religious and lay, that have grown out of the heart and pastoral experience of Don Bosco’s charism. Besides the first groups founded by Don Bosco himself, others have emerged over time which are seen to share a common mission with them: namely, the evangelisation and education of young people, especially the most needy.

On the 31st January 1995 the then Rector Major, Fr.Egidio Viganò, gave the Salesian Family the ‘Common Identity Card’,(''Carta di Comunione'' in its original Italian title) and some years later, his successor Fr. Juan Edmundo Vecchi gave the ‘Common Mission Statement'. These two documents helped the various groups to deepen their common spirituality and apostolate.

From 2002 the Rector Major, Fr Chávez, made great efforts to strengthen the unity of the various groups, giving renewed impulse, not only by welcoming new groups, but also by offering clear guidelines on the identity, spirituality and apostolic character of the Salesian Family, especially through the teaching of his annual Strenna.

The ''Charter of Identity of the Salesian Family'', (aka ''Charter of charismatic and spiritual identity'') announced at the concluding session of the 28th ‘Salesian Family Spirituality Days’, is viewed as an essential step towards presenting the Salesian Family as a true, authentic movement for the salvation of the young, officially recognised as such by the Church.

The document contains those elements that define the charismatic identity of the Salesian Family: mission, spirit, relationship, formation, approaches to education and evangelisation.

Following on the announcement in January 2010, the draft document was presented to the Salesian Family World Advisory Council exactly one year later, with the commitment on the part of the various representatives to present it to their respective general Councils, with a view to studying it and enriching it with their suggestions and observations. It is the gathering of their contributions that has made the final version possible. In the Presentation section we read: ‘The description in this Charter of the identity of the Salesian charism of our Family is the result of a long process of reflection and convergence of thought, especially at the heart of the World Advisory Council.’
June 04, 2011, at 02:48 AM by -
Changed line 179 from:
(:equivpt: :)
(:equivpt: Carta de Identidade de la Familia Salesiana:)
June 04, 2011, at 02:47 AM by -
Changed line 177 from:
(:equives: :)
(:equives: Carta de Identidad de la Família Salesiana:)
June 04, 2011, at 02:47 AM by -
Changed line 178 from:
(:equivfr: :)
(:equivfr: Charte d'identité de la Famille Salésienne:)
June 04, 2011, at 02:46 AM by -
Changed lines 180-181 from:
(:def: :)
Gathers in the reflection and developed experience over the years following on from two earlier documents on the unity and mission of the Salesian Family. ‘The new text contains the essence of the earlier documents. The new Charter, in fact, elaborates the characteristic elements proper to the Salesian Family, namely those aspects common to all the Groups, and conducive to shared experiences, collaboration, and public recognition'. (From the preface to the ''Charter of Identity of the Salesian Family''.
June 04, 2011, at 02:45 AM by -
Changed line 176 from:
(:equivit: :)
(:equivit: Carta d'identità (della Famiglia Salesiana):)
June 04, 2011, at 02:44 AM by -
Changed line 181 from:
(:status1: ---:)
(:status1: General:)
June 04, 2011, at 02:44 AM by -
Changed line 174 from:
(:type1: ---:)
(:type1: ShortForm:)
June 04, 2011, at 02:44 AM by -
Changed line 172 from:
(:pos1: ---:)
(:pos1: N/phrase:)
June 04, 2011, at 02:43 AM by -
Added lines 1-190:
%center%[[A]]  [[B]]  [[C]]  [[D]]  [[E]]  [[F]]  [[G]]  [[H]]  [[I]]  [[J]]  [[K]]  [[L]]  [[M]]  [[N]]  [[O]]  [[P]]  [[Q]]  [[R]]  [[S]]  [[T]]  [[U]]  [[V]]  [[W]]  [[X]]  [[Y]]  [[Z]]

(:title charter of identity  :)(:comment Write term as a title in lower case except where upper case or capitals are normally required:)
'+%maroon%Term%%:+'  (:comment Write term on this line, after this comment:) charter of identity
'+%maroon%Definition+'%%: {$:def}
'''POS''' (part of speech). ''Can be more than one'':
    '''%maroon%POS 1''': %blue%{$:pos1}   
    '''%maroon%POS 2''': %blue%{$:pos2}

'''Term type''' ('EntryTerm' ''if no other applies)'':
    '''%maroon%Type 1''': %blue%{$:type1}   
    '''%maroon%Type 2''': %blue%{$:type2}

'''Term status''':
    '''%maroon%for POS 1''': %blue%{$:status1}   
    '''%maroon%for POS 2''': %blue%{$:status2}
(%blue%General%%=''also found outside Salesian usage''; %blue%Salesian%%=''possibly not well understood beyond Salesian circles;'' %blue%Neologism, Archaic, Deprecated%% ''refer to the term's status in Salesian discourse'')
%block s1%'''Recommended equivalent''' (it): {$:equivit}

(''In most cases the Italian term will be the official source term. In other cases below, if the term has its source in another language, this will be indicated by an [S] following the term.'')
%block s2%'''Recommended equivalent''' (es): {$:equives}

%block s3%'''Recommended equivalent''' (fr): {$:equivfr}

%block s4%'''Recommended equivalent''' (pt): {$:equivpt}

'''Suggested equivalent (other)''': {$:equivot}

'''Other language''': {$:code}
Language code chosen from [[|IANA registry]]]


'+%maroon%Geographical/Regional usage+'%%:


'+%maroon%Context (examples of use)+'%%:

'+%maroon%Other notes+'%%:

(:toggle hide box1 button=1:)
>>id=box1 border='1px solid #999' padding=5px bgcolor=#edf<<
%blue%This section is intended for authorised users to add new information or alter existing information
(:zapform key=Pos:)
(:input hidden savedata "pos1,pos2":)
'''POS''' (part of speech). A term may be more than one POS
(1) (:input select name=pos1 value=---:)(:input select name=pos1 value=N/phrase:)(:input select name=pos1 value=V/phrase :)(:input select name=pos1 value=Adj/phrase :)(:input select name=pos1 value=Adv/phrase :)(:input select name=pos1 value=OtherPOS :)[==] (2) (:input select name=pos2 value=---:)(:input select name=pos2 value=N/phrase:)(:input select name=pos2 value=V/phrase :)(:input select name=pos2 value=Adj/phrase :)(:input select name=pos2 value=Adv/phrase :)(:input select name=pos2 value=OtherPOS :)

(:input submit value="Submit choices!":)
(:zapform key=Type:)
(:input hidden savedata "type1,type2":)
'''Term type''' ('EntryTerm' ''if no other applies)''
(1) (:input select name=type1 value=---:)(:input select name=type1 value=EntryTerm :)(:input select name=type1 value=Acronym:)(:input select name=type1 value=Abbreviation :)(:input select name=type1 value=Blend :)(:input select name=type1 value=Calque :)(:input select name=type1 value=Citation :)(:input select name=type1 value=LoanTerm :)(:input select name=type1 value=ShortForm :)(:input select name=type1 value=Variant :)[==] (2) (:input select name=type2 value=---:)(:input select name=type2 value=EntryTerm :)(:input select name=type2 value=Acronym:)(:input select name=type2 value=Abbreviation :)(:input select name=type2 value=Blend :)(:input select name=type2 value=Calque :)(:input select name=type2 value=Citation :)(:input select name=type2 value=LoanTerm :)(:input select name=type2 value=ShortForm :)(:input select name=type2 value=Variant :) 
[Initialisms like AGC are regarded as acronyms; a term like 'Bro.' is an abbreviation; an example of short form instead would be the main part of a very long book title (most of DB's book titles! 'Giovane Provveduto' is a short form). A loan term is not translated whereas a calque is. A blend is where two (or more) morphemes or 'word' parts have been combined to form a single term, as in the case of 'austraLasia'. Choose variant when there exists at least one other common form of the term. ]
(:input submit value="Submit choices!":)
(:zapform key=Status:)
(:input hidden savedata "status1,status2":)
'''Term status''' (General=''also found outside Salesian usage''; Salesian=''possibly not well understood beyond Salesian circles;'' Neologism, Archaic, Deprecated ''refer to the term's status in Salesian discourse'')
(1) (:input select name=status1 value=---:)(:input select name=status1 value=General :)(:input select name=status1 value=Salesian:)(:input select name=status1 value=Neologism :)(:input select name=status1 value=Archaic :)(:input select name=status1 value=Deprecated :)[==] (2) (:input select name=status2 value=---:)(:input select name=status2 value=General :)(:input select name=status2 value=Salesian:)(:input select name=status2 value=Neologism :)(:input select name=status2 value=Archaic :)(:input select name=status2 value=Deprecated :) 
[Archaic refers to terms that have fallen out of regular use. Deprecated indicates official disapproval or if not disapproval, official abandonment at least. A neologism is a term that has come into play relatively recently - say, since Vatican II, but the time frame can be flexible.]
(:input submit value="Submit choices!":)
(:zapform key=Equivit:)
%block s1%'''Recommended equivalent''' (it). ''In most cases the Italian term will be the official source term''
(:input hidden savedata "equivit":)
(:input text  equivit size=60:) 

(:input submit value="Submit choice!":)

(:zapform key=Equives:)
%block s2%'''Recommended equivalent''' (es)
(:input hidden savedata "equives":)
(:input text  equives size=60:) 

(:input submit value="Submit choice!":)

(:zapform key=Equivfr:)
%block s3%'''Recommended equivalent''' (fr)
(:input hidden savedata "equivfr":)
(:input text  equivfr size=60:) 

(:input submit value="Submit choice!":)

(:zapform key=Equivpt:)
%block s4%'''Recommended equivalent''' (pt)
(:input hidden savedata "equivpt":)
(:input text  equivpt size=60:) 

(:input submit value="Submit choice!":)

(:zapform key=Equivot:)
'''Suggested equivalent (other)''' (Where it is the source term indicated with [S] and appropriate language code [chosen from [[|IANA registry]]])
(:input hidden savedata "equivot":)
(:input text  equivot size=60:) 

(:input submit value="Submit choice!":)
(:zapform key=Code:)
(:input hidden savedata "code":)
(:input select name=code value=---:)(:input select name=code value=Afrikaans_af:)(:input select name=code value=Albanian_sq:)(:input select name=code value=Amharic_am:)(:input select name=code value=Arabic_ar:)(:input select name=code value=Aragonese_an:)(:input select name=code value=Armenian_hy:)(:input select name=code value=Assamese_as:)(:input select name=code value=Azerbaijani_az:)(:input select name=code value=Basque_eu:)(:input select name=code value=Belarusian_be:)(:input select name=code value=Bengali_bn:)(:input select name=code value=Bihari_bh:)(:input select name=code value=Bosnian_bs:)(:input select name=code value=Bulgarian_bg:)(:input select name=code value=Burmese_my:)(:input select name=code value=Catalan_ca:)(:input select name=code value=Chamorro_ch:)(:input select name=code value=Chinese_zh:)(:input select name=code value=Croatian_hr:)(:input select name=code value=Czech_cs:)(:input select name=code value=Dutch_nl:)(:input select name=code value=English_en:)(:input select name=code value=Fijian_fj:)(:input select name=code value=Georgian_ka:)(:input select name=code value=German_de:)(:input select name=code value=Greek_el:)(:input select name=code value=Guarani_gn:)(:input select name=code value=Gujarati_gu:)(:input select name=code value=Haitian_ht:)(:input select name=code value=Hausa_ha:)(:input select name=code value=Hebrew_he:)(:input select name=code value=Hindi_hi:)(:input select name=code value=Hungarian_hu:)(:input select name=code value=Indonesian_id:)(:input select name=code value=Irish_ga:)(:input select name=code value=Igbo_ig:)(:input select name=code value=Japanese_ja:)(:input select name=code value=Javanese_jv:)(:input select name=code value=Kannada_kn:)(:input select name=code value=Kashmiri_ks:)(:input select name=code value=Kazakh_kk:)(:input select name=code value=Khmer_km:)(:input select name=code value=Kikuyu_ki:)(:input select name=code value=Kongo_kg:)(:input select name=code value=Korean_ko:)(:input select name=code value=Kurdish_ku:)(:input select name=code value=Lao_lo:)(:input select name=code value=Latin_la:)(:input select name=code value=Lithuanian_lt:)(:input select name=code value=Latvian_lv:)(:input select name=code value=Malagasy_mg:)(:input select name=code value=Malay_ms:)(:input select name=code value=Malayalam_ml:)(:input select name=code value=Maltese_mt:)(:input select name=code value=Marathi_mr:)(:input select name=code value=Mongolian_mn:)(:input select name=code value=Norwegian_no:)(:input select name=code value=Ndebele_nd:)(:input select name=code value=Nepali_ne:)(:input select name=code value=Piedmontese_pms:)(:input select name=code value=Punjabi_pa:)(:input select name=code value=Persian_fa:)(:input select name=code value=Polish_pl:)(:input select name=code value=Pashto_ps:)(:input select name=code value=Quechua_qu:)(:input select name=code value=Quetzaltepec_pmx:)(:input select name=code value=Romanian_ro:)(:input select name=code value=Russian_ru:)(:input select name=code value=Sanskrit_sa:)(:input select name=code value=Sardinian_sc:)(:input select name=code value=Samoan_sm:)(:input select name=code value=Serbian_sr:)(:input select name=code value=Scottish_ga:)(:input select name=code value=Shona_sn:)(:input select name=code value=Sinhala_si:)(:input select name=code value=Slovak_sk:)(:input select name=code value=Slovene_sl:)(:input select name=code value=Somali_so:)(:input select name=code value=Sundanese_su:)(:input select name=code value=Swahili_sw:)(:input select name=code value=Swedish_sv:)(:input select name=code value=Tamil_ta:)(:input select name=code value=Telugu_te:)(:input select name=code value=Tajik_tg:)(:input select name=code value=Thai_th:)(:input select name=code value=Tigrinya:ti:)(:input select name=code value=Tagalog_tl:)(:input select name=code value=Tswana_tn:)(:input select name=code value=Tongan_to:)(:input select name=code value=Turkish_tr:)(:input select name=code value=Ukrainian_uk:)(:input select name=code value=Urdu_ur:)(:input select name=code value=Vietnamese_vi:)(:input select name=code value=Walloon_wa:)(:input select name=code value=Xhosa_xh:)(:input select name=code value=Yiddish_yi:)(:input select name=code value=Yoruba_yo:)(:input select name=code value=Zulu_zu:) 

(:input submit value="Submit choice!":)

(:zapform key=Def:)
(:input hidden savedata "def":)
(:input textarea def cols=100 rows=5:) 
[The definition should not be imagined! It is assumed that it exists either in a reputable dictionary (or at least in similar words) or in some authoritative Salesian reference (e.g. the Constitutions, AGC or similar public document, Lenti's 7 volume series, and so on]
(:input submit value="Submit definition!":)

(:zapform key=Syn:)
(:input hidden savedata "syn":)
(:input textarea syn cols=100 rows=5:) 
(:input submit value="Submit synonyms!":)

(:zapform key=Reg:)
(:input hidden savedata "reg":)
'+%maroon%Geographical/Regional usage+'
(:input textarea reg cols=100 rows=5:) 
[Certain terms are common in restricted parts of the Congregation. We have one 'prior' but only in INB; in some parts of Asia the Salesian community is called a 'convent', but not elsewhere]
(:input submit value="Submit details!":)

(:zapform key=Des:)
(:input hidden savedata "des":)
(:input textarea des cols=100 rows=5:)
[Etymological information, mostly]
(:input submit value="Submit description!":)

(:zapform key=Con:)
(:input hidden savedata "context":)
'+%maroon%Context (examples of use)+'
(:input textarea context cols=100 rows=5:)
[English usage, obviously] 
(:input submit value="Submit context!":)

(:zapform key=Note:)
(:input hidden savedata "note":)
'+%maroon%Other notes+'
(:input textarea note cols=100 rows=5:) 
[Room here for more personal observations, private opinion if felt to be useful]
(:input submit value="Submit note!":)
(:pos1: ---:)
(:pos2: ---:)
(:type1: ---:)
(:type2: ---:)
(:equivit: :)
(:equives: :)
(:equivfr: :)
(:equivpt: :)
(:def: :)
(:status1: ---:)
(:status2: ---:)
(:syn: :)
(:des: :)
(:context: :)
(:equivot: :)
(:note: :)
Edit - History - Print - Recent Changes - Search
Page last modified on June 16, 2011, at 03:46 PM