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(:nl:)Vietnam: Province of St John Bosco

This province was originally set up in 1974 and saw many difficult years. Today there are almost 200 Salesian working throughout Vietnam in 12 different communities, mainly in the parish apostolates. With 26 novices in 2001 and almost 50 seminarians, the future looks bright for the Salesian works in this country.

Taken from Australian Salesian Bulletin:

15th July 2006 -- Bishop Peter De sdb, recently consecrated as auxiliary bishop of Bui Chu diocese in the North, today ordained four young Salesians to the Priesthood in Ho Chi Minh City. They were his first priestly ordinations.

Following the event one of the newly ordained, speaking in the name of the others, said simply: "I spent a week of retreat (in preparation), contemplated the meaning of being a Salesian missionary and ask God for strength and courage. I entrust all my fears into God's hands and in friendship with Jesus. Please keep me in your prayers".

An additional nine confreres were ordained deacon. The ordinations make the fifth set of ordinations for Vietnamese confreres this year, though a good number of these have been ordained in one or other part of the world where they have been studying.

The majority of Salesian candidates for the priesthood are already university graduates before they enter the novitiate, so tend to be in their early thirties by the time of their ordination. One of those most recently ordained is already assigned to the missions in Africa. (:nl:)

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Page last modified on July 19, 2006, at 02:43 PM