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Salesian Termbase is an aid to consistent terminology in the domain we know as 'Salesian', particuarly its 'sdb' subdomain. Translators will find it helpful, not only because it offers a straightforward target and source language glossary, but also because the more complete term view will provide fuller information about the concept represented by the term.

Salesian Termbase (ST) was designed to: 1. Provide a formal approach to Salesian terminology worldwide. 2. Facilitate entry of term data. 3. Assist those who need to work with Salesian terminology, e.g. translators.

It is possible to edit Salesian Termbase, since this is a read-write web page, a wiki. However to protect the information within, permission is required to do the editing. If you are willing to edit the termbase in a major way, please contact the administrator. Otherwise simply send suggestions to the same address for possible inclusion. (:nl:)

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Page last modified on September 05, 2010, at 05:54 AM