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(:Summary:Contains the 'action' links (like Browse, Edit, History, etc.), placed at the top of the page, see site page actions:) (:comment This page can be somewhat complex to figure out the first time you see it. Its contents are documented at PmWiki.SitePageActions if you need help. :) * View * Edit * History * Print


(:nl:)!!! Preliminary

It would be clear to readers that we cannot simply allow 'open slather' - allow anyone to enter and write anything! So while in theory, any member of the EAO Region may edit Bosconet, in practice that person requires authorisation to do so. And authorisation to edit brings with it some basic responsibilities: * something to add or edit that is valuable for the Region * adherence to some straightforward standards, one of them being respect for a sensible organisational structure, another being the willingness to read (even just from the 'Show Help' button above) what needs to be done to present material through wiki markup.

How any wiki, and especially Bosconet-wiki, should be organised

Internal hyperlinks in text

The most powerful organising factor in a wiki is a so-called 'wikiword', a word or phrase enclosed in double square brackets which creates a link to that page - that is how you got to this page. The word or phrase (name) inside the brackets becomes a link to a page. If the page did not exist before you put that 'name' in brackets, it will as soon as you click on it, where it will ask you to enter text or images or something.


All pages belong automatically to a group. Many of them will belong to a group called 'Main', and there are several groups that only the administrator or authorised persons may add pages to (Site, for example, or SiteAdmin). But because this is a Salesian CMS, groups defined as Formation, Youth Ministry, Social Communications, Economy, Missions, Salesian Family and, for regional purposes EAO are already defined. In fact you should not create additional groups unless these are defined by the administrator, who will be open to the need to create other groups. Remember, these 'groups' are page groups, not necessarily 'people groups': we can create these latter by authorising people to edit groups that might be created for specific needs, as for example a group working on formation in the region might have a group called EAO Formation. Read up something here on how groups should be structured in Bosconet-wiki.

You understand then why it may be useful to work through the administrator of Bosconet to ensure that all readers are presented with a workable, simple structure.(:nl:)

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Page last modified on December 29, 2007, at 04:51 PM