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'''F/OSSERVATORE''' is in fact an overlap between an acronym and a real word: the real word is evident enough, albeit Italian. The acronym is F/OSS and is now commonly in use to describe a worldwide movement known as Free and Open Source Software. Sometimes the word 'Libre' is added (which would make it FLOSS, a less happy English acronym!) to ensure that 'Free' is understood for its real intent - free as in unentangled, freedom. That it may also be free as in 'free beer', without cost, is an attraction to most, though not necessarily always the case for OSS. There is nothing inherently wrong with someone requesting some small payment for a service rendered. But it is also true that in most cases OSS is also FOSS, and that helps!

'''F/OSSERVATORE''', combines two notions as a freshly coined title for these wiki pages and an e-letter: F/OSS is a secular philosophy, culture and practice of global proportions now. OSSERVATORE is a not-so-subtle reminder of the importance of tying it to sound Catholic ethical teaching. For the Salesian, sound ethics, education and practice are what F/OSSERVATORE aims to stimulate

The wiki pages - this and a starting list of other ones below - are always available for you to read, add to. You are invited to offer your own experience, ask questions, provide answers to others' questions, add useful links. The e-letter by the same title is a weekly affair and goes only to those who request it. ------------------- A useful starting link for how to hold FOSS and Catholic teaching together can be found at

Another useful link for the Asia-Pacific Region from UNDP. It includes primers aimed at policy-makers, educators and practitioners:

Pages you can add material to (you may add further pages if you wish):

Cathedrals, bazaars and Constitution 40
FOSS experiences
FOSS questions and answers
FOSS links
Latin-va but anyone for Khmer? Internationalization
Software the missing link in the Church's language


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Page last modified on December 31, 2007, at 02:19 AM