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Editing Termbase.Congregation


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Preview Termbase.Congregation

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(:nl:)A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

---- (:comment Write term as a title in lower case except where upper case or capitals are normally required:) '+Term:+' (:comment Write term on this line, after this comment:) Congregation

---- '''POS''' (part of speech). ''Can be more than one'': '''POS 1''': N/phrase '''POS 2''': ---

'''Term type''' ('EntryTerm' ''if no other applies)'': '''Type 1''': EntryTerm '''Type 2''': ---

'''Term status''': '''for POS 1''': General '''for POS 2''': --- (General=''also found outside Salesian usage''; Salesian=''possibly not well understood beyond Salesian circles;'' Neologism, Archaic, Deprecated ''refer to the term's status in Salesian discourse'')

'''Recommended equivalent''' (it): congregazione

(''In most cases the Italian term will be the official source term. In other cases below, if the term has its source in another language, this will be indicated by an [S] following the term.'')

'''Recommended equivalent''' (es): congregación

'''Recommended equivalent''' (fr): congregation

'''Recommended equivalent''' (pt): coongregação

'''Suggested equivalent (other) '''Language code [chosen from IANA registry]): '''Other language''':

'+Definition+': (1) a group of the faithful who banded together for pious and charitable purposes (19th century understanding). (2) a religious society with simple vows.


'+Geographical/Regional usage+':

'+Description+': Don Bosco's 'congregation', at least in the 1850s, was the first suggested meaning, i.e. an association of Christians united with him for the good of the youth of the Oratory. It is also interesting to note that the term 'congregation' in the Restoration schools could mean a gathering of students on Sunday and Holy Days for religious activities. Don Bosco began to refer to his congregation initially as a 'kind of congregation' and was unsure what to call its members. He used various terms: allies, associates, benefactors, promoters, cooperators, and these were not gender-exclusive terms, a reality that would give him some difficulty in dealing with Rome. The 'Congregation of St Francis de Sales' pre-dates the 'Salesian Society' which dates its formal existence to the evening of December 18, 1859. The former might be traced back as far as 1841 in general terms but received ecclesiastical approval by a Decree (Archbishop Fransoni) of 1852. It was a mixed group, a congregation of cooperators. We can say, then that the 'Congregation of St Francis de Sales' becomes divided into two families in 1859: one bound by vows and living in community (The Salesian Society) and the other, still known as Union or Congregation of St Francis de Sales, Promoters or Cooperators) as an external group.

'+Context (examples of use)+':

'+Other notes+':

------------------ The sections below this line are intended for users authorised to provide new (or correct existing) information. (:zapform key=Pos:) '''POS''' (part of speech). A term may be more than one POS (1) (2)

(:zapend:) (:zapform key=Type:) '''Term type''' ('EntryTerm' ''if no other applies)'' (1) (2)


(:zapform key=Status:) '''Term status''' (General=''also found outside Salesian usage''; Salesian=''possibly not well understood beyond Salesian circles;'' Neologism, Archaic, Deprecated ''refer to the term's status in Salesian discourse'') (1) (2)


(:zapform key=Equivit:) '''Recommended equivalent''' (it). ''In most cases the Italian term will be the official source term''


(:zapform key=Equives:) '''Recommended equivalent''' (es)


(:zapform key=Equivfr:) '''Recommended equivalent''' (fr)


(:zapform key=Equivpt:) '''Recommended equivalent''' (pt)


(:zapform key=Equivot:) '''Suggested equivalent (other)''' (Where it is the source term indicated with [S] and appropriate language code [chosen from IANA registry])

(:zapend:) (:zapform key=Code:)


(:zapform key=Def:) '+Definition+' (:zapend:)

(:zapform key=Syn:) '+Synonyms+' (:zapend:)

(:zapform key=Reg:) '+Geographical/Regional usage+' (:zapend:)

(:zapform key=Des:) '+Description+' (:zapend:)

(:zapform key=Con:) '+Context (examples of use)+' (:zapend:)

(:zapform key=Note:) '+Other notes+' (:zapend:)

(:pos1: N/phrase:) (:pos2: ---:) (:type1: EntryTerm:) (:type2: ---:) (:status1: General:) (:status2: ---:) (:equivit: congregazione:) (:equives: congregación:) (:equivfr: congregation:) (:equivpt: coongregação:) (:def: (1) a group of the faithful who banded together for pious and charitable purposes (19th century understanding). (2) a religious society with simple vows.:) (:des: Don Bosco's 'congregation', at least in the 1850s, was the first suggested meaning, i.e. an association of Christians united with him for the good of the youth of the Oratory. It is also interesting to note that the term 'congregation' in the Restoration schools could mean a gathering of students on Sunday and Holy Days for religious activities. Don Bosco began to refer to his congregation initially as a 'kind of congregation' and was unsure what to call its members. He used various terms: allies, associates, benefactors, promoters, cooperators, and these were not gender-exclusive terms, a reality that would give him some difficulty in dealing with Rome. The 'Congregation of St Francis de Sales' pre-dates the 'Salesian Society' which dates its formal existence to the evening of December 18, 1859. The former might be traced back as far as 1841 in general terms but received ecclesiastical approval by a Decree (Archbishop Fransoni) of 1852. It was a mixed group, a congregation of cooperators. We can say, then that the 'Congregation of St Francis de Sales' becomes divided into two families in 1859: one bound by vows and living in community (The Salesian Society) and the other, still known as Union or Congregation of St Francis de Sales, Promoters or Cooperators) as an external group.:) (:nl:)

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Page last modified on May 28, 2011, at 06:54 PM