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u8hodt1 1l6e3rcn4 <a href="">maglie calcio poco prezzo</a> zw8hd0bag 4wlapzc5x\n 1o8xnzej aklmrgf <a href="">billige fodboldtr&oslash;jer</a> wu0onr c5pw24\n uzcfo7p louvx0nfkr <a href="">maglie calcio bambino</a> 6p81a49ju0 4knlajd6h\n

(:Summary:Contains the 'action' links (like Browse, Edit, History, etc.), placed at the top of the page, see site page actions:) (:comment This page can be somewhat complex to figure out the first time you see it. Its contents are documented at PmWiki.SitePageActions if you need help. :) * View * Edit * History * Print


(:Summary:contains the edit page layout form:)

Editing Main.BoscoWikiHomepage


Author: This is a minor edit

(:Summary:quick reference for editing pages:)

(:comment Use 'quickref' class to override formatting :)

Basic editing - Text formatting rules - Documentation index

Tables: simple - advanced

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Line break: \\ or [[<<]]

-> to indent text, -< hanging text

Join line: \

Lists: * for bulleted, # for numbered, :term:definition for definition lists

Emphasis: ''''italics'''' &nbsp; ''''''bold'''''' &nbsp; ''''''''''bold italics'''''''''' &nbsp; @@@@monospaced@@@@

References: [[another page]], [[]], [[another page | link text]], [[#anchor]], [[#anchor | link text]]

Signatures: name: ~~~

Groups: [[Group/Page]] displays Page, [[Group.Page]] displays Group.Page, [[Group(.Page)]] displays Group, [[Group/]] links Group homepage

name and date: ~~~~

Separators: !!, !!! for headings, ---- for horizontal line

Prevent formatting: [=...=]

Other: [+big+] &nbsp; [++bigger++] &nbsp; [-small-] &nbsp; [--smaller--] &nbsp; '^'^superscript^'^' &nbsp; '_'_subscript_'_' &nbsp; {+{+inserted+}+} &nbsp; {-{-deleted-}-}

Preformatted: [@...@] or >>pre<<...>><<

Preview Main.BoscoWikiHomepage

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(:nl:)''' Welcome to BoscoWiki!'''


''' Bosconet''' opens a new chapter by taking up wiki technology. You can read about wiki elsewhere on the internet. BoscoWiki is built on a version called PmWiki, which you can read about from the sidebar if you wish. A 'Wikipedia' look and feel has been adopted deliberately, to begin with, in order to make BoscoWiki an easier experience for those who have already seen Wikipedia.

''' BoscoWiki''' aims to be collaborative. You may edit any of these pages! The Bosconet administrator also feels free to edit any of these pages! You could edit this 'welcome' page if you wish - or you can add to it, which would be better. To edit or add, you click 'edit' above and type as you would normally type. Below, once in the edit page, you will see some simple commands to creating a new page or adding a link, or for highlighting a word in bold or italics. Bascially to create a new page you give it a title that clearly idnicates its purpose, e.g. I will create one for you now (if you look in the 'edit' view you will see I have surrounded the title with double square brackets). That's it. Done. Questions?. It is red in colour until someone begins to add to that page - then it will be a purple (or blue, depending on the setup) link. By the way, want to know how to involve a little colour in your editing? It's easy. See colour

If you wish to practise first, go to the WikiSandbox in the sidebar (or here), click and open it and do whatever you want. The page will 'clean up' automatically 15 minutes after you have finished playing with it.

It is a courtesy (and helps the administrator and readers) to add a several word or one line summary of your changes - not so much to the sandbox, but to other major pages.

The possibilities are endless. See BoscoWiki possibilities? for some of these.

For now, why not add something, a new page in an area that interests you and may interest others in the Region? Brothers' Assembly '06? GC26? Some ideas for the Asian World Youth Day, or Sydney '08? Over to you.(:nl:)

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Page last modified on July 06, 2011, at 03:34 PM