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It-en.Q History

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:'''qualificare''':''to prepare, to qualify''
In many contexts, ''to prepare, preparation'' is a better gloss than ''qualify'', but not always. We often find the term ''qualificazione di persone'' which may be glossed as ''qualification of people'' or ''preparation of people'' (individuals) depending on context
:'''qualità pastorale''':''pastoral quality''
The term is found frequently in Salesian documents from Vat. II onwards, especially those of Vigaṇ and Vecchi as Rectors Major. It is used to refer to the quality of the Salesian mission as expressed in a community, but also in reference to individual roles e.g. the priest
:'''Quarto settore''':''(Fourth sector)''
We do not regularly refer to the ''Fourth Sector'' in English so perhaps it would be better to describe it as the set of completely informal relationships in family, among friends and neighbours, a dimension separate from others
:'''quinquennio''':[LA] ''Quinquennium''
Refers to the five year period immediately post ordination and, by extension, Brothers after final profession. Effectively a period of initial formation even though that process is officially over
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Page last modified on March 18, 2012, at 05:47 AM