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Re:#2491 . Thank you for reminding me of why I want to be a Salesian Duoc Van Le Comments like this make the effort worthwhile jbf

Re:#2482 . Well done placement of our SUE story into a wider perspective, Julian. My opinion seconded by Fr. Tom Dunne. Thank you. Fr. Mike Mendl I am relieved to know that! jbf

Re: #2458 Dear Fr Andrew, I wish to express to you and to all the Salesian community and Parish community in Taipei and the China Province my sincere condolences for the passing away of Fr Matthew King. In the last few years I met him four or five times in Italy but I mostly remember him for the years we spent together in Taipei, basically from 1997 to 2003. He was for me, missionary just arrived trying to adjust to a new environment, a rector who really cared for the well being of his confreeres, with patience and understanding (guess he needed some extra patience to cope with these young over-acting foreign priests...). He always managed to harmonize his role as rector and Parish priest with his role as "father" of the community. He worked hard for the parish, because he really loved the parish, even striving to get the name of the bus station in front of the church tell everybody that there it was "St John Bosco church"! He accepted all people, no matter nationalities or social status and was equally friendly with Filipinos or the Taipei deputy-mayor, with Chinese parishioners and new comers Western expats, with children and with kindergarten teachers, with his confreres and with his old friends from Shanghai. The last time I saw him was visiting Jerusalem with a pilgrimage from Rome and came to our Salesian house... Now he is visiting the Heavenly Jerusalem, and we'll miss him. May the Lord reward him for all his goodness and example. Be assured of my prayers fr Michele Ferrero

Re: #2437 … I read it all the way. Cheers and thanks, Norman

Re: #2437 This new code-breaking thriller is interesting. Dan Brown must have set off such thinking! Like his story, Skinner's too could be nothing but fiction! Arokiam

Re: #2437 Well, gee, if I'd only known all that last month, Julian! We could've gone poking around in St. Peter's instead of risking our lives at Sant'Angelo. But, then, they don't sell beer in St. Peter's. Thanks for passing along this very interesting tidbit. Do you think Ignatius will be bidding for the U.S. rights to the DVD? Mike Mendl I think Ignatius deserves it! J.

Re: #2435 Australian premiere for 'YARWNG' (Roots). That was a fine write up about a pioneer Salesian cine-priest. Incidentally, his film premier at the prestigious India International Film Festival of India (Goa) brought to the attention of the Indian government the injustice meeted out to hapless tribals over 30 years ago... Besides, bringing tears to the survivors of the tragic displacement, the film compelled government welfare minister to pledge (promise) compensation... Hope it does not remain ONLY a promise! This is empowering the voiceless and imparting justice... right ministry in the direction of HUMAN RIGHTS and PREVENTIVE SYSTEM. C.M. Paul, Kolkata

Re: #2429 Congratulations to our dear friends in PAKISTAN! You have been doing a wonderful work, very demanding, but also highly appreciated and, seeing the results, very successful! We of the MOR Province and especially of Cremisan/Ratisbonne are particularly proud of our distinguished past-pupil JUDE: bravissimo!! In union of prayers. Coraggio! Fr Gianni

Re: #2402 Interesting for those of us who know the genial Gianetto Frank M.

Re: #2328 You have probably heard by now that Danny Boyle, director of the very successful film 'Slumdog Millionaire', is a past pupil of Thornleigh Salesian College in Bolton. He was there at the same time as Fr Gerry O'Shaughnessy. The Manchester Evening News has recently run two stories about him: . (If these links are broken, you can just go to the Manchester Evening News site and search for 'Thornleigh'.) Just one correction - Mrs Alison Burrowes is the present, not former, headmistress at Thornleigh. While on the subject of Thornleigh past pupils in the entertainment business, I could also mention Danny Jones of 'McFly' and Damon Gough of 'Badly Drawn Boy'. P. Sherlock

Re: #2328 This made very interesting reading esp. the advice give to the young Boyle: “the priesthood” [of the day] was not ready for him. He must have been a bit of a Denis Halliday … perhaps in Australia at Oakleigh he might have shone … he would have been around in your time, right, had he been a Salesian then? NF

Re: #2328 I liked much the article on Danny Boyle, a Salesian past pupil, especially the comment of the priest: "The priesthood is not ready for you and I don't think you are ready for the priesthood." Thanks. Arokiam

Re: #2309 Dear Fr. Julian, The immediate feedback after reading your message is the outcry : "SANTA PACE". Pazienza. In such a situation, Don Bosco would tell Fr. Durando or Fr. Francesia to compose a new dictionary for use of students.

Re: #2309 Dear Father Julian, I think the argument about being Multicultural is a nonsense. What they are being is Selectivecultural. That is removing Christian terms. We need to promote boycotting of this version and hope that some other organisation will promote a publication including what will now be missing,or providing the missing terms in a simple version covering what they choose to leave out, and hopefully make a killing. This outfit is clearly an un-godly and un-Christian lot.

 Best wishes, John

Re: #2299 Happy to read something about Fr.Andy (Regional EAO) - great man, great Salesian, great Friend... and today (30 Nov) is his birthday! Happy Birthday fadz, and may God continue to use you mightily for His greater glory and the good of souls, especially the young. Fr.Noel, Jakarta.

I was impressed when I first met Fr Ed Espiritu, later edified by his ministry in Ethiopia, and his personal witness: cheerful, generous, full of enthusiasm. I am sure that from heaven he will continue to support the salesian work in the Philippines and in Ethiopia. Fr Reechee, be sure of my prayers for him and for you, his extended family, at the Basilica of the Resurrection in Jerusalem. Fr Gianni Caputa

Re austraLasia in genere: Siamo contenti di un breve corso di aggiornamento nelle cose digitali. Studenti di Teologia, Gerini, Roma

Re: #2242 Congratulations, LEO ! I am pleased to see that you are always creative ! May God give you strength, health and ... good benefactors! Gianni from Jerusalem (alias Cremisan !!!) Re: #2222 Thank you Fr Julian for the reminder about greenstone! I'm doing my bit to publicize this blessing... you'll read about the same at Thank you and all the best! Vincent Castilino (Hyderabad, India) : Thanks Vincent. I'll keep an eye on the site. jbf

Re: #2215 The confrere who came from the Philippines is Bro. Andrew Comino instead of Bro. Andrea Comini. He was our Electrical Technology Instructor in Don Bosco Seminary College in Canlubang. His name is recorded as Andrea officially in the Congregation's 'lista anagrafica'

Re: #2196 Thanks for noting the healthy USA presence in Australia. For the record, Ryan Phelan, the assistant director of our YM office, is a 24-year-old layman (thus not among the "Fathers" leading our group). And it's Fr. Tom Provenzano with Fr. Steve Ryan. Oops...Oh well, it was well meant!

Dear Confrères, congratulations! I am really impressed by what you (with the grace of God) were able to achieve in such a short period of time! As we approach the solemnity of the Pentecost, I assure you of my prayer at the Cenacle in Jerusalem: may the Holy Spirit give you all the gifts He gave to the first Apostles. Fr Gianni Caputa - Salesian Theologate, Jerusalem (the Holy Land)

re #2116 Bro. Berns is one year older than me and we had been together during the pre-novice and post-novitiate years. His generosity in self-oblation and his efforts in perseverance is a wonderful gift to us, attracting God's blessings upon us and more vocations. May he rest in peace with God and with all the saints in heaven. Br. Ephrem, sdb.

re #2100 Fr. Julian, you are a riot! I really enjoyed this. As one who is sometimes asked to translate Italian text into English, I say you are right on the mark with how challenging it can be to grasp and translate certain terms. Regarding verbiage, too often it seems that the author feels “the more the better.” Whatever happened to “less is more?” In the end, it's difficult to translate/interpret in a way that is acceptable by all the “Englishes” while remaining faithful to the original text. (March 25, 2008) Sr. Lucy, fma.

 /R: Hey, and I almost never answer these comments (not my idea to centralise discussions through this channel - I prefer two-way or multi-way communications) but let me congratulate you on actually managing to get the red and green bits right in your response! One up for the ladies I'd say. Julian

re #2100 Thank you for your constant attention to these translation issues, Julian. Too many transliterations, indeed, without due attention to English as it's spoken and written ... in all those places named and unnamed. And here's a vote to replace our "economers" with "treasurers" or "business managers." (March 19, 2008) Mike Mendl

re #2097 Thank you Fr. Daniel Federspiel for your dream. It is a great interesting and charming approach to the mission of the Salesians of Don Bosco which the GC26 is doing or looking for. Didn't Don Bosco himself have many dreams throughout his life to express his vocation and mission? Seven guidlines are Heart, Eyes, Ears, Mouth (I like to put it before the hands), Hands, Feet and Butt. How much we should see in, between, under and as a whole of them. Thank You Father. (March 19, 2008) Joachim Thong Nguyen, X-Salesian in USA.

re#2091 Carissimo John, congratulazioni per la tua ricerca/tesi. Auguro che sia utilizzata sia nella pastorale diretta (evangelizzazione, catechesi, omiletica ...) sia nella formazione dei futuri preti salesiani nelle case di formazione; sono essi che dovranno continuare ad esercitare il ministero di Gesù nello stesso stile del "Buon Pastore", sia con i giovani sia con gli adulti. Colgo l'occasione per inviarti da Gerusalemme i migliori auguri di BUONA PASQUA. Don Gianni Caputa

re#2089This is a very interesting approach! I like it and I feel it will go a long way in the Indian Sub Continent. The symbolic way in which the Chapter has started the symbols in the Church are all resonating well with the GC members. We need to think outside the box! Story and Symbol might help make a deeper impact and touch the heart. John Berger

re#2089 Thanks for the article Out of Africa. I believe in EAO narrative will be most appropriate since stories go beyond borders of east-west philosophy divide. The stories of Jesus have influenced all cultures. F. Gustilo

Carissimo ALBEIRO, (re #2073) congratulazioni vivissime per il tuo articolo "di qualità" su Don Bosco. Davvero un bel regalo per tutti coloro che usano Wikipaedia. Frutto della tua formazione gionalistica e salesiana. Che Dio ti assista nello svolgimento della tua missione. Noi tuoi vecchi amici di Cremisan e Gerusalemme ti ricordiamo nelle nostre preghiere sui Luoghi Santi. Don Gianni

--> '''R/''' Carissimo Don Gianni, grazie per il tuo bello saluto traverso la wiki salesiana d'Australasia. Un bel saluto alla cara communitá tanto Ratisbonese come Cremisanese, ambidue parte della mia storia. Dio vi benedica e ci dia sempre la forza per continuare la missione del nostro Don Bosco, sempre giovane, sempre grande, che cammina in tante vie del mondo. Vostro sempre, Albeiro dalla Cambogia.

re#2058 Good to hear what Gustav Roosens has been up to since he left Melchet Court. He was never one to let the grass grow under his feet. He slogged away with the rest of us picking spuds in the muddy fields in Hampshire, punctuating his work with piercing, pithy utterances - in French, if necessary (so as NOT to be understood!)- translated or not according to my discretion!! 'Fair dues' to him as the Irish say. Hope his 'last dream' becomes a reality like the rest of his impressive achievements. He is remembered here in Bolton by Fr Terry Aylward and yours truly. Fr Bob Coupe

Re #2054 Dear Fr. Julian,

Thanks for reminding us of FOSS' bday! I'm sure it deserves this and much more! I have been following the debate on advertising space on the website. You are right! BoscoWiki is already practising what we are just trying to seek approval for! Congrats for this too!

Fr. Dominic Matthews SDB (INM)

Anyone been following the debate in South Asia on advertising space on the Donboscoindia website? Is BoscoWiki also doing something like this?

Comment on #2024 Dear Fr. Julian Fox, Thanks for bringing FOSS to the FOREFRONT of Australasia News!!!

Congrats to Fr. P.T and his team for the highly-appreciative initiative which will eventually and definitely have a wide-reaching positive impact on techincal education in the country! Dominic Matthews sdb (INM)

Re#2000 With the publication of an item about the ordination as a priest of the first Salesian from Tonga, AustraLasia, the e-mail information service for the Salesian Family of the East Asia -Oceania Region, reached number 2000.

This information and animation service, begun 10 years ago is organised by Fr Julian Fox, an Australian Salesian, who for a number of years has been a member of the team of the Social Communication Department of the Salesian Congregation.

Begun as a service available for only a few people given the difficulty of access to the internet in the area covered by AustraLasia, today it has a large number of subscribers who each day receive information about the life and mission of the Salesian Family in the Region.

On the occasion of the no 2000 of AA Link - as it is called by the subscribers - Fr Vaclav Klement, Regional Councillor for East Asia -Oceania, said "Personally I am very pleased with the services provided by AustraLasia link. Thanks to this simple and painstaking method the sense of belonging in the Region has grown. The confreres and the members of the Salesian Family in the 20 different countries making up the Region can receive some news every day thanks to Aalink." Referring to the contributions of the correspondents of Australasia, the Regional of East Asia Oceania said that "2000 news items show a passion for the Congregation, through the service of linking together so many confreres and communities, and patient daily work. It's good to see in some communities, the news printed out and stuck on the fridge., or as in some prenovitiates translated from English into the native language as a language lesson, or also in the communities of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in a Province."

He continued: "It's good to have regularly faithful correspondents who every month, or every week share the life or work experience of where they are. It's good to see how the number of correspondents is increasing with new enthusiastic collaborators. "I think", he concluded, "that this simple but effective way of sharing life and work has greatly helped to make the sense of unity in the Region grow. Thank you Fr Julian." Author unknown but I assure you it wasn't me! jbf

Re: #1986: Dear Ambrose, CONGRATULATIONS for the high commendation received from the Australasian Catholic Press Association (ACPA) for your 'Health and Environment' edition of "Voice Katolika". A BIG BANDRA HUG!!! Peter G.

Re: #1981. In addition to the 2 books in English cited by Fr. Julian, Salesian Missions in New Rochelle also has "Zepherin, the Last Cura," a 32-page pamphlet by Fr. Phil Pascucci, based on Fr. Aronica's "Little Chief of the Andes" and Fr. Lappin's "Conquistador." It's free! "Bury Me Deep" (by Fr. Lappin) is out of print. "Little Chief of the Andes" is about to be reprinted with an appendix on the beatification. (Fr. Mike Mendl)

Hi, my name is Bro Bosco Park from Korea. I like looking at this Boscowiki!

Re re #1951: I am a Sister of the Holy Family from Nigeria. I am working to see that SDL receives as much material as possible in order to help the Salesian Congregation. But I think when I return to Nigeria that I shall be able to use the same process to prepare reading materials for women in Nigeria who have no access to books. Sr John Bosco HFSN

Re #1951 - Dear Fr. Julian, Congrats! Keep up the good work! Hours of silent tireless labour which will eventually bear fruit in the long run, if not already! Happy to know that the SDL is taking shape. I shall do my best to publicize the matter for the benefit of our dear confreres so that they have another opportunity to return to Don Bosco! Fr. Dominic Matthews SDB, INM.

Fr.Julian,just a correction on austraLasia #1924: First CIAO camp in Asia an enormous success. I believe the surname of the FMA provincial is Fulgencio not Fulgencia.

Re #1881 It is indeed a very heartening news to hear that the Konkan vice province has been finally established by our RECTOR MAJOR to the status of the KONKAN PROVINCE. Special Congratulation to the Provincial Rev Fr Loddy Pires and his team of council members including the provincial economer Rev Fr Micheal Mascarenhas.Best Wishes and prayers that Our lady Mary Help Of Christians and Blessed Joseph Vaz may always guide and enlighten them in all their efforts with sucess......Edward J Pinto,President,DB-past pupils Federation,MUMBAI PROVINCE.

Re 1874. Very edifying and interesting. I studied with John in Torino ... he was a year ahead of me I think. Sad to learn of his passing ... but then he will be better off. Live in Christ.

Re #1863 the parish of Mary Help of Christians - Kundiawa was established in 1967. It became the cathedral of the new diocese in September 1982. The Salesians came to the diocese of Kundiawa only in 1994.The devotion to Mary Help of Christians was brought to PNG by the early SVD german missionaries when they came in the late 1880s. In the nearby Goroka diocese there are two parishes and a vocational school for girls under the patronage of Mary Help of Christians. In the Archdiocese of Madang there is a popular pilgrimage site called 'Maria Helpim'. All these are in 'SVD mission terrtories'. In Kimbe (under the MSCs) there is also the parish of Mary Help of Christians established in 1973, now the cathedral. Alfred Maravilla SDB

Re #1857 Kudos to Fr Gobetti who received the award -'Stella della Solidariet� Italiana' in the name of all Salesians. 'Solidarity is the spring of mutual love, given and received' he said at Kolkata. 'And that is the mainstay of the Salesians. It is evident that all members of the Salesian Society deserve to fully share the award of solidarity. It is in this reality alone that I receive this honour with great joy'. -- A good reminder to Salesians. Fr.P.T.Joseph sdb

Re#1853 Thanks for the article on Cardinal Zhen. Also present at the Chicago meeting will be Sr. Maria Ko,FMA who works for the SalesianFamily in China in Many ways. Sr. Maria is also a Professor at the Auxilium in Rome and a well known scriptural author Sr. Louise Passero,FMA

Re #1852 I have a deep respect for the choice Fr. Ed made - confronted by deep rooted corruption - in running for public office but at the same time I must say that there is sadness in me because I am convinced that when we priests enter politics we deprive the laity of their rightful role in society. And when there are no 'qualified' laity to enter politics in a 'Catholic' country we have to make a serious examination of conscience whether we have really done out best to promote the vocation of lay people. I am even more convinced that when the 'sacred' minister enters the 'secular' world of politics the secular is not made sacred. Rather the sacred is secularised! - Alfred Maravilla SDB

Re #1839: Today's novice is still "Connected" made very interesting reading and quite true too!!! I agree to the fact that we need to become less materialistic and consumeristic if we are to become more evangelic in our Salesian Vocation. Dominic Matthews sdb. Interesting - I got quite a degree of comment on that tiem, msot from emails not recorded here. It's itneresting what takes people's fancy in these news time I think that nothing is being read, then get a heap of responses from something like this. jbf

re: #1835 yes i didn't get #1835... but thanks - I eventually found it in Bosconet! Alfred SDB Re comment on #1836 - then you must have missed your copy of #1835 with all the details! Go to Bosconet home page and you'll find it there if it did not come in the mail as usual.

Re: #1836. First professions are always signs of hope for the future... but I was expecting something from Australasia in order to know more about the first australian salesian bishop who was apointed yesterday... Alfred SDB

Re: #1825 I don't know if I will ever meet up with Matt. However, I sense that in some way his interest in online ministry will end up enriching us all. Keep up the online conversation. Tom Dunne sdb

continued.... yes, NY! But even more interesting are the comments on Amato don't you think? jbf Re: #1823 "Whispers" item is very interesting--especially for those of us in the NY Archdiocese. Those with long memories know that NY gave the West Coast a cardinal archbishop some 50+ years ago (McIntyre); so California could return the favor. On the other hand, the consensus hereabouts is that Card. Egan will stay in place for another year, thru the completion of the archdiocese's bicentennial celebration (4-8-08). MM Re: #1813 God bless you dear Peter. Keep us all in your prayers and conversations with the Lord and Don Bosco. A happy tear will be shed for you. Chris Woerz, SDB

Re: #1813: I was aware of the grave health situation of Br. Peter. Let me express to you and through you to Fr. Provincial and all the Province my sincere condolences for the loss of an excellent Salesian. He was a kind and considerate man, one who was very much in everyboby's heart. Our little store still keeps remembrances of him, discreetly entering in the scorching summer nights for a refreshing bottle of beer! He was deeply humane and therefore authentically religious. This is the way I remember him. I pray for his joy in the Lord, whom he has loveed and served for the whole of his life. Yours, Don Gianni

Thank you for the postings about the tsunami in the Solomon Islands. We have a group of 15 year-olds here at the moment on a retreat. The theme of the retreat is &#8220;water&#8221;, which has lots of implications for exploring their faith and relationships. Yesterday I gave them the Good Night and quoted from your messages of the 3rd and 18th April. The material ties in very well with Easter themes of death and resurrection as well as the celebration of our faith combined with apostolic involvement. Thanks so much for these missives! BP

Re: #1804: ...I love the idea of "Don Botsco"! LP

Re: #1795. You just never know what interesting turn the charism of Don Bosco is going to produce next! I hope the name has been copyrighted :)

Re: #1788: Congrats! The new Salesian Digital Library actually works! I hope it is grows and expands into a full-fledged one. My prayers and wishes for the brains behind this initiative which will certainly benefit millions across the globe in time to come. Dominic Matthews SDB (INM) [Oooh! A happy customer! Good.]

Re: #1787: Thank you so much for speedy provision of the full English text of the Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation. I will enjoy reading and meditating it. May God bless you for your this great effort! JBZ

Re #1764: My name is Joseph Lai and I am a past pupil of Fr. Martin. I and the Memorial Book Committee thank you wholeheartedly for putting the announcement about Fr. Martin's book in your email circulation. Please advise if you have copy of the book? We would like to send you complimentary copies, so that you and your associates can enjoy the book just as we and many others did.

Re: 1781 - Clarification: In U.S. (New Rochelle) we have Teresio Bosco's life of Savio, but it was translated in Kenya and published by the Daughters of St. Paul there. We've only imported it (and to that there's an additional tale to be told, but not in this venue). Also, we still have abundant copies of DB's life of Savio, translated by Fr. Aronica-- tho not from the latest Italian version to which JBF refers. Mike Mendl

Re: 1779 - Thanks for the update.. a little note... Bro Thomas is our student here in Cebu not Manila. EGM

Re: #1778 Found this news item to be very interesting (and the previous one) - thank you so much for giving us signs of hope, instead of depression and bombs every day! Bob Gardner

Re: #1780 This is fr. Julien Sleuyter, SDB, who is doing volunteer work,as you maybe remember, for 21 years in East Timor from Japan. Is it possible to get the updated document on voluntary service, that is been tackling in Kochi, Kerala, India?

Re: #1779. After reading this article, what can I say, but offer my prayer for such a situation and for the safety of people ever there, salesians and non salesians. Besides we must say to the Salesians working there: "You are great! May God protect you!" JB Zen

Re #1778 HI Julian, You may be interested to know that there is a group called the Jewish, Christian, Muslim Association [JCMA]. There is a group here in Australia - but it is based on a model that has been operating in Germany and in Britain for several years. I attended a conference/retreat of theirs a couple of years ago and it was a wonderful human experience as well as a spiritual one. Marc [Yes, Marc, I am interested in that, and may even ask this group when I meet them again, if they are in contact. Julian] Hi, we are a group of Israeli-Palestinian people seeking ways of peace. We are most impressed with the news item you just sent out. That's the way forward.

Special greetings to the confreres of EAO. We are two confreres who come from the same wonderful region that your regional superiore comes from (Czech Rep and Slovakia). We send Fr KLEMENT our personal greetings!

Re: #1776: This is a passionate poem too! Thanks Father for sharing to us the fire in your heart! Ronel

Re: # 1767: Thank you Fr Julian for such a refreshing balanced view of Lawaan. Fr Klement speaks of the need of synergy of the various formative areas within. He sees immense unexplored potentials.I share the same view. Ronel

Re: #1760: I think the title of the former Cambodian monarch is His Royal Highness King Norodom Sihanouk, ( you could be right - Ilooked it up and found it as 'Prince', however, in the reference that came up. Anyone else want to offer advice on this? jbf) tanti saluti dalla casa generalizia dai confratelli studenti di teologia del Gerini.

Re #1750: Would 'Provision office' be a possible translation for 'procura'? FC

Re #1748: I noticed that nowhere in the whole article is there a mention of the fact that Bertone is a Salesian. Is it a moot point, unworthy of special mention? Or are we Salesians perceived as incapable of making history, such that Bertone's qualities seem to be his alone, unaffected by his Salesian identity? Were he a Jesuit instead, I am sure the point would be too important to go unreported. PG.

Re re: #1737: Good point. There's possibly an additional issue in that technically the sale is only permissible for North America, but when it is advertised on a site publically available anywhere in the world....As for the NTSC question, these days many players permit both formats, but sure, PAL users would have a problem with NTSC otherwise! jbf

Re: #1737. We have tried to obtain a copy of the Don Bosco (Insinna) Film, but prudently asked if it works in Europe. We were told that it is in NTSC, so readable in N.America only. Do you think we'll have to wait long before we can get copies in PAL & SECAM? Joe Cini Re: #1739 This is a good exposure for the youth. This will be an act of witnessing to the work of Jesus and his Church and they will see too the salesians in action in that same witnessing. Working for the poorest of the poor is tough for no one expects nothing in return except unsolicited kind words that flows from the heart. The Church has made it clear that it is to serve, not to convert. This is very true in the missions. Conversion can only be a by-product.


'Others will hate it' because there is a certain representation wihin our ranks which believes this should have been done by the salesians in the first place - and now the Jesuits will reap the lucrative benefits!

Re: #1737: The new Don Bosco film is dubbed into English at last! Good news indeed, especially for Salesians working in English-speaking parts of the world! Thanks to Mike, Juilian and St. Ignatius. (But I still don't understand why you say 'others will hate it'?) PG.

Re: #1716: Would you please give my warm congratulations to Rev. Fr. Mazzali for his great endevour, hoping that next time he comes to any corner of the Salesian Province of China, eiher in Hong Kong , Macao, Taiwan or mainland China he could do the same to the immense joy of all the confreres, especially to the encouragement of the new and young missionaries! Thank you for sharing this great news with the Salesian world. JB ZEN, SDB

Re: #1700 on the Memoirs of the Oratory. Our lay staff in DB-CLAY (Don Bosco Center for Lay Adults and Youth FIS) are studying the Memoirs of the Oratory together with the novices (3 from CIN, 1 from FIN and 1 from Pakistan/FIS). The mutual enrichment is profound. I am amazed at how our lay mission partners are passionate to know Don Bosco more. It is only right that salesians take hold of the Memoirs and allow Don Bosco to speak his mind and heart. Thank you very much for those who laboured to make available the full web version of the Memorie dell'Oratorio! Ronel FIS

Uhm, Ronel,...I'll see. I think not at the moment, but maybe if we can find a little time in the wee hours, it could be turned into English. Julian Re: #1698 Is the material prepared by Fr Enrico dal Covolo available in English? It would be good to have them. Ronel FIS

Re: #1692 on Fr Mike's study on Don Bosco's Dreams. Thank you so much Fr Mike for offering us your work on Don Bosco's dreams. This for me is an important resource. Through Don Bosco's dreams we are able to enter more and more into his heart and mind. Ronel FIS

Re: 1691 on the Prayer Cards. This is an excellent initiative. I personally congratulate Fr Barry for his creativity. Thank you Father, I am very interested to receive the rest of the prayers. Since they are pocket size they can always be brought around. One can turn to God any moment and be reminded at the same time of our Rule of Life. Ronel FIS

Re: #1689: Congratulations to the Salesian Sisters in Thailand for celebrating their 75 years of mission. More power to your mission work...we are one with you in thanking the Lord for graces received for 75 years of da mihi animas coetera tolle. Casa Maria Mazzarello, Punta Princessa, Cebu City.

Re: #1686. At New Rochelle provincial house we've been talking--at table at least--about the change from "Salesian Cooperators" to "Cooperators, Salesians." Frankly, it strikes us as meaningless, as well as awkward, in English. Someone has said, "Well, why not also 'Salesians, priests' and 'Salesians, brothers'?" In prepping austraLasia news items for our Web page, I've tried "Cooperator Salesians." Obviously the intent behind the change is not meaningless. What the RM has to say is fundamental, and that's what needs to be stressed to SDBs, FMAs, and ASC. -- Mike Mendl

RE: #1684 I appreciate very much the Directory of the Salesian Brothers of the EAO with pictures. It is one way of getting to know our confreres. Our confreres afterall have faces; they are not just statistic or mere names. - Fr Ronel SDB

Re: #1678 Congratulations Fr Hendrickx ! It has been wonderful to know one who built slowly and gracefully &#8211; believing in the talent and the creativity of every youngster. You had time to spend with each young boy and girl and brought out the best in him and her. The youngsters are indeed blessed. Blessings on you too! - Fr. Ambrose Pereira sdb, Solomon Islands.

PT's comment is mine also, Fr.Julian is a gift I hope all experience. Having just made so much use of his tallent's during what was supposed to have been his holiday's the poor of Fiji and I being one of them have been enriched in so many ways. If you have not read FOSSFIJI, please do and you will get a little of one of the many gifts he has left us.Julian come back soon.P.

Meeting you Fr.Julian Fox, was an experience by itself. I met a salesian who is a veteran! I was longing to meet jf. When at last i met him, i grew in knowledge. Whether i am ENTJ or INTJ it does not matter. I took your words seriously. Thanks for your suggestions for personal growth. [Thanks PT - you can forget the accolades; it's all our duty to share our knowledge jbf]

Thank you for what you are to us - Salesian Family. You share your knowledge freely, the way the 'open sources' work. Click the link below to see what we have to offer PC-07 Team - hope the 'working documents' will be edited online. I have not yet proposed this wiki to the moderator Fr.Joe Andrew. If Chennai PC members take it, your wiki will catch fire. Re: 1632 - To tell stories of Jesus, a missionary needs to know the language and the witt of the people in their culture too.

Re; 1631 - Best wishes and regard to all the brothers. Pray for the best from the meeting ! Sr.Maria Sompong Thabping,SIHM, Thailand.

Re: 1630 - Blessing of Don Bosco CLAY site and Communications Centre Congratulations to Fr Fidel Orendain on this venture. It is marvelous that there can be programmes to share our spirit with our lay peop[le and the young. Appreciate your constant inspiring articles - Fr. Julian Fox. Blessings - Ambrose sdb

Re 1626 - Congratulation and best wishes to Rev.Charles Velardo on behalf of the SIHMs in Thailand and Cambodia. Thank you on behalh of the Thai peoplle especially the blind and their families. Re 1600 - Thumbs up on this one, Julian! It was so good that I have forwarded to lots of friends. I will print it and keep in case I am asked about D.bosco here, what happens very often. Normally we think of D.Bosco as well known but when you are in our context, struggling to make him known through our work we need badly this kind of material. And I always start talking about the Industrial Revolution and &#8220;the priest of the FIAT&#8221;, not for that of Mary but for the cars! Keep the good work up! DBTC (Pakistan)

Re 1600 - Julian, Excellent piece. Norman Ford

Re 1600 - I appreciated austraLasia 1600 and am pleased that occasionally as you say, austraLasia reproduces stories from another source. JL

Re 1600 - It felt good to read John L. Allen's article on Cardinal Bertone. Taking off from the Cardinal's appointment as 'Prime Minster' of the Vatican, John has presented the essential points of the Salesian Spirit interpreted for the man and woman of today. It made me happy to read his interpretation of Salesians being the need of the hour for the Church and the world - "great orders have usually been born in response to some crisis". May GC 26 awaken us to a greater appreciation of our vocation as Signs and Bearers "in-the-trenches". Peter G.

Re 1568 - Mumbai is inspired to think about getting some material quickly into the hands of people there who will snap it up 'like hot cakes'.

Re 1564 - A very touching and inspiring story of giving LIFE where death lurked... This is real Salesian pastoral ingenuity. Brilliant apostloic initiative of TOM KUNNEL CM Paul, Calcuta [ I agree. Thanks Paul- Julian]

re:1561 First Asian Mission Congress I wonder, if we can take advantage of the evangelizing, missionary storytelling in our daily life. Don Bosco was a great story teller and we can get a lot from it! [This is a good idea - and BoscoWiki can also serve as a means for telling those stories] re no.

1560: Congrats to the FMA Sisters from SPR! 1551: Thanks to AA to keep upbreast of this unfolding human tragedy in DILI. May the FORCE be with those SDBs and memebrs of the Sal Family who have pressed themselves into this emergency.

155O: well done Australasia! the support expressed to cardinal Zen SDB of HK during these days of his hard struggle to keep the unity of the Church in China is a practical way to say "We Salesians of don Bosco are with the Pope!". Don Bosco would be proud of Australasia and its editors. The main idea for this page is to give you a chance to add some material - just notes if you want - that can be written up as an austraLasia item, or to react to news items already published.

ADDITION TO STORY 1527 ON CAMBODIAN NEW YEAR 15th April is also Bengali new year... Also in Assam the people keep New Year. May be also in Orissa (Oriya people where Graham Staines was burned to death) keep New Year. These are all neighbouring states in Eastern India but totally different ethnic and linguistic groups of people.

STORY 1529 Fr Valentin's death on Easter day is in deed most shocking... How mysterious are the ways of the Lord! May his name be praised. CM Paul, Calcutta

ADDITION TO STORY 1528 FROM FR JAMES IN DARKHAN, MONGOLIA 20 Catholics This is the first group of Mongolians who received baptism who live in Darkhan,the first catholic church out side of capital city,Ulaan Baatar.We see it ,as though it is the Almighty God who worked wonders through His son ,Jesus Christ.The salesians came here one year ago, but the Lord was here already much before, through other churches&#8230;He has gone to &#8220; Galilee&#8221; much before His disciples . Our dear Bishop,Msgr.Wens S .Padilla came here on Easter Sunday morning along with all the salesians from Ulaan Baatar, it was snowing heavily as a good fortune for Mongolians.The two salesians,Fr.Andrew and Fr.James Cheruvathur along with other old Catholics(9) ,our new catechumens (11) ,our children, boys and girls and other friends (80) welcomed our dear Bishop and others .The Easter Sunday Holy Mass began with a good singing accompanied by a Salesian brother, Bro Andrew Phuong . Bairlaa Jesu&#8230; Alleluia..! .Alleluia..!

RE #1538 AND 'TRANSMOGRIFIED' A Lonergan scholar who read this item has commented that the word, though it seems to be humourous coinage, was in fact used by Bernard Lonergan, the well-known Canadian philosopher, in his INSIGHT, written in 1953! As Fr Ivo Coelho says: "For the sake of curiosity: Lonergan uses the word transmogrification on p. 585 of his Insight (DLT, London, 1983)". Fascinating!

More on Item # 1538: The word 'transmogrified' is also used in the cartoon strip "Calvin and Hobbes". Calvin even invented a "transmographer": to be someone else, or simply to grow up is the dream of every child! I am not a fan of Lonergan (I studied philosophy on V. Miano). Guess whose fan I am instead! C. Socol

RE #1543 Segundo a fonte, os manifestantes, principalmente os 591 militares demitidos por causa de uma longa greve por melhores condi��es trabalhistas, planejam novos protestos neste s�bado, na capital. A manifesta��o de sexta-feira, uma maiores desde a demiss�o em bloco, acabou numa batalha campal. Os militares e seus simpatizantes incendiaram carros e edif�cios. Agentes das for�as de seguran�a usaram g�s lacrimog�neo para tentar restabelecer a ordem. Segundo a ag�ncia australiana "AAP", dois policiais morreram. Os soldados que protestam s�o origin�rios da regi�o ocidental do pa�s e lutaram na resist�ncia contra a ocupa��o indon�sia (1975-1999). Eles acham que a sua contribui��o para a liberta��o da p�tria n�o foi reconhecida. O or�amento militar do Timor Leste, uma Rep�blica soberana desde maio do 2002, foi de cerca de US$ 4,4 milh�es em 2003. As For�as Armadas contavam com 1.400 militares antes da demiss�o dos grevistas.

RE 1545: Dear sir,here is the really bad news from East Timor. About 600 soldiers, after 4 days demonstration in Dili of East Timor (24-28 April), now run for their lives. Firstly the police and then the Military joined in to chase them from their house in Tasitolu and up to the hill of Comoro. As far as I know one university student who lives in the hill side and was afraid of the situation and ran up to the hill with some of the demonstration soldiers. At night he and other people, one with philippine name, at least 4 of them got the gun shot and died in the national hospital in Dili, of course how many wound with gun shot now it is difficult to know..After the autopcy the police locked the dead bodies in a special container unusually. Even his father till now can not see it. His father have talked this case to the Dili diocesan priest and he wants the Catholic church comes out to stop the killing of all the innocent and keep this Timor island in peace and justice. Many soldiers stationed in the main exits and roads of the big turn around in Comoro from 28-4 evening to 30-4 afternoon, one of the Salesian priest recognises his past student who now serves as the soldier who tells him all the soldiers with gun here have got the order to come here to kill all 600 soldiers who are in the demonstration. The police knows some of the soldiers in demonstration are hiding inside the campus of Don Bosco Comoro where 5000 Timorese families members have come to take the protection since 28-4 evening because they were scared by the soldiers who open fire to the sky and order them to leave their houses. The salesian priest does not allow the police to take those hiding soldiers inside the campus of Don Bosco Comoro. So they agree not to do it. The picture of burning cars in front of the parliment house is not done by the soldiers in the demonstration. The burnning of the market place in Taibese and some shops in Tasitolu in Dili capitol all done by some unknown youth. It might be the political plot to put all the blame to them and get the evidence to justify their action of killing their own people without any trial. I hope you may let the whole world to know the truth and real situation in East Timor and get the help to stop this crazy politicians and commanders.

RE #1550 Good piece on Cardinal Zen - At last the Vatican has issued a declaration! With regard to the Vatican declaration, the SCMP has not translated the Italian "profondo dispiacere" at all well. The SCMP version is 'deep displeasure', while the Italian might be better rendered as 'deep sadness'. The effect makes the Pope sound angry, the Vatican furious! Carlo Socol. In fact the translation is by VIS (Vatican Info Services) but it just goes to show that even they can be wrong! jbf

RE #1552: Maybe someone should add these two new local language resources to the Group.Salesian authors list?

Re #1569: Fr. Broderick Pabillo studied in Rome not for one year, but for two years and a half. He studied in the Biblicum Holy Scriptures and he graduated with very high grades--all in the line of nineties out of one hundred. He has been a professor of Scriptures in the Don Bosco Center of Studies for many years. He has been very well appreciated as Scriptures professor. We were together in the Don Bosco Center of Studies for six consecutive years. He was also rector of the students of theology for few years. (Lazaro Revilla, sdb). [that just goes to show that the records in Rome are not up-to-date! I mean Pisana jbf]

Re #1569: Fr. Pabillo studied theology (summa cum laude) for three years at the University of Sto. Tomas and then another three years at the Biblicum where he earned his Licentiate in Scriptures. (Caesar Dizon SDB)

Re #1863 the parish of Mary Help of Christians Kundiawa was established in 1967. It became the cathedral of the new diocese in September 1982. The Salesians came to the diocese of Kundiawa only in 1994.The devotion to Mary Help of Christians was brought to PNG by the early SVD german missionaries when they came in the late 1880s. In the nearby Goroka diocese there are two parishes and a vocational school for girls under the patronage of Mary Help of Christians. In the Archdiocese of Madang there is a popular pilgrimage site called 'Maria Helpim'. All these were 'SVD mission terrtories'. In Kimbe (under the MSCs)there is also the parish of Mary Help of Christians established in 1973, now the cathedral. Alfred Maravilla SDB (:nl:)

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