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(:Summary:Contains the 'action' links (like Browse, Edit, History, etc.), placed at the top of the page, see site page actions:) (:comment This page can be somewhat complex to figure out the first time you see it. Its contents are documented at PmWiki.SitePageActions if you need help. :) * View * Edit * History * Print

 (:comment delete if and ifend to enable backlinks:)

* Backlinks


(:Summary: PmWiki group header. Includes styles and trail.:) (:comment please leave the multiple style definitions concatenated as a single line. Linebreaks do appear in the output when the wiki is configured with linebreaks enabled -- thanks!:) (:comment included in PmWiki localisation headers and footers :)

authors (advanced)
(:nl:)(:Summary:String and formatting operations:)

(:Audience: authors (advanced) :)

The {(...)} "expression markup" allows for a variety of string and formatting operations to be performed from within markup. Operations defined by this recipe include ''substr'', ''ftime'', ''strlen'', ''rand'', ''mod'', ''toupper / tolower'', ''ucfirst'', ''ucwords'', ''pagename'' and ''asspaced''. Markup expressions can be nested, using the markup {(...(...)...)}.


The "substr" expression extracts portions of a string. The arguments are # the string to be processed. Always quote the string to be processed. # the initial position of the substring. Note that the initial position argument is zero-based (i.e., the first character is referenced via a "0"). # the number of characters to extract

{(substr "PmWiki" 2 3)}
{(substr "PmWiki" 2)}
{(substr "PmWiki" 0 1)}
{(substr "PmWiki" 0 -3)}
{(substr "PmWiki" -3)}

To obtain the last n characters of a string use {(substr "string" -n)} <<? To truncate the last n characters of a string use (substr "string" 0 -n)}


"Ftime" expressions are used for date and time formatting. The generic form is

->{(ftime "fmt" "when")} ->{(ftime fmt="fmt" when="when")}

where ''fmt'' is a formatting string and ''when'' is the time to be formatted. The arguments can be in either order and may use the optional "fmt=" and "when=" labels.


{(ftime fmt="%F %H:%M")}
{(ftime %Y)}
{(ftime fmt=%T)}
{(ftime when=tomorrow)}
{(ftime fmt="%Y-%m-%d" yesterday)}
{(ftime "+1 week" %F)}
{(ftime fmt=%D "+1 month")}
{(ftime fmt="%a%e %b" when="next week")}
 June 09, 2024, at 03:18 PM
 2024-06-09 15:18
 June 10, 2024, at 12:00 AM
 Mon10 Jun

The ''fmt'' parameter is whatever is given by "fmt=", the first parameter containing a '%', or else the site's default. The formatting codes are described at In addition to those, '%F' produces ISO-8601 dates, and '%s' produces Unix timestamps. Some common formatting strings:

     %F                # ISO-8601 dates      "2024-06-09"
     %s                # Unix timestamp      "1717913898"
     %H:%M:%S          # time as hh:mm:ss    "15:18:18"
     %m/%d/%Y          # date as mm/dd/yyyy  "06/09/2024"
     "%A, %B %d, %Y"   # in words            "Sunday, June 09, 2024"

The ''when'' parameter understands many different date formats. The when parameter is whatever is given by "when=", or whatever parameter remains after determining the format parameter. Some examples:

    2007-04-11            # ISO-8601 dates
    20070411              # dates without hyphens, slashes, or dots
    2007-03               # months
    @1176304315           # Unix timestamps (seconds since 1-Jan-1970 00:00 UTC)
    now                   # the current time
    today                 # today @ 00:00:00
    yesterday             # yesterday @ 00:00:00
    "next Monday"         # relative dates
    "last Thursday"       # relative dates
    "-3 days"             # three days ago
    "+2 weeks"            # two weeks from now

'''Note:''' If you want to convert a Unix timestamp you '''must''' prefix with the @. Thus, "{(ftime "%A, %B %d, %Y" @1231116927)}".

The ''when'' parameter uses PHP's strtotime function to convert date strings according to the GNU date input formats; as of this writing it only understands English phrases in date specifications.

The variable $FTimeFmt can be used to override the default date format used by the "ftime" function. The default $FTimeFmt is $TimeFmt.


The "strlen" expression returns the length of a string. The first argument is the string to be measured.

{(strlen "{$:Summary}")}


The "rand" expression returns a random integer. The first argument is the minimum number to be returned and the second argument is the maximum number to be returned. If called without the optional min, max arguments rand() returns a pseudo-random integer between 0 and RAND_MAX. If you want a random number between 5 and 15 (inclusive), for example, use (rand 5 15).

{(rand 1 99)}


The advanced "mod" expression returns the modulo (remainder) of the division of two numbers. It may be used in advanced PageList templates together with {$$PageCount} to insert markup every (modulo) entries, for example to create alternate styled "zebra" table rows, or to insert a line/row break. (See also PageLists, WikiStyles and ConditionalMarkup.)

%define=bg1 item bgcolor=#f88%
%define=bg2 item bgcolor=#ff8%
%define=bg0 item bgcolor=#8f8%
* %bg{(mod {$$PageCount} 3)}% {=$Name} ({$$PageCount})
(:pagelist fmt=#altrows group=PmWiki count=10:)

>>comment<< * {=$Name} ({$$PageCount}) >><<

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''toupper'' / ''tolower''

The "toupper" and "tolower" expressions convert a string into uppercase or lowercase. The first argument is the string to be processed.

{(toupper "{$:Summary}")}
{(tolower "{$:Summary}")}
 string and formatting operations

''ucfirst'' / ''ucwords''

The "ucfirst" expression converts to uppercase the first character of the string, and "ucwords", the first character of each word. The first argument is the string to be processed.

{(ucfirst "{$:Summary}")}
{(ucwords "{$:Summary}")}
 String and formatting operations
 String And Formatting Operations


The "pagename" expression builds a pagename from a string. The first argument is the string to be processed.

{(pagename "{$:Summary}")}


The "asspaced" expression formats wikiwords. The first argument is the string to be processed.

{(asspaced "{$FullName}")}
 Pm Wiki.Markup Expressions

Nesting expressions

Markup expressions can be nested. Omit the curly braces for the inner expressions:

{(tolower (substr "Hello World" 2))}
 llo world


* For PmWikis version 2.2.33 or older, the string-processing expressions may not work properly on multibyte UTF-8 characters. Newer versions should work fine.

See also

* Page variables, Page text variables * Conditional markup * Cookbook:MarkupExpressionSamples &mdash; '-custom markup expression samples-' * Cookbook:MarkupExprPlus(:nl:)(:Summary:Trail and talk page links:) (:comment included in PmWiki localisation headers and footers :) <<? >>bgcolor=#ffe border-top="1px solid black" font-size=.8em<< This page may have a more recent version on PmWiki:MarkupExpressions, and a talk page: PmWiki:MarkupExpressions-Talk. >><<

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Page last modified on September 04, 2014, at 04:42 PM