SDB General Chapter 26-Meditation Don Bosco.docx
The following 8 meditations - reflections are part of the General Chapter 26
(2008) in Rome
By Fr. Luis Plascencia, SDB (Mexico)
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SDB General Chapter 26-Meditation Don Bosco.docx
The following 8 meditations - reflections are part of the General Chapter 26
(2008) in Rome
By Fr. Luis Plascencia, SDB (Mexico)
I would like to hint to you a very useful publication just released by Kristu Jyoti Publications, Bengaluru:
Theological and Spiritual Reflections
on the Preventive System of Don Bosco
José Luis Plascencia Moncayo, SDB
It contains the translated version of the input given by Fr Plascencia during the opening retreat for the Members of GC26.
The book is very affordable: 138 pages (140 Rupees – 2 $).
What matters most: it is a very good and insightful ‘ongoing formation’ on our Salesian Spirituality lived as Preventive System.
“José Luis Plascencia’ s retreat talks to the 26th General Chapter of the Salesian of Don Bosco are the most extraordinary theological-spiritual reading of the Preventive System of Don Bosco I have come across”
(from the presentation of Fr Ivo Coelho, General Councillor for Formation)
In Kristu Jyoti website you can find also many other meaningful Salesian publications (
For your contact and order use the email:
The posting of books from Bangalore is effective and not expensive, as I experienced several times when I was in Ghana and I got many parcels from Kristu Jyoti, without any problem.
All the best for the new month of October, missionary month, in the company of Our Lady of the Rosary.
Yours Silvio