Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) Philippines South - FIS
since 2013
The ZATTI FRIENDS is a group of young people who desire to follow the example of Blessed Artemidi Zatti. It is the first ever youth group dedicated to Blessed Zatti that was formed here in the Philippines 2013 and is present at Lourdes Parish, Cebu City. It was formally introduced to the SYM National Assembly Days during the bicentennial celebration of Don Bosco’s birth 2015 at the Don Bosco Technical College, Cebu City.
The patron of the ZATTI FRIENDS is Blessed Artemidi Zatti (1880-1951).
Artemide Zatti was born in Boretto (Reggio Emilia) on October 12, 1880.He experienced difficulties and sacrifices from an early date. By the age of nine he was already earning his living as a day labourer. Poverty forced his family to emigrate to Bahía Blanca, Argentina. Here Artemide began to attend the parish run by the Salesians and developed great confidence in the Parish Priest, Fr. Carlo Cavalli.
Advised to become a Salesian, he was accepted as an aspirant by Monsignor Cagliero and, at the age of 23, entered the house of Bernal. Among other things, he was entrusted with the care of a young priest who was suffering from tuberculosis. Artemide caught the disease. He was sent to the hospital of San José. While there, the priest, doctor, Fr. Evarisio Garrone, followed him, in a special way.
With him, he asked and received the grace of a cure from Mary Our Help. On his part, he promised to dedicate his whole life to the care of the sick. He was cured and kept his promise.
At first, he looked after the hospital Pharmacy. After the death of Fr. Garrone, he was totally responsible for the hospital, which became the scene of his holiness. He was totally devoted to his patients.
Someone described his day as follows: "At 4.30 he is already up. Meditation and Mass. Visit to all the wards. Then, on his bicycle, he visits the sick scattered throughout the city. After dinner he shares an enthusiastic game of bowls with the convalescents. From 2 until 6 p.m. he visits the sick again, in and outside the hospital. Until 8 p.m., he works in the pharmacy. Back to the wards again. Study and ascetical reading until 11 p.m. Then to bed, ever ready for any call."
In 1913 he directed the building of a new hospital, which later, to his great disappointment, was demolished in 1941, to make room for the episcopal residence for the new diocese of Viedma.
In 1950, a fall from a stairs forced him to retire. A few months later he showed symptoms of cancer. He died on March 15, 1951.
His remains lie in the Salesian Chapel of Viedma. John Paul II beatified him on April 14, 2002, in Rome.
The ZATTI FRIENDS is open to young people, boys and girls alike. It is suitable for schools, parishes, and neighborhood communities, in order to give the members an enriching experience of teamwork and friendship. Applicants should show an inclination to prayer, service, and volunteering.
Main Goals
The ZATTI FRIENDS shares in the common vision of the SALESIAN YOUTH MOVEMENT: to contribute, in ways proper to youth, to the growth of God’s Kingdom in today’s world. In particular, it works for the following aims:
1. That the members live a holy life and charity in the style of Blessed Artemide Zatti.
2. That the members establish a deep personal relationship with Christ by participating regularly in the sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation and by developing a rhythm of youthful prayer.
3. That the members willingly serve the youth groups and community through medical assistance in particular by administering first aid.
4. That the members strive promote a healthy lifestyle and a life of service to those who are sick and need medical attention.
The motto of the club is: Credidi. Promisi. Recepi (I Believed. I Promised. I Recovered)*
Here is an excerpt regarding the motto of ZATTI FRIENDS.
Zatti's own,declaration made in 1915 quoted here testifies to his total acceptance of God's will in his regard: "If I am now well and in good health, and able to do some good to my sick neighbors, I owe it to Fr. Doctor Garrone who saw that I was getting worse every day from the effects of Tuberculosis, coughing blood, and told me point blank that, if I did not want to finish up in the same way as so many others, I should make a promise to Mary Help of Christians, to remain always at his side helping in the care of the sick and trusting in Mary, she could heal me. I BELIEVED, because I knew of his reputation that Mary Help of Christians helped him in visible ways. I PROMISED, because I had always wanted to help others in anything I could do for them. And after God had heard the prayer of his servant, I RECOVERED." (Signed) Artemide Zatti."
God, Our Loving Father, full of mercy, compassion, and forgiveness to your people, I promise to be faithful to your teachings and most especially to encounter you in my life. Grant that through Zatti Friends I will be able to cultivate a golden and youthful heart, sharing the joys of life by promoting to a good lifestyle and healthy living, through the example and intercession of Bl. Atermidi Zatti. "Credidi. Promisi. Recepi." Amen.
Logo and Meaning
CROSS - it symbolizes the mission of Bl. Zatti of saving souls to God through his medical mission.
GOLDEN HEART - symbolizes the quality of heart each member of the Zatti Friends must attain. It is the same heart a Good Shepherd has caring for his people.
WHITE STAR - symbolizes MARY, in whom Bl. Zatti dedicated his life after he was cured through her intercession.
BLUE CIRCLE - symbolizes the community or the church to which every Zatti Friends is part and is commissioned to serve.
Membership Growth
1. Members:
- to be oriented to the Salesian Youth Group way of life by regular attendance and participation.
- to be oriented that he/she are members of the Salesian Youth Movement.
- that they grow in their love for the Word of God in a regular, monthly basis.
- that they build their friendship through fellowship and service.
- that members will be familiar with the life story of Bl. Artemidi Zatti, their Patron Saint.
- that members may be oriented to the life of St. John Bosco and the Salesian Saints.
- that members will be devoted to the love of Don Bosco: Eucharist (and Confession), Mary, and the Pope.
- that they interact with the other youth groups present in their settings and not remain exclusive.
- that members recruit friends to join in their group.
2. Leaders
- that they will be trained and given input on the following:
a. First aid
b. Wellness program
c. Healthy lifestyle
d. Salesian Youth Spirituality
e. SYM leadership camps/programs
- that they will be able to lead their group in a consistent and youthful ways.
- that they will represent the group in the youth council.
- that they encourage their group to participate in the different activities of their setting.
- that they live as good examples to others.
- that they facilitate the 4 areas of growth accorded to each SYM group.
Main Activities
Like any group, the ZATTI FRIENDS fosters activities in the areas of Formation, Celebration, Fellowship, and Service.
Its typical activities are:
1. Activities that foster prayer and participation in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Communion.
2. Activities that promotes healthy living and balance living.
3. Activities that promote the use of first aid in all the youth group activities as well as giving training or coordinating with non-governmental organizations that gives free first aid seminars or workshop.
4. Exposure or immersion to charitable institutions.
The big events of the year are:
1. Blessed Zatti's feast day: March 15
2. ZATTI FRIENDS Medical Mission Day.
Zatti Friends’ Oath Taking
After the Homily
Parish Youth President:
Father and Parishioners of Lourdes Shrine, I am pleased to present to you the members and officers of Zatti Friends who will recite their pledge before God and to be of service to his people.
Priest: Dear young people, Zatti Friends, as members of the Salesian Youth Movement, you have grown as friends to one another and of Jesus, now you are ready to serve God's people in promoting good health of mind, body, and spirit. You may now whole heartedly recite your sodality's pledge.
Zatti Friends’ Pledge
God, Our Loving Father / full of mercy, compassion, and forgiveness to your people / I promise to be faithful to your teachings / and most especially to encounter you in my life. / Grant that through Zatti Friends / I will be able to cultivate a golden and youthful heart, / sharing the joys of life by promoting a good lifestyle and healthy living, / through the example and intercession of Bl. Atermidi Zatti. /"Credidi. Promisi. Recepi." / Amen.
Priest: Zatti Friends, receive this medicine kit as a sign of your commitment to your service. May God who has inspired you through the example of Blessed Atemidi Zatti, bless you all. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Commentator: Let us show our newly installed Zatti Friends our love and support by giving them a round of applause. (Clapping continues while the priest gives their token. After which, the Holy Mass continues as usual with the Creed)