Anisakan, Myanmar (MYM), 02 February 2025 -- The General councillor for formation, Fr Ivo Coelho, SDB presided over the Holy Mass on Don Bosco Feast on 31 January 2025, at Mary Help of Christians Shrine, Anisakan, Myanmar. The Holy Mass began at 9:00 A.M., and some 300 people participated. In the Holy Mass, 17 children also received their First Communion.
In his homily, Fr Ivo narrated Don Bosco’s Dream at nine years of age in a lively and interesting way. When he passionately talked about the earlier days of Don Bosco’s youth ministry in Turin, the boys in the congregation listened attentively to him with amazement and admiration. The superior Fr Bosco Nyi Nyi translated his homily sentence by sentence accurately, without leaving behind the meaning of any words. After the Holy Mass, a one-hour short play about the challenges and dangers which Don Bosco encountered in his youth ministry, entitled, “Zeal & Courage” was performed on the stage by Don Bosco Prenovices. At the end of the play, Fr. Ivo was deeply impressed by the performance skills of the pre-novices, so much so that he praised each one of them in front of the public.
Ultimately, the superior Fr Nyi Nyi delivered his address thanking Fr. Ivo for his unexpected visit to the Salesian Family in Myanmar, especially in these critical political situations. In the afternoon, Fr Ivo was brought to the National Park, accompanied by some Salesians, a mixture of old and young who enjoyed each other's presence, cracking joys and laughing.