By VIN SocCom
Van Phuc Parish, Vietnam, 18 January 2025 -- On 16 January the Delegation of La Vang gathered at Van Phuc Parish to attend the Thanksgiving Mass and the Year End Celebration in an atmosphere filled with joy and unity.
The ceremony was attended by Bishop Peter Nguyen Van De, Father Thomas Vu Kim Long, Delegation Superior, along with Salesians, FMAs, VDBs, cooperators, the Parishes Council, and the Catholic students of Hanoi.
Fr John Baptist Tran Van Hao shared the interpretation of the 2025 Strenna by Cardinal Artime and Father Stefano Martoglio.
Fr Joseph Tran Van Hien read the letter from EAO Regional, Father Joseph Nguyen Thinh Phuoc.
The Mass was presided over by Bishop Peter. In the homily he expressed his concern about the challenges in modern society, especially the dangers that young people are facing such as sins related to the protection of life, abortion, and promiscuous lifestyles. Everyone was invited to pray for all members of the Salesian family, so that they may have more strength to accompany and support the young.
The Mass ended with prayers and wishes for a New Year filled with grace and peace. The fraternal lunch and the raffle prizes encouraged all members of the Salesian Family to continue to serve the Salesian mission with enthusiasm.