Dili, Timor-Leste, 18 November 2024 -- The EAO Formation of Formators program marked its closure with the study and reflection guided by Fr Ivo Coelho, General Councillor for Formation, on Formation for A Solid Salesian Consecrated Identity In A Fluid World (EAO Team Visit 2024) followed by a suggestion of the formation style appropriate to our era as a result of each province’s team discussion. Timor-Leste Province hosted it from 9-18 November 2024 preceded by the meeting of the EAO Regional Formation Commission with its main theme “The Presence and Role of Women in Formation Today.” Though having been interrupted by the effects of the volcanic eruption near Bali, Indonesia, which caused the cancellation of several flights to Dili, the seminar was still held successfully.
Participants have been invited to reflect on Biblical and Salesian topics related to the presence and role of women in the life of Jesus and Don Bosco such as Women in First Century Palestine; The Presence of Women in Jesus’ Life and Ministry; Encounters between Jesus and Women in the Gospel of John: A Formator’s Perspective; The Woman - Symbols in the Book of Revelation and Its Implications For Salesian Formation; Mary, the Woman of the Word; Don Bosco and Women. Besides that, the seminar appreciated the much-appreciated presence of Dr Gabrielle McMullen, a woman professor of the University of Divinity who guided the assembly in several timely topics of our days which go hand in hand with the trend of synodality in the Church: Our Baptismal Calling; New Ministries in the Church and Formation for Ministry.
The common methodology employed was receiving input from speakers, reflecting on it and group discussion to follow. As Fr Rogelia from PGS remarked: “The input is very important but the conversation and exchange of ideas among participants are the most precious part of the seminar. We did, indeed, learn so much from one another; and our mindsets and horizons were widened significantly by listening to or witnessing what confreres in different settings of the Region are doing and how creative each province is in the implantation of our Charism in its own context.”
The seminar witnesses its certain success by the fact that it finds its convergence in participants’ points of view, namely, the indispensability and necessity of the involvement and empowerment of lay people, in particular, of women in our formation despite certain discomfort or reluctance felt by some confreres.