By CIN SocCom
Hong Kong, China, 16 November 2024 -- On 13 November 2024, to celebrate the holiness of Bro. Artémides Zatti and the Salesian Brother vocation, the CIN province held the annual Brothers’ Day in the Salesian Missionary House, Hong Kong this year. 8 Brothers from Hong Kong and Macao, participated in the event.
The original plan of a day of pilgrimage to a newly dedicated church in the New Territory was canceled due to the unfavorable weather. Therefore, plan B was implemented, and the meeting place turned into the venue for activities.
At 10 am, the Brothers gathered in the Hall of Mary Help of Christians. Fr Domingos Leong, the Provincial, who was also the invited spiritual guide to this event, gave the opening remarks. Then followed by individual sharing of the Brothers, which centered around two themes: first, reflections and insights from the participation of the 8th EAO Salesians Brothers Congress; second, updates on personal recent situations. To our surprise, His Eminence, Cardinal Zen, came to the assembly hall at the end, and shared some of his thoughts on the recently concluded Synod on synodality.
After the fraternal sharing, Fr. Provincial presided over the devotional Mass to St. Zatti at the chapel of the Sacred Heart for the participants and offered the special intention for all the Salesian Brothers in the province and more Salesian Brother Vocations to the Salesian congregation.
The day ended with a joyful lunch outside. Two deacons from the Salesian House of Studies, who were invited as guests, also took part in the activities, and they offered their services both at the tables of the Lord and of the Brothers.