By EAO Missionary Animation Team
During the 155th Salesian Missionary Expedition on September 29, 2024, our EAO region sent six missionaries. After presenting two from the VIE Province and one from the FIN Province, we present the third of the three missionaries from the TLS Vice Province.
My name is Cl. Nelson ALVES CABRAL. I’m 26 years old and the third child of nine siblings. During my aspirantate I heard the life story of the Servant of God Vincent Cimatti. I found his virtues very attractive. Since then I started to desire to be a missionary one day.
When I wrote my mission letter, I stated that I would go wherever the Rector Mayo sent me. This shows that I would be happy wherever I go and that I would be ready to face challenges. Initially, my mother did not approve of me becoming a missionary. She wished that I remain in my country as a Salesian. But after much explanation of what is a missionary, she finally said: “Okay… This is your choice, as your mother I always pray for your vocation...”
I am happy to be sent to the Democratic Republic of Congo, to the AFC Province. I am aware that being a missionary to carry out God’s mission in a new place, new culture, and meet new people, which is not easy; but I also believe that God will not leave me alone, I am sure that God will always be with me!