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2023.11.13 11:18

6188_Vocation Camp in Macau

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By Vocation Office, Macau

Macau, China, 13 November 2023 - Every year, the Vocation Office of China Province will organize a Vocation Camp for young people separately in Hong Kong and Macau.

This academic year's second vocation camp of Macau was successfully held on November 3-4 at Instituto Salesiano, Macau. The theme for this event was "God's Grace in My Life." Through activities and prayers, students together explored and discovered God's grace, expressing gratitude for God's boundless love and reflecting on how they should respond to God's call.

The gathering divided into two parts: one for primary school students aged from 10-12 and the second one is for secondary school students. For the Primary section, five students participated. Guided by young animators, they first learned what grace is and then shared the kind of grace they hoped to receive. Then, the animators summarized and highlighted the relationship between grace and vocation. Afterward, they had dinner and prayed the Rosary together with the community and secondary school vocation camp students.

For the secondary section, seven students participated. The event started with evening prayer, dinner, and Rosary. After some warm-up games, they reflected on the characteristics of God's grace through short Gospel dramas, including the parables of the Prodigal Son, the tax collector Zacchaeus, and the merciful adulterous woman. During the vesper, participants met individually with the priests for spiritual direction, sharing the grace they have in their lives and meditating on how they should make good use of these graces on their life journey and respond to God's call.

The next day, Fr Martin Yip, in charge of the Vocation Office in Macau, celebrated the Mass and provided a summary of the vocation camp. He inspired the young that when people receive grace from God, they simultaneously receive both the love and the calling from God. As catholic youth, we try to express our sincere gratitude to God's grace through our service in our family, school, and church community. The group was having breakfast together after the mass and marking the successful completion of the vocation camp.








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