By ADMA EAO Congress Steering Committee
ADMA EAO, 13 September 2021 -- After a long and involved preparation since January 2020, the Second EAO ADMA Congress (online) was a true rich and inspiring charismatic experience. On 11-12 September (3 hours each day) several hundred ADMA members, their spiritual animators (SDB and FMA), SDB provincials, young Salesians in formation and other members of the Salesian Family came together to pray, deepen their identity, interact and get to know each other better.
Praying together
On Sunday (Day 2) the beautiful animated Rosary prayer in 6 languages (Tagalog, English, Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese and Cebuano) with amazing Marian songs in the respective languages. The opening prayer was offered in Tok Pisin and Motu (PNG) and final prayer was in Thai. Youtube presents these prayers.
Getting to know each other better
Through the professionally and wholeheartedly prepared ADMA life video sharing, we learn of ADMA faith experience (TLS), a young ADMA voice (FIS), stories of starting experiences (KOR, INA, VIE), the long and rich history of devotion to Mary Help of Christians in the Philippines (FIN). At the end of each day the participants split in smaller groups according languages to share their challenges and personal faith and vocation experience (What changed in my life after following the ADMA vocation?)
Animating by ADMA World President and Spiritual Animator
The peak of both Congress days was the formation talk offered from Valdocco-Turin (Italy) by Fr. Alejandro Guevara and Mr Renato Valera. After their talks was a chance for open questions. All participants appreciated the simple and deep response - about living the ADMA vocation, about the ADMA signs of growth, family involvement and rejuvenation of the Association. The ADMA 2025 strategic plan - Guidelines - was at the centre of Fr Alejandro's sharing, while the lay perspective of living the ADMA vocation by Mr Valera touched the hearts of all Congress participants.
ADMA, Timor Leste - Obrigado barak! (Thank you)
Originally the EAO ADMA 2021 Congress was supposed to be held in Timor Leste. In the online version we see many fruits: new FB ADMA with the Congress live streaming in Tetun, significant groups of ADMA gathered in spite of the pandemic in Dili, Fatumaca, Baucau and Los Palos. We are able to listen to the Goodnight from Dili Archbishop Virgilio da Silva, SDB and enjoy the beautiful Timorese songs, prayers and dances. The 2nd EAO ADMA Congress theme song was composed by TLS FMA spiritual animator, Sr Brigida de Sousa. Last but not the least we see wonderful cooperation from the entire SF of Timor Leste
And what comes next?
For quality sharing and spread of ADMA around the world, the ADMA EAO Facebook public group is updated every day. Thanks to the international technician group teamwork (FIN-FIS-GIA-KOR), now the two day program of the 2nd EAO ADMA Congress is available on YouTube channels in the respective languages. On the same day already more than 1000 views for the first day Congress program:
- ADMA-EAO (Main page-English)
- ADMA-EAO-Korea
- ADMA-EAO-Timor Leste
- ADMA-EAO-Indonesia
- ADMA-EAO-Thailand
- ADMA-EAO-Vietnam
- ADMA-EAO-Japan
- ADMA-EAO-Espaňol
Let's walk like Mary with Jesus!
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