Dear All,
A few weeks back we looked at the role that missionaries might play in developing the language (and everything else associated with that language) in their place of mission. There happens to be a quite outstanding example of this, but other than a handful of ANS news items in English over the last few years since his death in 2013, pretty much all the useful information on his impact on language has been in Spanish. I refer to Servant of God, as he now is, Fr Luís (Luigi) Bolla, Italian missionary in the Amazon area covered by both Ecuador (the Shuar) and Peru (the Achuar), two closely associated language groups. I had the good fortune to meet Fr Bolla on one occasion, so have a personal interest in promoting this information in his regard.
But the interest is quite specific in this instance: you will not find it difficult to garner information, including in English, about the general life story and holiness of the man; his contribution to evangelisation through a complete adoption of the customs, language and life of the Shuar and then the Achuar peoples. But it is not so easy to find material which takes a close and detailed look at his linguistic contribution. However, there is one such item, in Spanish, by a Spanish (Madrid-born) Salesian, currently a full Professor in the Faculty of Theology at the UPS, Fr Antonio Escudero Cabello. I am providing his contribution in translation. I am not claiming it is a perfect translation (is there such a thing as perfect translation?) but what you will find there is still quite readable and comprehensible, as well as comprehensive.
If I can sum up what I take from it, in terms of a specific interest in the Servant of God’s linguistic contribution, it would be this:
- His driving motivation in his own words: “Without language, and even more the specific language of a people, it is impossible to have true relationships of friendship and mutual understanding. The use of the interpreter will always lead us to impose our culture and mentality, without wanting to.” Linguistic hospitality at its best!
- Although some earlier Salesian missionaries had produced a dictionary and a grammar, and indeed a catechism in Shuar (but not in Achuar), there was no written script actually used by the Shuar or Achuar peoples. Theirs was an entirely oral culture. Fr Bolla’s contribution, among others, was to make it possible for there to be a Shaur and Achuar ‘literature’, an understanding of their language that was not based on European language patterns, and this was only possible through a thorough and utterly lived experience of their life and culture over many decades, including writing down their oral myths and cultures. He gave their language(s) dignity through his own life with them. His 80 handwritten diaries are testimony to this.
- He devised an Achuar theological language for translation of sacred texts, and translated the entire New Testament into Achuar; ‘sacred texts’ goes beyond the Bible, it also includes symbols/signs, hymns, ministries such as the ministry of the Word, exorcism, Eucharist.
- He wrote bilingual texts, other than dictionaries: For example ‘La Selva en el Mundo Achuar’ [the Selva in the Achuar World] which was replete with terminology on zoology, botany and ethnography in Achuar and Spanish. But it was no mere glossary. It was an insight into the worldview of the Achuar.
And even if you don't understand a word of Spanish, please take a look at what is now a world-renowned archival effort by the Salesians in Peru: This website is, in itself, a best practice!