Salesian Family

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Leadership Animation Handbook

(Don Bosco Past Pupils World Confederation)

ed. 2020

(available in English, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, French)


English (original)

DBPP Handbook animation-ENG.pdf

DBPP Handbook animation-ENG.docx

DB Past Pupils Delegate Manual 2020-9-2-1_adjusted-2.docx



Exallievi di Don Bosco-Delegato Manuale 2020-FR +++.docx


Exallievi di Don Bosco-Delegato Manuale 2020-ITA Nino++.docx


Spanish (Espanol)

Manual del Delegado EXADB español.docx



Exallievi di Don Bosco-Delegato Manuale 2020-PORT +++.docx


DBPP Handbook animation-ENG-page-001.jpg







                                                                  Manual Index


1.     The Salesian Family and Don Bosco Past Pupils


2.     Who are the Don Bosco Past Pupils?


3.     What is the mission of Don Bosco Past Pupils?


4.     How can we start and animate a new local center?


5.     SDB Delegate to the Don Bosco Past Pupils – role, task and formation


6.     GEX (Giovani Exallievi) - Young Past Pupils


7.     World Confederation of Don Bosco Past Pupils - organization


8.     Don Bosco Past Pupils within the Salesian provincial charismatic network



Youth Ministry

Social Communication

Salesian Missions

Salesian Family


9.     Models of Don Bosco Past Pupils – saints- attraction


Saints, Blessed, Venerables, Servants of God

Model Alumni from all the world and from all religions and cultures

10.  Prayer – Promise of Don Bosco Past Pupils





I. Delegate Digital Library

II. Statutes of DB Past Pupils Italian Federation (ed. 2018)




Jose Pastor SDB.jpg