EAO Salesian Translators Workshop 2019
(Myanmar, August 27-29)
EAO-1 Translators Workshop 2019 Introduction+.pdf
Translators Handbook working version:
The Salesian Translator’s Prayer
Dear Lord, thank you for entrusting me with a wonderful mission
as a translator in the Salesian Family.
Help me to understand what this article, this book is telling me –
show me the true meaning and how to express it in my own language,
so that it will help to build up the Church
and give growth to the Salesian charism.
Preparation Journey
2014 EAO First Translators Workshop (Vietnam)
EAO-013-Translators encounter follow up.pdf
EAO 2014 Workshop (Acts): transmeet2014.pdf
2019 EAO Second Translators Workhop (Myanmar)
EAO-114 Translators meeting 2019-1.pdf
EAO-117 Translator workshop 2019-2.pdf
EAO-117 Translator workshop 2019-2 survey.docx
Salesian Translators Workshop 2019 -
Working Kit for use of the participants:
EAO Translators Workshop 2019++.zip
step 1: download the zip file on your PC
step 2: unzip on your PC the whole folder
step 3: open the EAO Translators Workshop 2019+ folder
step 4: click on the html file: mymworkshop
step 5: start to browse (Table of Content)
NB: The folder contains interactive materials (1881 items) of the 2nd EAO Translators Worskhop.
NB: The folder includes also
First EAO Translators Workshop 2014 Proceedings (pdf file - 83 pages)
(update August 12, 2019)