Saint - Salesian Brother Artemides Zatti
Invitiation of the Rector Major for the Canonization (2022. Oct 9)
RM-invitation for Zatti canonization.pdf (SDB)
Message of the Rector Major (2022, April)
RM-Communication on Canonization Br Artemide Zatti 2022.docx
Photo-book published in Argentina (2001)
1880: Born in Boretto (Italy) three children, mother Albina Vecchi, father Luigi Zatti
1887: Sacrament of confirmation
1886: Elementary school (3 years only) in Boretto, while already working in the farm
1889: Working experience in one well-off family
1897: Migration - whole family moved to Argentina, settled in Bahia Blanca (Patagonia)
1897: Works in a brick factory, Fr. Carlo Cavalli, parish priest becomes his spiritual guide
1900: Enters Salesian Aspirantate in Bernal (Buenos Aires), senior than his companions
1902: Assists a young priest, TB patient and gets TB during his prenovitiate, sent to Viedma
1902: Fr Evasio Garrone, parish priest-doctor in Viedma, director of the only Patagonia
hospital of San Jose takes medical care of Zatti; here meets also Ceferino Namuncura
1904: After a promise to Our Lady, Zatti is healed of TBC
1906: Novitiate started as Salesian (Lay) Brother (Coadjutor)
1908: First profession
1911: Final profession
1911: Fr Evasio Garrone dies, his pharmacy entrusted to Zatti, then slowly the hospital, too
1914: Zatti becomes an Argentina citizen
1915: Zatti becomes officially the Viedma, San José hospital Director
1916: Zatti’s father Luigi passed away in Bahia Blanca
1917: Zatti gets the official pharmacy, professional nurse license (distance course La Plata)
1925: Zatti’s brother Eliseo passed away, FMA’s arrive to Viedma, taking care of women
1934: Zatti participates in DB Canonization in Italy as province Salesian Brothers delegate
1935: Bishop Nicolas Esandi is consecrated in Viedma, hospital would become his Curia
1941: San Jose hospital is demolished and transferred to the Agricultural school San Isidro
1947: Zatti ends the hospital administration responsibility
1950: Zatti falls from the ladder, discovered advanced liver cancer
1951: Zatti treated in Bahia Blanca, then transferred in his hospital, dies on March 15
1980: Viedma bishop Miguel Esteban Hesayne, introduces the Cause of Beatification
1980: Salesian Carlo Alberto Bosio is healed through the intercession of Artemide Zatti
1982: Conclusion of the diocesan process
1986: Jesuit provincial of Argentina requests to pray through Zatti's intercession
1997: Zatti becomes a Venerable.
2001: Pope John Paul II approves the decree of the miracle
2002: Pope John Paul II proclaims Artemide Zatti a Blessed
2022: Pope Francis approves the decree of the miracle
2022: Pope Francis (will) declare Brother Zatti a Saint
Life-sketch-biography of the Saint
Declared Venerable: 7 July 1997
Beatified: 14 April 2002
Canonized: 9 October 2022
Liturgical celebration: 13 November
Artemides Zatti was born in Boretto (Reggio Emilia) on 12 October 1880. It did not take long for him to experience the hardships of sacrifice, so much so that by the age of nine he was already earning a living as a farmhand. Poverty forced the Zatti family to emigrate to Argentina at the beginning of 1897, where they established themselves in Bahía Blanca. Young Artemides immediately began attending the parish run by the Salesians, and found that the parish priest, Fr Carlo Cavalli, was a devout and extraordinarily kind man, and became his spiritual director. It was he who guided him to Salesian life. He was 20 years of age when he went to the aspirantate at Bernal.
While assisting a young priest who had tuberculosis, Artemides caught the disease himself. Fr Cavalli – who was following him from a distance – showed particular and fatherly interest in him and saw that he was chosen to go to the Salesian house in Viedma where the climate was more suitable and there was a missionary hospital there with a good Salesian nurse who effectively functioned as a doctor: Father Evasio Garrone. He invited Artemides to pray to Mary Help of Christians for his recovery, suggesting he make a promise: “If she cures you you will dedicate the rest of your life to the sick people here.” Artemides willingly made such a promise and was mysteriously cured. Later he would say: “I believed, I promised, I was cured.”
The path was now clearly laid out for him and he embarked on it enthusiastically. In all humility and docility he accepted the suffering that he would need to renounce thoughts of priesthood. It was no small thing. He professed his vows as a Salesian brother at his first profession on 11 January 1908 and his perpetual profession on 18 February 1911. Consistent with his promise to Our Lady he dedicated himself immediately and totally to the hospital, initially working in the pharmacy. However, when Fr Garrone died in 1913, responsibility for the entire hospital fell on his shoulders: he became its vice-director, administrator, expert nurse respected by everyone, sick and healthy alike. He was gradually given greater freedom of action. It was said that his main medicine was he himself: his approach, his jokes, joy, affection. He did not only want to administer medicines but to help patients to see signs of God's will in their situation, especially when death was imminent. He was not just a nurse but an educator to the faith for everyone in their time of trial and illness. A “good Samaritan” in Don Bosco's style, “sign and bearer of God's love.”
His service was not limited to the hospital but extended to the rest of the city, even to the two localities situated on either banks of the Rio Negro: Viedma and Patagones. In case of necessity he would go out at any hour of the day or night, to the hovels on the outskirts, doing it all free of charge. He would pray while he was pedalling on his inseparable bicycle and the few free hours left to him he would dedicate to study and reading. Even when he went to bed he was always available for any calls. His reputation as a nurse spread throughout the South and the sick came from all of Patagonia. It was by no means rare for sick people to prefer a visit from the saintly nurse than from their doctors.
Artemides Zatti loved his patients in a truly moving way. He saw Jesus himself in them to the extent that when he asked the Sisters for clothing for a new youngster who had arrived, he used say: “Sister, do you have some clothes for a twelve-year-old Jesus?” The attention he showed them was as delicate as it could be. Some recall having seen him carry away the corpse of a patient to the mortuary on his shoulders if that person had died during the night, so that other patients would not see the deceased person: and did so while reciting the De profundis. Faithful to the Salesian spirit and the motto that Don Bosco left his sons as a legacy – “work and temperance” – he carried out a prodigious activity with habitual readiness of mind, heroic spirit of sacrifice and absolute detachment from any personal satisfaction, without ever allowing himself holidays or rest. Some said that the only five days rest he ever had were the ones spent in ... prison! Yes, he also experienced prison after a prisoner who was being kept at the hospital escaped, and blame for the escape fell on him. He came away absolved of his crime and his return was a triumph.
He was a man of uncomplicated human relationships, visibly sympathetic and happy to work with humble folk. But above all he was a man of God who radiated the light of his presence. A doctor at the hospital, somewhat of an unbeliever said later: “When I saw Brother Zatti I wavered in my disbelief.” and another said: “I believed in God when I came to know Brother Zatti.”
In 1950 the tireless nurse fell from a ladder, and it was then that the first symptoms of cancer appeared that he himself clearly diagnosed. He continued with his mission just the same for a further year until after heroically accepting his suffering, he died on 15 March 1951 fully conscious, surrounded by the affection and gratitude of the entire population.
O God, in the humble and the small
you wonderfully made manifest the great works of your grace.
Humbly we ask you:
through the intercession of Blessed Artemides,
grant that day by day
we may see ever more clearly the face of Christ
in our suffering brothers and sisters.
We ask you to glorify this servant of yours
and through his intercession to grant us
the grace we now ask for ...
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Saint Artemide Zatti short biographies
Prayer - Novena
Zatti-Liturgy Hours 13 Nov ENG.docx
Zatti Our Brother - Movie 2020 present.docx
Fr Jorge Mario Bergolio - Prayer to Brother Zatti (1986)
Bergolio-Jesuit Brothers-Zatti 1986.doc
Bergolio SJ-Jesuit Brothers-Zatti.pdf
Rector Major Letters on Salesian Brother
Rinaldi: 1927-Rinaldi Salesian Brother.doc
Vigano: 1980-Vigano Lay Element of Charism ENG.docx
Vecchi: 2001-Vecchi ACG 376 Zatti Beatification.doc
Eucharist - November 13