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       Tokyo, Japan, 2 April 2023 -- During the three years of the Corona Disaster, we have had difficult days for going to church. Father Angel Yamanouchi, the spiritual animator of the ADMA in Japan, quickly grasped the feelings of the starving and dry believers and launched the ZOOM Rosary. He was quick to grasp the feelings of the hungry and dry believers and launched the ZOOM Rosary. The rosary prayer has continued without a break every day in response to the people's cry for help.

       Each time, 6 to 70 people of various nationalities recite the rosary in 5 languages: Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, Korean, and English. Then, the priest reads from the Bible of the day. Sometimes there are participants from France, Croatia, Peru, Argentina, and other countries. It is a rich place of prayer. We have had a time of grace beyond the Corona Disaster.

       ZOOM ADMA Retreat・・・Gathering of Bartimaeus

       Following last year's ZOOM ADMA retreat was held at Father Angel's Honjo Church. More than 100 people attended, including not only ADMA members but also ZOOM Rosary members who pray together every day. For those of us who gather through our screens, this face-to-face meeting was a very moving and inspiring time!

       The retreat was on Bartimaeus, the blind man, who raised his voice in desperation to Jesus, was healed by Jesus, threw away the cloak he had been wearing, and followed Jesus. During the meditation session, we had to write on a piece of paper what I now need to throw away, and then throw it away on the cloak that was provided. With so many layers of clothing on me, the task of stripping it off was quite a challenge.

       Next, what was to be presented to Jesus? It took a lot of determination because it was to be written on paper and dedicated at the Mass. Those of us who were sent at Mass were given a pair of sandals to walk with Jesus at hand and to wear them in our own lives. To not end up satisfied with praying.

       In the afternoon session of the meditation, there was a Bartimaeus testimony of a Brazilian national. He gave a moving testimony of how he had turned from a hard and sordid life of pachinko addiction (Pachinko is a Japanese pinball game) to a wonderful life of service, now as a church committee chairman. The synodical sharing in groups helped each of them face their own challenges and walk into their own lives with renewed hope.

       ZOOM friends are scattered over a wide area. Many have asked to join ADMA after the silent retreat, and formation is being prepared not only for ADMA members but also for those who pray with us nightly.

       The spirituality of ADMA will nurture a richer life of faith, and the charism of Don Bosco will be put to use.










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