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By Keith Amodia

Seminaryo ng Don Bosco, Parañaque City (FIN) 25 MARCH 2015: The celebration of the Solemnity of the Annunciation is made special by a lone Salesian brother and 5 clerics who renewed their vows before Fr. Anthony Paul Bicomong, SDB, Provincial of the Philippine North Province (FIN). Fr. Henry Bonetti, SDB, rector of Seminaryo ng Don Bosco (SnDB) and Fr. Arnold Sanico, SDB, rector of Stephen Sandor community stood as witnesses.

Joining the Blessed Mother in her fiat—Cl. Marc Will Lim (FIN), Cl. Juvelan Paul Samia (FIN), Cl. John Paul Rasay (FIS), Cl. Ramil Maranan (FIN), Br. Abraham Saraphan (THA) and Cl. Samuel Adnan Ghouri (FIS-Pakistan)—seek to incarnate the Word into their living of the Salesian vocation.

Clerics of the SnDB (Clerics' community) and Salesian brothers from the Sandor community (Salesian Brothers’ community) were present to witness the occasion. Fr. Juanito Tamayo, SDB, a Filipino missionary assigned in THA province was also present.





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  • vaclav 2015.03.26 13:14

    dear Brothers!

    Congratulations from Rome! I have just arrived to the house of the Rector Major.

    With a prayers for young life-long fidelity to the young people, to Don Bosco, to the Congregation and especially to God who loves you so much!

    fr. Vaclav

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