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By Sr. Mini Jose MSMHC

PGS Province, 09 November 2023 - One of the worst times of our past was World War II which was devastating and shattered all limits of human endurance. The war that lasted for six long years is reported to be the most widespread and deadliest. While India played an active role and arrived at a turning point of gaining its own independence, its Northeast region, being a border area, had to face greater upheaval. The consequence of the war is beyond description, as it caused great bloodshed and massive destruction and brought unprecedented adversity and misery to people everywhere.

The situation of the church in the region was challenged with the internment of foreign missionaries by the British Colonial Government. Bishop Stephen Ferrando, who pastured the flock in the region saw misery all around him: chaos because of the displacement of people, influx of refugees from the neighboring countries, the victims of war who were not sufficiently cared for, and poverty. He was also aware of the rural womenfolk's massive ignorance and squalid hygiene, which called for genuine care and concern. In the thousands of villages of Assam, there were so many women and children who had to be instructed. There was also a shortage of personnel to render them spiritual assistance as many of the foreign missionaries were forced to leave the place. It was at this juncture that Bishop Ferrando thought of founding a congregation of sisters who would be of help to alleviate the suffering of his people. He wanted them to educate the children, take care of those who were sick, and stay on for days in the villages to help in the faith formation of people through their instructions and witnessing life.

The first indigenous Congregation in Northeast India began to take its initial steps along its path of destiny in 1940 with the eight girls who came forward with all eagerness to become missionaries. Undoubtedly, it is one of the fruits of the deep pastoral insight of Bishop Ferrando, who foresaw the needs of the future of the church in Northeast India. He discerned the hand of God in the readiness and enthusiasm expressed by the girls and felt that the time was ripe to begin the plan he had in mind from as early as 1939. Thus, the foundation was laid for the new Congregation on 24 October 1942. The formation of the new congregation began under the guidance of the FMA Sisters, and Fr. Attilio Colussi SDB, the Parish Priest of Guwahati, was appointed to provide them with spiritual assistance. Though the beginning was against the overwhelming odds and difficult circumstances, Bishop Ferrando was certain of the accomplishments it could bring forth. The primary charism of the MSMHC is mission ad gentes, and the motto is "Go into all the world and proclaim the Good News to the whole creation" (Mk.16:15). The Lord blessed the humble beginning with rapid growth and rich missionary harvest. Beginning with just six local girls then, the congregation has now grown to more than one thousand and four hundred members from 70 ethnic groups, working in 13 countries, belonging to six provinces, one delegation, and one sub-delegation working in India and abroad.

The congregation makes its presence felt through schools, boarding houses, dispensaries, homes for the aged, rehabilitation centers for HIV/AIDS patients, drug addicts and alcoholics, shelter homes, and pastoral work in parishes. The Missionary Sisters are primarily evangelists for the poor and needy, especially women, girls, and children. By their witness of life, they live the values of the Kingdom and thus proclaim Christ. Imitating the missionary zeal of the Founder, they renewed their missionary enthusiasm and made all their institutions and places their mission field.

Today in Papua New Guinea, they work in close collaboration with the Salesians of Don Bosco to be yeast in Mary Help of Christians parish Sabama, through their presence: visits to the families added with prayer, faith formation, training the illiterate mothers in income generating skills and saving for the education of their children. Imparting Christian doctrine and helping the young in DBTI and DBTS was also another mission that the MSMHC carried out.







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