By VIE SocCom
Xuan Hiep – Viet Nam, 6 December 2024 -- On the morning of 5 December 2024, at the Philip Rinaldi Theological Community, a Mass was held to celebrate Blessed Philip Rinaldi - Patron of the Community. In this Mass, Father Provincial, Barnaba Le An Phong, celebrated the ceremony admitting six second-year Theology students to the Ministry of Lector and six third-year Theology students to the Ministry of Acolyte.
The celebration gathered more than 400 participants including confreres SDB, sisters, parents of confreres of the community, guests and benefactors of the community.
The celebration was carefully prepared, bringing a joyful and holy atmosphere. During this time, the Rector, together with confreres of the community had 3 days to prepare their souls by reviewing the virtuous life of Blessed Philip Rinaldi in their reflections. In addition, the external preparations were carefully arranged and beautifully decorated. The evening before, the community organized a “singing night” with the theme "Gratitude for Grace" to praise the countless graces received from the hands of God's providence through the intercession of Blessed Philip Rinaldi.
In his homily, Father Barnaba invited the confreres to "remain" in the love of Christ to learn how to love God and others, which is clearly demonstrated in the mission of the Congregation.
After the Mass, everyone shared the Agape party “buffet” in a joyful, friendly and close atmosphere.