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Salesians are moving towards the cause of canonization of Father Fortunato GIACOMIN (1920-2000)

By Our Own Correspondent

Anisakan, Myanmar, 18 August 2016 -- Cardinal Charles Bo, SDB does confess in his interview with the Italian Salesian Bullettin (2012): ‘Parish priest of my village, Monhla near Mandalay, send me to the Salesian boarding school ‘Lafon’. I was completely excited by the way how my parish priests did pray and celebrate the Mass. Then in the Mandalay Don Bosco boarding school I was sincerely attracted by the Salesian Brothers and Priests, especially by their attention and availability towards me. It was specifically the delicate consideration of my Rector Fr. Forunato Giacomin in my regards that convinced me to join the Salesian Congregation.’

Fr. Giacomin was born in 1920 in Fonzaso (BL) – diocese of Padova, left Italy as missionary aspirant at the age of 15, made his novitiate and first profession in Liluah, Calcutta in 1936-1937. He is one of the numerous missionary aspirants, while Venerable Joseph Quadrio, SDB was his classmate at that period. Few years after his ordination was sent to Burma, where he spent the rest of his 80 years long life. After the start of the military regime (1962) and nationalization of all private and Christian schools (1964), he was the only foreign Salesian missionary who remained in the country during the military rule period. He was a Rector in Mandalay, then in Anisakan (Nazareth) community. Last 35 years of his life (1965-2000) was based in Anisakan Nazareth House – first as a rector, then according the needs a novice master, formator, professor of philosophy and theology. Last years of his life was very much appreciated for his ministry of confessor, humble and joyful witness to the youth and Salesian Family around the mother-house.

The Salesians of Myanmar consider seriously to start a possible process of canonization. The Postulator General already asked the Superior of the MYM Vice-province to provide an initial Dossier about the life, mission, virtues and fame of sanctity of Fr. Giacomin. This dossier is the first necessary step in the discernment process guided by Fr. Pier Luigi Cameroni, Postulator General for the official start of his cause of canonization.

Some diocesan bishops and clergy, Salesian family members who knew Fr. Giacomin, are deeply convinced about his saintly life witness and are happy to contribute to the Dossier. For the Italian language reading people, there are few Salesian Bulletin online articles of Fr. Giacomin published between 1951 and 1976 ( The boarding students and Salesian community in Anisakan – Nazareth prayer often at the SDB cemetery on the tomb of Fr. Giacomin and the mortal remains of other 6 Salesians who passed away in Myanmar.






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